
#' Test for compound heterozygote effects 
#' Detecting rare recessive and compound heterozygote alleles in genome wide
#' association.
#' The function is an inplementation of the method aimed to detect a
#' gene-phenotype association caused by recessive and compound heterozygote
#' genotype states of multiple rare variants at a particular gene locus. This
#' method is described in 'Detecting Low Frequent Loss-of-Function Alleles in
#' Genome Wide Association Studies with Red Hair Color as Example'; Fan Liu,
#' Maksim V. Struchalin, Kate van Duijn, Albert Hofman, Andre G. Uitterlinden,
#' Yurii S. Aulchenko, and Manfred Kayser. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28145.
#' doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028145
#' The three tests are implemented: Pearson's chi-square test, Pearson's
#' chi-square test with Yates correction, Fisher exact test.  In case when the
#' input parameter min_expected_cut_off is <0 the choosen in the input
#' parameter "test" test is performed. If min_expected_cut_off >= 0 then always
#' Pearson's chi-square test is performed exept of the cases when expected
#' number of subjects in a field of contingency table is <min_expected_cut_off.
#' In this case the test choosen in the input parameter test is performed.
#' @aliases cocohet chi2_CG
#' @param data Genotype data for analysis. Object of class
#' \code{\link{snp.data}}
#' @param trait Vector with binary trait data. Object of class
#' \code{\link{integer}} or \code{\link{numeric}}.
#' @param window Number of SNPs on the "right" of a given SNP which are used in
#' analysis with a SNP. Object of class \code{\link{integer}}
#' @param return_all_result If FALSE then return only a vector where each
#' element is a chisq obtained as a maximum chisq between a given SNP and SNPs
#' on the right within a window. If TRUE then return also a matrix where
#' chisq's for all tests are stored. Object of class \code{\link{logical}}
#' @param makePlot whether the Manhattan-type plot should be produced 
#' (TRUE or FALSE) 
#' @param test Name of the test to be performed. Available tests are "CHI2",
#' "YATES" (chi2 with Yates correction), and "FISHER". Object of class
#' \code{\link{character}}
#' @param min_expected_cut_off In case this is >=0 and test is NOT Pearson's
#' chisq test then Pearson's chisq test (!) is performed only for SNPs which
#' produce acontingency table where the expected number of subjects in each
#' field is >min_expected_cut_off. Otherwise the specified test is performed.
#' Object of class \code{\link{integer}} or \code{\link{numeric}}
#' @return A list is returned.
#' @returnItem chi2_max A vector where each element is a test statistic choosen
#' as a maximum chisq among tests where a SNP and SNPs on the right within a
#' window are involved.
#' @returnItem chi2_all Statistics of all tests done in the analysis. Each row
#' of the matrix contains tests statistics for a SNP and all SNPs on the right
#' of him within of a given window.  For example: the ellement chi2_all[1,1]
#' stands for a test
#' @references 
#' Fan Liu, Maksim V. Struchalin, Kate van Duijn, Albert Hofman, Andre G. 
#' Uitterlinden, Yurii S. Aulchenko, and Manfred Kayser. Detecting Low 
#' Frequent Loss-of-Function Alleles in Genome Wide Association Studies 
#' with Red Hair Color as Example'. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28145.
#' doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028145
#' @author Maksim Struchalin
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' data(srdta)
#' chis2_nocorrection <- cocohet(data=gtdata(srdta), 
#' trait=phdata(srdta)$bt, window=3, test="CHI2")		
"cocohet" <- function(data, trait, window, return_all_result = TRUE, 
        makePlot = FALSE, test = "CHI2", min_expected_cut_off = -1)
#Correction is performed in case expected value one of the margin in contigency table less 5. Available values for chi2_correction:
# "CHI2"
    if(!is(data, "snp.data")) {
        stop("Wrong data class: the argument \"data\" should has type \"snp.data\".")
    if(!is(trait, "integer") && !is(trait, "numeric")) {
        stop("Wrong data class: the argument \"trait\" should has type \"integer\" or \"numeric\".")
    if(dim(table(trait)) != 2) {
        stop("\"trait\" must be binary")
    if(!is(window, "integer") && !is(window, "numeric")) {
        stop("Wrong data class: the argument \"window\" should has type \"integer\" or \"numeric\".")
    snp_number <- data@nsnps
    if(window >= snp_number) {
        print(paste("warning: \"window\" value ", window, " is bigger than total snp number. Automaticly reduced to maximum possible."))
        window <- snp_number - 1
        print(paste("New window value is ", window, ".\n"))
    if(window==0) {stop("Input parameter window can not be zero.\n")}
    output <- .Call("interaction_rare_recesive_allele_C_", as.raw(data@gtps), as.integer(data@nids), as.integer(snp_number),
    results <- list()
    results$chi2_max <- output[1:(data@nsnps-1)]
    if(return_all_result) {
        results$chi2_all <- matrix(output[data@nsnps:length(output)], ncol=window, nrow=data@nsnps-1, byrow=T)
    if (makePlot) {
        results_pval <- pchisq(results$chi2_max, df=1, lower.tail=F)
        results_list <- list()
        results_list$P1df <- results_pval
        results_list$map <- data@map[1:(data@nsnps-1)]
        results_list$chromosome <- data@chromosome[1:(data@nsnps-1)]
        class(results_list) <- "scan.gwaa"
    snp_position_top <- which.max(results$chi2_max)
    snp_name_top <- data@snpnames[snp_position_top]
    snp_chromosome_top <- data@chromosome[snp_position_top]
    snp_map_top <- data@map[snp_position_top]
    print(paste("The top snp has name ", snp_name_top, ",is located in chromosome ", snp_chromosome_top, ", position ", snp_map_top, sep=""))
#	{
#	print(paste("Plotting the manhettan plot for interaction bewteen snp ", snp_name_top, " and snps on the left/right within a window", sep=""))
#	look_at_snp_chi2s_interactions_rare_recesive_alleles(results$chi2_all, data, snp_position_top)
#	}

#TODO it seems the function below is never used - should it be deleted from the code?
# Commenting it out for the time-being
#"look_at_snp_chi2s_interactions_rare_recesive_alleles" <- function(
#        chi2_all, data, snp_position, 
#        manhettan_filename="one_snp_manhettan.jpeg")
#    if(!is(data,"snp.data")) {
#        stop("Wrong data class: the argument \"data\" should has type \"snp.data\".")
#    }																	    
#    if(!is(chi2_all,"matrix")) {
#        stop("Wrong data class: the argument \"chi2_all\" should has type \"matrix\".")
#    } 
#    window <- dim(chi2_all)[2]
#    snp_number <- dim(chi2_all)[1] + 1
#    if(window == 0 | snp_number==0) stop("Wrong chi2 matrix.")
#    results <- list()
#    results$right_window_chi2s <- chi2_all[snp_position,]
#    results$left_window_chi2s <- c()
#    left_border <- snp_position - window
#    if(left_border <=0 ) left_border <- 1
#    right_border <- snp_position + window
#    if(right_border > snp_number-1) right_border <- snp_number-1
#    for(i in 1:left_border)
#    {
#        results$left_window_chi2s <- c(results$left_window_chi2s, chi2_all[snp_position-i, i])
#    }
#    bitmap(manhettan_filename, type="jpeg")
#    print(snp_position)		
#    results_chi2 <- c(results$left_window_chi2s, results$right_window_chi2s)
#    print(length(results$left_window_chi2s))
#    print(length(results$right_window_chi2s))
#    print(length(results_chi2))
#    print("________________")
#    results_pval <- pchisq(results_chi2, df=1, lower.tail=F)
#    max_position_local <- which.max(results_chi2)
#    max_position <- max_position_local + snp_position
#    results_list <- list()
#    results_list$P1df <- results_pval
#    results_list$map <- c(data@map[left_border:(snp_position-1)], data@map[(snp_position+1):right_border])
#    results_list$chromosome <- as.factor(c(as.character(data@chromosome[left_border:(snp_position-1)]),
#                    as.character(data@chromosome[(snp_position+1):right_border])))
#    class(results_list) <- "scan.gwaa"
#    print(length(results_list$P1df))
#    print(length(results_list$map))
#    print(length(results_list$chromosome))
#    try(plot.scan.gwaa(results_list))
#    dev.off()
#    print(paste("The plot is saved into file ", manhettan_filename, sep=""))
#    print(paste("Maximum chi2 is ", results_chi2[max_position_local], " for a snp in position ", max_position, sep=""))
#    results_chi2

# original header moved here because the roxygen doc is not at the beginning
#       Filename:  chi2-CG.R
#    Description:  Functions for performing chi2 test for Detecting Rare Recessive Alleles.
#        Version:  1.0
#        Created:  27-May-2010
#       Revision:  none
#         Author:  Maksim V. Struchalin
#        Company:  ErasmusMC, Epidemiology, The Netherlands.
#          Email:  m.struchalin@erasmusmc.nl

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