
Defines functions `[.getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData` prGetFormulaOffset getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.default getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData

Documented in getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData

#' This function helps with printing regression models
#' This function is used for getting the adjusted and unadjusted values
#' for a regression model. It takes a full model and walks through each
#' variable, removes in the regression all variables except one then
#' reruns that variable to get the unadjusted value. This functions not
#' intended for direct use, it's better to use \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()}
#' that utilizes this function.
#' This function saves a lot of time creating tables since it compiles a fully
#' unadjusted list of all your used covariates.
#' If the model is an exponential poisson/logit/cox regression model then it automatically
#' reports the exp() values instead of the original values
#' The function skips by default all spline variables since this becomes very complicated
#' and there is no simple \deqn{\beta}{beta} to display. For the same reason it skips
#' any interaction variables since it's probably better to display these as a contrast table.
#' Note that the rms regression has a separate function that uses the \code{rms:::summaryrms} function
#' that returns a matrix that is then pruned.
#' @param model The regression model
#' @param level The confidence interval level
#' @param remove_interaction_vars Removes the interaction terms as they in
#'  the raw state are difficult to understand
#' @param remove_strata Strata should most likely not be removed in the crude
#'  version. If you want to force the removal of stratas you can specify the
#'  \code{remove_strata = TRUE}
#' @param remove_cluster Cluster information should most likely also retain
#'  just as the \code{remove_strata} option. Clusters are sometimes used in
#'  cox regression models, \code{\link[survival]{cluster}()}
#' @param var_select A vector with regular expressions for choosing what variables
#'  to return (the same format as for the \code{order} argument in
#'  \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()} call). It can be useful when working with
#'  large datasets only to report a subsection of all tested variables. This
#'  makes the function both run faster and the data presentation more concise.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return Returns a matrix with the columns:
#'   \code{c("Crude", "2.5 \%", "97.5 \%", "Adjusted", "2.5 \%", "97.5 \%")}.
#'   The row order is not changed from the original model. The percentages can vary depending
#'   on the set level.
#' @seealso \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()}
#' @example inst/examples/getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData_example.R
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stats anova
#' @family crudeAndAdjusted functions
#' @rdname getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData
#' @export
getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData <- function(model,
                                         level = .95,
                                         remove_interaction_vars = TRUE,
                                         remove_strata = FALSE,
                                         remove_cluster = FALSE,
                                         ...) {

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.default <- function(model,
                                                 level = .95,
                                                 remove_interaction_vars = TRUE,
                                                 remove_strata = FALSE,
                                                 remove_cluster = FALSE,
                                                 ...) {
  var_names <- prGetModelVariables(model,
    remove_interaction_vars = remove_interaction_vars,
    add_intercept = TRUE
  if (length(var_names) == 0) {
      "You have no variables that can be displayed as adjusted/unadjusted.",
      " They are most likely all are part of an interaction, spline, I(),",
      " strata, or some other function."

  # Get the adjusted variables
  adjusted <- prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI(model, level = level)

  # Map rows to variables
  var_rows <- prMapVariable2Name(
    var_names = var_names,
    available_names = rownames(adjusted),
    data = prGetModelData(model)

  if (!missing(var_select)) {
    greps <-
        names = names(var_rows),
        order = var_select,
        ok2skip = TRUE
    if (length(greps) == 0) {
        "The variables that you have tried to select:",
        " '", paste(var_select, collapse = "', '"), "'",
        " do not seem to exist - there is no match",
        " for the names: '", paste(names(var_rows), collapse = "', '"), "'"

    var_rows <- var_rows[sort(greps)]
    var_names <- local({
      tmp <- var_names[var_names %in% names(var_rows)]
      copyAllNewAttributes(from = var_names, to = tmp)

  keep <- unlist(lapply(
    function(x) x$location
  use.names = FALSE

  if (length(keep) == 0) {
      "Error when trying to extract the variable names",
      " from the adjusted values. These names: ", paste(var_names, collapse = ", "),
      "\n seem not to exist within the rownames of: ", paste(rownames(adjusted), collapse = ", ")

  # Sort in order to keep the order
  adjusted <- adjusted[sort(keep), , drop = FALSE]
  model_list <- list()
  unadjusted <- c()
  for (variable in var_names) {
    if (!grepl("intercept", variable, ignore.case = TRUE)) {

      # We should keep any strata information when running the models
      # TODO: Add the nlmn | options
      vars_4_frml <- variable
      if (!is.null(attr(var_names, "strata")) &&
        !remove_strata) {
        vars_4_frml <- c(vars_4_frml, attr(var_names, "strata"))

      if (!is.null(attr(var_names, "cluster")) &&
        !remove_cluster) {
        vars_4_frml <- c(vars_4_frml, attr(var_names, "cluster"))

      # We must keep the offset as this is not a real variable and part of the core model
      frml_4_single_var <- paste(".~", 
                                 paste(vars_4_frml, collapse = "+")) |> 
        c(prGetFormulaOffset(model)) |> 
        paste(collapse = " + ")

      # Run the same model but with only one variable
      model_only1 <- prEnvModelCall(model, update, frml_4_single_var)

      # Get the coefficients processed with some advanced
      # round part()
      new_vars <- prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI(model_only1,
        level = level,
        skip_intercept = TRUE
      # Add them to the previous
      unadjusted <- rbind(unadjusted, new_vars)
    } else {
      # Run the same model but without any variables
      intercept_formula <- c(".~1", prGetFormulaOffset(model)) |> 
        paste(collapse = " + ")
      model_only1 <- prEnvModelCall(model, update, intercept_formula)

      # Get the coefficients
      new_vars <- prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI(model_only1,
        level = level,
        skip_intercept = FALSE

      # Add
      unadjusted <- rbind(new_vars, unadjusted)

      # Change name back to the original
      rownames(unadjusted)[1] <- variable[grepl("intercept", variable,
        ignore.case = TRUE
    # Save the model for the future
    model_list[[paste0("model_4_", variable)]] <- model_only1

  if (any(rownames(adjusted) != rownames(unadjusted))) {
      "The rownames of the adjusted don't match:",
      "\n\t a:", rownames(adjusted),
      "\n\tUa: ", rownames(unadjusted)

  # If just one variable it's not a proper matrix
  if (is.null(dim(adjusted))) {
    both <- matrix(c(unadjusted, adjusted), nrow = 1)
  } else {
    both <- cbind(unadjusted, adjusted)

  levels_str <- c(
    sprintf("%.1f %%", 100 * (1 - level) / 2),
    sprintf("%.1f %%", 100 * (level + (1 - level) / 2))

  colnames(both) <- c(
    "Crude", levels_str,
    "Adjusted", levels_str

            model = model,
            crude_models = model_list,
            class = c("getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData", class(both)))

#' @importFrom stats formula
prGetFormulaOffset <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "formula")) {
    x <- formula(x)
  Filter(f = \(x) startsWith(x, "offset("), x = x[[3]] |> as.character())

#' @rdname getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData
#' @export
#' @importFrom Gmisc copyAllNewAttributes
#' @keywords internal
`[.getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData` <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
  ret <- NextMethod()
  attr2skip <- c("dimnames", "dim")
  copyAllNewAttributes(x, ret, attr2skip = attr2skip)

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