
# simulated data to use
ds <- data.frame(
  ftime = rexp(200),
  fstatus = sample(0:1, 200, replace = TRUE),
  Variable1 = runif(200),
  Variable2 = runif(200),
  Variable3 = runif(200),
  Variable4 = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:4], size = 200, replace = TRUE))

dd <- datadist(ds)
options(datadist = "dd")

fit <- cph(Surv(ftime, fstatus) ~ Variable1 + Variable3 + Variable2 + Variable4,
  data = ds, x = TRUE, y = TRUE
printCrudeAndAdjustedModel(fit, order = c("Variable[12]", "Variable3"))
  order = c("Variable3", "Variable4"),
  add_references = TRUE,
  desc_column = TRUE

# Now to a missing example
n <- 500
ds <- data.frame(
  x1 = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:4], size = n, replace = TRUE)),
  x2 = rnorm(n, mean = 3, 2),
  x3 = factor(sample(letters[1:3], size = n, replace = TRUE))

ds$Missing_var1 <- factor(sample(letters[1:4], size = n, replace = TRUE))
ds$Missing_var2 <- factor(sample(letters[1:4], size = n, replace = TRUE))
ds$y <- rnorm(nrow(ds)) +
  (as.numeric(ds$x1) - 1) * 1 +
  (as.numeric(ds$Missing_var1) - 1) * 1 +
  (as.numeric(ds$Missing_var2) - 1) * .5

# Create a messy missing variable
non_random_missing <- sample(which(ds$Missing_var1 %in% c("b", "d")),
  size = 150, replace = FALSE
# Restrict the non-random number on the x2 variables
non_random_missing <- non_random_missing[non_random_missing %in%
  which(ds$x2 > mean(ds$x2) * 1.5) &
  non_random_missing %in%
    which(ds$x2 > mean(ds$y))]
ds$Missing_var1[non_random_missing] <- NA

# Simple missing variable
ds$Missing_var2[sample(1:nrow(ds), size = 50)] <- NA

# Setup the rms environment
ddist <- datadist(ds)
options(datadist = "ddist")

impute_formula <-
      collapse = "+"

imp_ds <- aregImpute(impute_formula, data = ds, n.impute = 10)

fmult <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 +
  Missing_var1 + Missing_var2,
fitter = ols, xtrans = imp_ds, data = ds

  impute_args = list(
    variance.inflation = TRUE,
    coef_change = list(
      type = "diff",
      digits = 3

# Use some labels and style to prettify the output
# fro the mtcars dataset

label(mtcars$mpg) <- "Gas"
units(mtcars$mpg) <- "Miles/(US) gallon"

label(mtcars$wt) <- "Weight"
units(mtcars$wt) <- "10^3 kg" # not sure the unit is correct

mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am, levels = 0:1, labels = c("Automatic", "Manual"))
label(mtcars$am) <- "Transmission"

mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
label(mtcars$gear) <- "Gears"

# Make up some data for making it slightly more interesting
mtcars$col <- factor(sample(c("red", "black", "silver"), size = NROW(mtcars), replace = TRUE))
label(mtcars$col) <- "Car color"

fit_mtcar <- lm(mpg ~ wt + gear + col, data = mtcars)
  add_references = TRUE,
  ctable = TRUE,
  desc_column = TRUE,
  digits = 1,
  desc_args = caDescribeOpts(
    digits = 1,
    colnames = c("Avg.")
  )) |>
  htmlTable::addHtmlTableStyle(css.rgroup = "",
                               css.header = "font-weight: normal")

  add_references = TRUE,
  desc_column = TRUE,
  order = c("Interc", "gear")

# Alterntive print - just an example, doesn't make sense to skip reference
  order = c("col", "gear"),
  groups = c("Color", "Gears"),
  add_references = c("black", NA),
  ctable = TRUE

# Now we can also combine models into one table using rbind()
mpg_model <- printCrudeAndAdjustedModel(lm(mpg ~ wt + gear + col, data = mtcars),
  add_references = TRUE,
  ctable = TRUE,
  desc_column = TRUE,
  digits = 1,
  desc_args = caDescribeOpts(
    digits = 1,
    colnames = c("Avg.")

wt_model <- printCrudeAndAdjustedModel(lm(wt ~ mpg + gear + col, data = mtcars),
  add_references = TRUE,
  ctable = TRUE,
  desc_column = TRUE,
  digits = 1,
  desc_args = caDescribeOpts(
    digits = 1,
    colnames = c("Avg.")

rbind(Miles = mpg_model, Weight = wt_model) |>
  addHtmlTableStyle(pos.caption = "bottom") |>
  htmlTable(caption = paste("Combining models together with a table spanner element",
                            "separating each model"))

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