
Defines functions NewZoning .convex_hull .is_zonable

Documented in NewZoning

# GeoFIS R package
# Copyright (C) 2021 INRAE
# Authors:
# 	Jean-luc Lablée - INRAE
# 	Serge Guillaume - INRAE
# License: CeCILL v2.1
# 	https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.html
# 	https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-fr.html
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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#' @name .is_zonable
#' @description Predicate function to determine if a vector data is zonable\cr
#' The vector data is zonable if it is numeric, without missing value, and normalizable (not an unique value)
#' @param x Vector, The data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.is_zonable <- function(x) {
  is.numeric(x) && !any(is.na(x)) && (length(unique(x)) != 1)

#' @name .convex_hull
#' @description makes the convex hull of a spatial object
#' @param x Spatial, The input object
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sfc st_combine st_convex_hull st_is_valid as_Spatial
#' @keywords internal
.convex_hull <- function(x) {
    st_as_sfc(x) %>%
      st_combine() %>%
      st_convex_hull() %>%

#' @title Class "Zoning"
#' @name Zoning
#' @docType class
#' @description The main class to perform zoning\cr
#' A complete use-case example is described in the vignette "Zoning with GeoFIS"
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @import sp
#' @references {
#' \insertRef{Pedroso10}{GeoFIS}
#' \insertRef{Infsci13}{GeoFIS}
#' \insertRef{fuzzieee13}{GeoFIS}
#' }
#' @seealso {
#' [NewZoning]
#' [Zoning documentation](https://www.geofis.org/en/documentation-en/zoning/)
#' }
#' @export
Zoning <- R6Class("Zoning",
  cloneable = FALSE,
  private = list(
    .zonable_data = NULL,
    .border = NULL,
    .neighborhood = NULL,
    .zoning_wrapper = NULL,
    .check_zonable_data = function(source, zonable, warn) {
      if (ncol(zonable) == 0) stop("zoning data source must contains at least one zonable data")
      if (warn && (ncol(source) != ncol(zonable))) {
        not_zonable_attributes <- setdiff(colnames(source@data), colnames(zonable@data))
        warning(paste("attribute(s) [", paste(not_zonable_attributes, collapse = ", "), "] not zonable"))
    .check_border_crs = function(border) {
      if (!identicalCRS(border, private$.zonable_data)) stop("border must have the same coordinate system as the data source")
    .check_border_overlay = function(border) {
      zonable_overlay <- over(private$.zonable_data, border)
      zonable_out_border <- sum(is.na(zonable_overlay))
      zonable_size <- nrow(private$.zonable_data)
      if (zonable_out_border == zonable_size) {
        stop("no points inside the border")
      } else if (zonable_out_border > 0) {
        warning(paste(zonable_out_border, "points are outside the border"))
    .check_border_geometry = function(border) {
      if (!is(border, "SpatialPolygons")) stop("the border must be a 'SpatialPolygons' object")
      if (!st_is_valid(st_as_sfc(border))) stop("the border is not a valid polygon")
      polygons_list <- border@polygons
      if (length(polygons_list) != 1) stop("the border must contain only one polygon")
      polygons <- polygons_list[[1]]
      polygon_list <- polygons@Polygons
      if (length(polygon_list) != 1) stop("the border must contain only one polygon")
    .check_border = function(border) {
    .check_neighborhood = function(neighborhood) {
      if (!is.numeric(neighborhood)) stop("the neighborhood must be a numeric value")
      if (neighborhood < 0) stop("the neighborhood must be a positive value")
    .zonable_data_size = function() {
    .check_attribute_distance = function(attribute_distance) {
      if (is.null(attribute_distance)) stop("the attribute distance cannot be NULL")
      if (!is.list(attribute_distance)) {
        attribute_distance <- list(attribute_distance)
      if (length(attribute_distance) != private$.zonable_data_size()) {
        stop("the number of attribute distances must be equal to the number of zonable attributes")
      if (all(sapply(attribute_distance, is.null))) {
        stop("at least one attribute distance must not be NULL")
    .check_orphan_zones = function() {
      bounded_feature_size <- private$.zoning_wrapper$get_bounded_feature_size()
      fusion_size <- private$.zoning_wrapper$get_fusion_size()
      if (bounded_feature_size != (fusion_size + 1)) {
        orphan_zones <- bounded_feature_size - fusion_size - 1
        stop(paste(orphan_zones, "zones have no neighbors, decrease the neighborhood value before perform zoning"))
  active = list(
    #' @field border [sp::SpatialPolygons] object, The border used to limit the processed area, or `NULL` if the Convex Hull of data source is used\cr
    #' Only data points within the border polygon are processed\cr
    #' The default value is `NULL`
    border = function(border) {
      if (missing(border)) {
      } else {
        if (is.null(border)) {
        } else {
        private$.border <- border

    #' @field neighborhood [numeric] value, The minimum edge length shared by two Voronoi polygons for being considered as neighbors\cr
    #' or `NULL` if all contiguous Voronoi polygons are considered as neighbors\cr
    #' The default value is `NULL`
    neighborhood = function(neighborhood) {
      if (missing(neighborhood)) {
      } else {
        if (is.null(neighborhood)) {
        } else {
        private$.neighborhood <- neighborhood

    #' @field attribute_distance [list] of Distance object (write-only), The functions used to compute the distance between two data points in the attribute space\cr
    #' The length of the list must be equal to the number of zonable attributes, the distance objects are treated in the order of zonable attributes\cr
    #' In case of a single attribute into the zonable dataset, the [list] is optional and a single Distance object can be provided\cr
    #' Allowed distance objects: [EuclideanDistance], [FuzzyDistance] or `NULL` if the attribute should not be used in the zoning process\cr
    #' The default value is a [list] of [EuclideanDistance]\cr
    #' See [Zoning documentation main parameters](https://www.geofis.org/en/documentation-en/zoning/#main-parameters) univariate distance\cr
    attribute_distance = function(attribute_distance) {
      if (!is.list(attribute_distance)) {
        attribute_distance <- list(attribute_distance)

    #' @field combine_distance Distance object (write-only), The function used to combine attribute distances in case of multivariate zoning\cr
    #' Allowed distance objects: [EuclideanDistance] or [MinkowskiDistance]\cr
    #' The default value is [EuclideanDistance]
    #' See [Zoning documentation main parameters](https://www.geofis.org/en/documentation-en/zoning/#main-parameters) multivariate combination\cr
    combine_distance = function(combine_distance) {

    #' @field zone_distance Distance object (write-only), The function used to compute the distance between 2 zones\cr
    #' Allowed distance objects: [MaximumDistance], [MinimumDistance] or [MeanDistance]\cr
    #' The default value is [MaximumDistance]\cr
    #' The pair of zones to be merged are those for which the `zone_distance` is minimum.\cr
    #' See [Zoning documentation main parameters](https://www.geofis.org/en/documentation-en/zoning/#main-parameters) between zone distance\cr
    zone_distance = function(zone_distance) {

    #' @field smallest_zone Smallest zone object (write-only), This criterion is used to determine the smallest size for a zone (number of points or area) to be kept in the final map\cr
    #' Allowed Smallest zone objects: [ZoneSize] or [ZoneArea]\cr
    #' The default value is [ZoneSize] with 1 point
    smallest_zone = function(smallest_zone) {
  public = list(
    #' @description Constructor, create a new instance of [Zoning]
    #' @param source [sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame] or [sp::SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame] object, The data source
    #' @param warn [logical] value, Show warnings if TRUE, default value is TRUE
    initialize = function(source, warn = TRUE) {
      if (missing(source) || !(is(source, "SpatialPointsDataFrame") || is(source, "SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame"))) stop("zoning data source must be a 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' or 'SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame' object")
      if (!is.projected(source)) stop("zoning data source must be in projected coordinate reference system")
      if (is(source, "SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame")) {
        source <- as(source, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")
      private$.zonable_data <- .filter_data_frame(source, .is_zonable)
      private$.check_zonable_data(source, private$.zonable_data, warn)
      private$.zoning_wrapper <- new(zoning_wrapper, private$.zonable_data)
      private$.zoning_wrapper$set_attribute_distances(rep(EuclideanDistance(), times = private$.zonable_data_size()))

    #' @description Get the zonable data\cr
    #' Keep only the attributes that can be used in the zoning process, meaning numeric atributes, without missing values and with a range that is not limited to a unique value\cr
    #' The last condition is required by the min-max standardization process
    #' @return [sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame] object
    zonable_data = function() {

    #' @description Compute the Voronoi diagram
    perform_voronoi = function() {

    #' @description Get the Voronoi map
    #' @return [sp::SpatialPolygons] object
    voronoi_map = function() {

    #' @description Identify adjacent polygons in the voronoi tesselation
    perform_neighborhood = function() {

    #' @description Get the neighborhood map
    #' @return [sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame] object
    neighborhood_map = function() {

    #' @description Perform the zoning
    perform_zoning = function() {

    #' @description Get the number of maps with different number of zones available after perform zoning
    #' @return [integer] value
    map_size = function() {

    #' @description Get the map corresponding to a number of zones
    #' @param number_of_zones [integer] value, The number of zones in the map
    #' @return [sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame] object
    map = function(number_of_zones) {

    #' @description Get the maps corresponding to a number of zones
    #' @param number_of_zones [integer] vector, The number of zones in each map
    #' @return [list] of [sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame] object
    maps = function(number_of_zones) {

#' @title Create object of class "Zoning"
#' @name NewZoning
#' @docType methods
#' @description Function to create object of class [Zoning]
#' @param ... arguments of [Zoning] constructor
#' @return [Zoning] object
#' @export
NewZoning <- function(...) {

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GeoFIS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:58 p.m.