
Defines functions getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.rms

#' @export
#' @importFrom rms bootcov
#' @importFrom rms robcov
#' @keywords internal
getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData.rms <- function(model,
                                             level = .95,
                                             remove_interaction_vars = TRUE,
                                             remove_strata = FALSE,
                                             remove_cluster = FALSE,
                                             ...) {
  var_names <- prGetModelVariables(model,
    remove_splines = TRUE,
    add_intercept = FALSE,
    remove_interaction_vars = remove_interaction_vars
  if (length(var_names) == 0) {
      "You have no variables that can be displayed as adjusted/unadjusted",
      " since they all are part of an interaction, spline or strata."

  if (grepl("intercept", coef(model)[1], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      "The rms-funcitons allow no easy way of extracting the intercept",
      ", it is thefore omitted from the output. Use regular lm/glm",
      " if the intercept is of interest"

  df <- prGetModelData(model)

  # Get the adjusted variables
  adjusted <- prCaRmsGetCoefAndCI(model,
    level = level,
    vn = var_names, data = df

  if (!missing(var_select)) {
    var_rows <-
        var_names = var_names,
        available_names = rownames(adjusted),
        data = df
    greps <-
        names = names(var_rows),
        order = var_select,
        ok2skip = TRUE

    if (length(greps) == 0) {
        "The variables that you have tried to select:",
        " '", paste(var_select, collapse = "', '"), "'",
        " do not seem to exist - there is no match",
        " for the names: '", paste(names(var_rows), collapse = "', '"), "'"

    var_rows <- var_rows[sort(greps)]
    var_names <- local({
      tmp <- var_names[var_names %in% names(var_rows)]
      copyAllNewAttributes(from = var_names, to = tmp)

    adjusted <- adjusted[unlist(lapply(
      function(x) x$location
    use.names = FALSE
    ), , drop = FALSE]

  unadjusted <- c()

  for (variable in var_names) {
    # We should keep any strata information when running the models
    # TODO: Add the nlmn | options
    vars_4_frml <- variable
    if (!is.null(attr(var_names, "strata")) &&
      !remove_strata) {
      vars_4_frml <- c(vars_4_frml, attr(var_names, "strata"))

    if (!is.null(attr(var_names, "cluster")) &&
      !remove_cluster) {
      vars_4_frml <- c(vars_4_frml, attr(var_names, "cluster"))

    frml_4_single_var <-
      paste(".~", paste(vars_4_frml, collapse = "+")) |> 
      c(prGetFormulaOffset(model)) |> 
      paste(collapse = " + ")

    # Run the same model but with only one variable
    model_only1 <- prEnvModelCall(model, update, frml_4_single_var)

    if ("boot.coef" %in% names(model)) {
      # Redo bootstrap if this was a bootstrapped
      # rms model by rerunning the bootcov part
      model_only1 <- bootcov(model_only1, B = model$B, coef.reps = "boot.Coef" %in% names(model))
    } else if (!is.null(attr(model, "robust"))) {
      model_only1 <- robcov_alt(model_only1, type = attr(model, "robust"))
    } else if (!is.null(model$orig.var)) {
        "Using the regular robcov function instead of the robcov_alt is not called for.",
        " If you get this message and you haven't used robcov then you may have a bug.",
        " Try to set the model$org.var <- NULL and see if it works better."
      model_only1 <- robcov(model_only1)

    # Get the coefficients processed with some advanced
    # round part()
    new_vars <- prCaRmsGetCoefAndCI(model_only1,
      level = level,
      vn = variable, data = df

    # Add them to the previous
    unadjusted <- rbind(unadjusted, new_vars)

  # Fix if ordering got mixed up because the summary call
  if (any(rownames(adjusted) != rownames(unadjusted))) {
    ua_order <- c()
    a_order <- c()
    ua_map <- prMapVariable2Name(
      var_names = var_names,
      available_names = rownames(unadjusted),
      data = df
    a_map <- prMapVariable2Name(
      var_names = var_names,
      available_names = rownames(adjusted),
      data = df
    for (variable in var_names) {
      ua_order <- c(
      a_order <- c(
    if (length(ua_order) != length(a_order)) {
        "An error happend when fetching the",
        "adjusted and unadjusted variables"

    # Now reorder the matrices so they match
    unadjusted <- unadjusted[ua_order, ]
    adjusted <- adjusted[a_order, ]

  # If just one variable it's not a proper matrix
  if (is.null(dim(adjusted))) {
    both <- matrix(c(unadjusted, adjusted), nrow = 1)
  } else {
    both <- cbind(unadjusted, adjusted)

  levels_str <- c(
    sprintf("%.1f %%", 100 * (1 - level) / 2),
    sprintf("%.1f %%", 100 * (level + (1 - level) / 2))

  colnames(both) <- c(
    "Crude", levels_str,
    "Adjusted", levels_str

  attr(both, "model") <- model
  class(both) <- c("getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData", class(both))

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