
Defines functions logregr

Documented in logregr

#' R function easy binary Logistic Regression and model diagnostics
#' The function allows to make it easy to perform binary Logistic Regression, and to graphically
#' display the estimated coefficients and odds ratios. It also allows to visually check model's
#' diagnostics such as outliers, leverage, and Cook's distance.\cr
#' @param data Dataframe containing the dataset (Dependent Variable listed in the first column to
#'   the left).
#' @param oneplot Logical value which takes TRUE or FALSE (default) if the user does or doesn't
#'   want to group the first set of 8 charts in one panel.
#' @return The function may take a while (just matter of few seconds) to completed all the
#' operations, and will eventually return the following charts:\cr
#' (1) Estimated coefficients, along with each
#' coefficient's confidence interval; a reference line is set to 0. Each bar is given a color
#' according to the associated p-value, and the key to the color scale is reported in the chart's
#' legend.\cr
#' (2) Odds ratios and their confidence intervals.\cr
#' (3) A chart that is helpful in visually gauging the discriminatory power of the model: the
#' predicted probability (x axis) are plotted against the dependent variable (y axis). If the model
#' proves to have a high discriminatory power, the two stripes of points will tend to be well
#' separated, i.e. the positive outcome of the dependent variable (points with color corresponding
#' to 1) would tend to cluster around high values of the predicted probability, while the opposite
#' will hold true for the negative outcome of the dependent variable (points with color
#' corresponding to 0). In this case, the AUC (which is reported at the bottom of the chart) points
#' to a low discriminatory power.\cr
#' (4) Model's standardized (Pearson's) residuals against the predicted probability; the size of the
#' points is proportional to the Cook's distance, and problematic points are flagged by a label
#' reporting their observation number if the following two conditions happen: residual value larger
#' than 3 (in terms of absolute value) AND Cook's distance larger than 1. Recall that an observation
#' is an outlier if it has a response value that is very different from the predicted value based on
#' the model. But, being an outlier doesn't automatically imply that that observation has a negative
#' effect on the model; for this reason, it is good to also check for the Cook's distance, which
#' quantifies how influential is an observation on the model's estimates. Cook's distance should not
#' be larger than 1.\cr
#' (5) Predicted probability plotted against the leverage value; dots represent observations, and
#' their size is proportional to their leverage value, and their color is coded according to whether
#' or not the leverage is above (lever. not ok) or below (lever. ok) the critical threshold. The
#' latter is represented by a grey reference line, and is also reported at the bottom of the chart
#' itself. An observation has high leverage if it has a particularly unusual combination of
#' predictor values. Observations with high leverage are flagged with their observation number,
#' making it easy to spot them within the dataset. Remember that values with high leverage and/or
#' with high residual may be potential influencial points and may potentially negatively impact the
#' regression. As for the leverage threshold, it is set at 3*(k+1)/N (following Pituch-Stevens,
#' Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Science. Analyses with SAS and IBM's SPSS,
#' Routledge: New York 2016), where k is the number of predictors and N is the sample size.\cr
#' (6) Predicted probability against the Cook's distance.\cr
#' (7) Standardized (Pearson's) residuals against the leverage; points representing observations
#' with positive or negative outcome of the dependent variable are given different colors. Further,
#' points' size is proportional to the Cook's distance. Leverage threshold is indicated by a grey
#' reference line, and the threshold value is also reported at the bottom of the chart. Observations
#' are flagged with their observation number if their residual is larger than 3 (in terms of
#' absolute value) OR if leverage is larger than the critical threshold OR if Cook's distance is
#' larger than 1. This allows to easily check which observation turns out to be an outlier or a
#' high-leverage data point or an influential point, or a combination of the three.\cr
#' (8) Chart that is almost the same as (7) except for the way in which observations are flagged. In
#' fact, they are flagged if the residual is larger than 3 (again, in terms of absolute value) OR if
#' the leverage is higher than the critical threshold AND if a Cook's distance larger than 1 plainly
#' declares them as having a high influence on the model's estimates. Since an observation may be
#' either an outlier or a high-leverage data point, or both, and yet not being influential, the
#' chart allows to spot observations that have an undue influence on our model, regardless of them
#' being either outliers or high-leverage data points, or both.\cr
#' (9) Observation numbers are plotted against the standardized (Pearson's) residuals, the leverage,
#' and the Cook's distance. Points are labelled according to the rationales explained in the
#' preceding points. By the way, the rationale is also explained at the bottom of each plots.\cr
#' The function also returns a list storing two components: one is named 'formula' and stores the
#' formula used for the logistic regression; the other contains the model's results.
#' @keywords logregr
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom plyr count
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test confint.default
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelvalid}} , \code{\link{aucadj}}
logregr <- function(data,oneplot=FALSE){


  DV_name <-names(data[1])
  IV_names <- names(data)[names(data) != DV_name]
  IV_group <- paste(IV_names, collapse="+")
  frm <- as.formula(paste(DV_name, "~", IV_group, sep = ""))

  fit <- glm(frm, data=data, family=binomial(logit))

  coeff <-  cbind(coef = coef(fit), confint.default(fit))
  df.coeff <- data.frame(Predictors=dimnames(coeff)[[1]], Coefficient_Estimate=coeff[,1], cf_lcl=coeff[,2], cf_ucl=coeff[,3], p=coef(summary(fit))[,4])
  df.coeff$p.value <- ifelse(df.coeff$p < 0.01,"<0.01",ifelse(df.coeff$p < 0.05,"0.01<p<0.05",ifelse(df.coeff$p < 0.1,"0.05<p<0.1", ">0.1")))
  p1 <- ggplot(df.coeff, aes(x=Coefficient_Estimate, y=Predictors, color=p.value, label=round(Coefficient_Estimate,3))) + geom_point() + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = cf_ucl, xmin = cf_lcl, height = .2)) + geom_text(vjust = 0, nudge_y = 0.08) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + labs(x = "Coefficients", y="Predictors")

  odds <- cbind(OR = exp(coef(fit)), exp(confint.default(fit)))
  df.odds <- data.frame(Predictors=dimnames(odds)[[1]], Odds_Ratio=odds[,1], or_lcl=odds[,2], or_ucl=odds[,3], p=coef(summary(fit))[,4])
  df.odds.to.use <- df.odds[-1,]
  df.odds.to.use$p.value <- ifelse(df.odds.to.use$p < 0.01,"<0.01",ifelse(df.odds.to.use$p < 0.05,"0.01<p<0.05", ifelse(df.odds.to.use$p < 0.1, "0.05<p<0.1",">0.1")))
  p2 <- ggplot(df.odds.to.use, aes(x=Odds_Ratio, y=Predictors, color=p.value, label=round(Odds_Ratio,3))) + geom_point() + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = or_ucl, xmin = or_lcl, height = .2)) + geom_text(vjust = 0, nudge_y = 0.08) + geom_vline(xintercept = 1, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + labs(x = "Odds ratios", y="Predictors")

  df.diagn <- data.frame(point_lbl=as.numeric(rownames(data)), y=fit$y, pred.prob=fit$fitted.values, res=rstandard(fit), CookDist=cooks.distance(fit), DepVar=as.factor(fit$y), leverage=hatvalues(fit))
  n.of.predictors <- sum(hatvalues(fit))-1 #get the number of parameters (ecluding the intercept); it takes into account the levels of dummy-coded predictors if present
  lev.thresh <- round(3*((n.of.predictors+1)/nrow(data)),3)
  df.diagn$lever.check <- ifelse(df.diagn$leverage>lev.thresh,"lever. not ok","lever. ok")
  obs_per_factor <- count(df.diagn$DepVar) # requires 'plyr'
  U <- wilcox.test(df.diagn$pred.prob ~ df.diagn$DepVar)$statistic
  auc <- round(1-U/(obs_per_factor$freq[1]*obs_per_factor$freq[2]), 3)
  p3 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=pred.prob, y=y, color=DepVar)) + geom_jitter(position=position_jitter(height=0.1), alpha=0.70) + xlim(0,1) + theme_bw() + labs(x = paste0("Predicted probability\n(AUC: ", auc, ")"), y="Dependent variable")
  p4 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=pred.prob, y=res, color=DepVar, label=point_lbl)) + geom_point(aes(size = CookDist), shape=1, alpha=.90) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, abs(res) > 3 & CookDist > 1), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = "Predicted probability\n(labelled points=residual >|3| AND Cook's dist.>1)", y="Standardized residuals") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p5 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=pred.prob, y=leverage, color=lever.check)) + geom_point(aes(size = leverage), shape=1, alpha=.90) + geom_hline(yintercept = lev.thresh, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, leverage > lev.thresh), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = paste("Predicted probability\n( leverage threshold: 3*(k+1)/N=", lev.thresh, " )"), y="Leverage") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p6 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=pred.prob, y=CookDist, color=DepVar)) + geom_point(aes(size = CookDist), shape=1, alpha=.90) + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, CookDist > 1), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = "Predicted probability\n(labelled points=Cook's dist.>1)", y="Cook's distance") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p7 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=res, y=leverage, color=DepVar)) + geom_point(aes(size = CookDist), shape=1, alpha=.80) + geom_hline(yintercept = lev.thresh, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, abs(res) > 3 | leverage > lev.thresh | CookDist > 1), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = paste("Standardized residuals\n(labelled points=residual>|3| OR lever.>", lev.thresh,"OR Cook's dist.>1)"), y="Leverage") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p8 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=res, y=leverage, color=DepVar)) + geom_point(aes(size = CookDist), shape=1, alpha=.80) + geom_hline(yintercept = lev.thresh, colour="grey", linetype = "longdash") + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, abs(res) > 3 | leverage > lev.thresh & CookDist > 1), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = paste("Standardized residuals\n(labelled points=residual>|3| OR lever.>", lev.thresh,"AND Cook's dist.>1)"), y="Leverage") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p9 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=point_lbl, y=res, label=point_lbl)) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, abs(res) > 3), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = "Observation number\n(labelled points=resid.>|3|)", y="Standardized residuals") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p10 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=point_lbl, y=leverage, label=point_lbl)) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, leverage > lev.thresh), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = paste("Observation number\n(labelled points=leverage>",lev.thresh,")"), y="Leverage") #requires 'ggrepel'
  p11 <- ggplot(df.diagn, aes(x=point_lbl, y=CookDist, label=point_lbl)) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + geom_text_repel(data = subset(df.diagn, CookDist > 1), aes(label = point_lbl), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x = "Observation number\n(labelled points=Cook's dist.>1)", y="Cook's distance") #requires 'ggrepel'

  if (oneplot==TRUE) {
    grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, ncol=2) #requires 'gridExtra'
    grid.arrange(p9, p10, p11, ncol=1) #requires 'gridExtra'
  } else {
    grid.arrange(p9, p10, p11, ncol=1) #requires 'gridExtra'
  results <- list("formula"=frm, "fit" = fit)

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GmAMisc documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:32 p.m.