
exit_file("Internal functions not yet exported")

# seqProb
# Invalid calls
expect_error(seqProb(), info='argument "up" is missing, with no default')
expect_error(seqProb(up=1:3, mean=1:3), info="length of mean must be 1")
expect_error(seqProb(lo=1, up=-1), info="up >= lo is not TRUE")
expect_error(seqProb(lo=1:2, up=c(3:5)), info="incompatible bounds")
expect_error(seqProb(0, sd=-1), info="sd must be > 0")
expect_error(seqProb(up=1:3, tau=1:2/2), info="incompatible up and tau")

# 1 dimensional
expect_equal(seqProb(0), pnorm(0))
expect_equal(seqProb(0, exitLast=TRUE), pnorm(0))
z <- rnorm(1)
expect_equal(seqProb(z), pnorm(z))
expect_equal(seqProb(z, exitLast=TRUE), 1-seqProb(z))
p <- .95
expect_equal(seqProb(qnorm(p)), p)
expect_equal(seqProb(1, mean=1), pnorm(1, mean=1))
expect_equal(seqProb(2, mean=1, sd=2), pnorm(2, mean=1/2, sd=1))
expect_equal(seqProb(2, mean=1, sd=2, hasZbounds=FALSE),
             pnorm(2, mean=1, sd=2))

expect_equal(seqProb(-Inf), 0)
expect_equal(seqProb(-Inf, exitLast=TRUE), 1)
expect_equal(seqProb(Inf), 1)
expect_equal(seqProb(Inf, exitLast=TRUE), 0)

# Multivariate
expect_equal(seqProb(c(Inf, 0)), seqProb(0))
expect_equal(seqProb(c(-Inf, 0)), 0)
expect_equal(seqProb(c(Inf, Inf, 0),
                     alg=mvtnorm::GenzBretz()),  # standard alg would crash
p1 <- seqProb(c(2, 2, 2), mean=0)
p2 <- seqProb(c(2, 2, 2), mean=1)
p3 <- seqProb(c(1, 1, 1), mean=1)
p4 <- seqProb(c(1, 1, 0), mean=1)
expect_true(p1 > p2)
expect_true(p2 > p3)
expect_true(p3 > p4)

# Make sure it can handle singular covariance matrices
up <- rep(2, 3)
singularCovVarCausingSD <- rep(1, 3)
expect_true(inherits(seqProb(up, mean=0, sd=singularCovVarCausingSD), "numeric"))

# Vary tau
crit <- c(2, 2)
tau <- (1:2)/2

# If mean (or drift) is 0, scaling tau should have no effect on probability
p0 <- seqProb(crit, mean=0, tau=tau, exitLast=TRUE)
expect_equal(p0, seqProb(crit, mean=0, tau=tau*2, exitLast=TRUE))
expect_equal(p0, seqProb(crit, mean=0, tau=tau/3, exitLast=TRUE))

# In contrast, for non-zero mean, a scale-effect is expected, which
# basically can be interpreted in terms of in-/decreasing power by
# in-/decreasing the sample size
p1 <- seqProb(crit, mean=1, tau=tau, exitLast=TRUE)
expect_true(p1 < seqProb(crit, mean=1, tau=tau*2, exitLast=TRUE)) # doubled sample size
expect_true(p1 > seqProb(crit, mean=1, tau=tau/3, exitLast=TRUE)) # 1/3 of sample size

# For non non-linear scaling, an effect is expected as well
expect_false(p0 == seqProb(crit, mean=0, tau=tau*c(1, 2), exitLast=TRUE))

# Compare seqProb with reference software by Lan-DeMets
# Reference values were calculated using Lan-DeMets software - see:
# All results were obtained using Compute -> Probability, One-Sided and
# manually entered test boundaries (i.e. no alpha spending function).

# The calculated reference probabilites (lanDeMets) are found in the
# rightmost column ('Cum exit pr') of the result table of the software.
# The following function will perform the corresponding calculations based
# on seqProb:
calculate_Cum_exit_pr <- function(Time, upperBound,
                                  lowerBound=rep(-Inf, length(upperBound)), ...) {
    p <- numeric(length(Time))
    for (i in seq_along(Time)) {
        p[i] <- seqProb(upperBound[1:i], tau=Time[1:i], lo=lowerBound[1:i],
                        exitLast=TRUE, ...)

# Do some 4-stage calculations
times <- c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00)
bounds <- c(4, 3, 2, 1)
cumP <- calculate_Cum_exit_pr(times, bounds)
lanDeMets <- c(0.00003, 0.00137, 0.02294, 0.15934)
expect_equal(cumP, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Use drift = 2
drift <- 2
cumP <- calculate_Cum_exit_pr(times, bounds, mean=drift)
lanDeMets <- c(0.00135, 0.05660, 0.39529, 0.84180)
expect_equal(cumP, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Non-standard information times (instead of equally spaced)
times <- c(.1, .2, .4, .7)
cumP <- calculate_Cum_exit_pr(times, bounds)
lanDeMets <- c(0.00003, 0.00137, 0.02321, 0.16175)
expect_equal(cumP, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Again with drift
drift <- 1.5
cumP <- calculate_Cum_exit_pr(times, bounds, mean=drift)
lanDeMets <- c(0.00021, 0.00999, 0.14786, 0.60399)
expect_equal(cumP, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Trivial 1-stage 'sequential' designs"
# One stage designs represent the special (actually non-sequential) case
alpha <- 0.05
crit <- qnorm(1 - alpha)

# Invalid calls
expect_error(seqDesign(), info='crit is missing')
expect_error(seqDesign(as.logical(crit)), info='crit must be numeric')
expect_error(seqDesign(crit, tau=1:2/2), info="incompatible crit and tau")
expect_error(seqDesign(crit, sd=1/sqrt(1:2)), info="incompatible crit and sd")
expect_error(seqDesign(1:2, tau=2:1/2), info="tau not increasing")
expect_error(seqDesign(crit, futStop=crit+0.1),
             info="Futility stop must not exceed critical limit")

result <- seqDesign(crit)
expect_equal(result$p$exit, alpha)
expect_equal(sum(unlist(result$p)), 1)

# Set mean equal to critical limit, which means
# z = x - mean = crit - crit = 0, which gives power of 0.5
expect_equal(seqDesign(crit, mu=crit)$p$exit, 0.5)

# If mean < critical limit, power falls below 0.5 ...
pow <- seqDesign(crit, mu=crit/2)$p$exit
expect_true(pow < 0.5)
# ... but increases if std dev decreases under H1
expect_true(seqDesign(crit, mu=crit/2, sd=1/sqrt(2))$p$exit > pow)

# If mean > critical limit, power rises above 0.5 ...
pow2 <- seqDesign(crit, mu=crit*2)$p$exit
expect_true(pow2 > 0.5)
# ... but decreases if std dev increases under H1
expect_true(seqDesign(crit, mu=crit*2, sd=2)$p$exit < pow2)

# Multi-stage sequential designs consistency checks
isIncreasing <- function(x) !is.unsorted(x)
isDecreasing <- function(x) !is.unsorted(rev(x))

# Design under H0 (i.e. mu == 0)
crit <- rep(2, 4)
d0 <- seqDesign(crit)
expect_equal(length(d0$p$exit), length(crit))
# Verify that alpha under H0 does not depend on n
expect_equal(d0$p$exit, seqDesign(crit, n=100)$p$exit)

# Design under H1
d1 <- seqDesign(crit, mu=1)
expect_true(all(d1$p$undecided < d0$p$undecided))

expect_equal(d1, seqDesign(crit, mu=1, n=1))
# Under H1, the overall power should increase with increasing n
expect_true(sum(seqDesign(crit, mu=1, n=5)$p$exit) > sum(d1$p$exit))

dfs0 <- seqDesign(crit, mu=0, futStop=rep(0, 4))
dfs1 <- seqDesign(crit, mu=1, futStop=rep(0, 4))

# Due to added futility stops, the following conditions should hold:
expect_true(all(dfs0$p$exit[-1] < d0$p$exit[-1]))
expect_true(all(dfs1$p$exit[-1] < d1$p$exit[-1]))
expect_true(all(dfs0$p$undecided < d0$p$undecided))
expect_true(all(dfs1$p$undecided < d1$p$undecided))

df <-$p)
df$cumExit <- cumsum(df$exit)
expect_true(all(rowSums(df[c("cumExit", "undecided", "cumFutStop")]) == 1))
df <-$p)
df$cumExit <- cumsum(df$exit)
expect_true(all(rowSums(df[c("cumExit", "undecided", "cumFutStop")]) == 1))

# Compare 2-stage 'sequential' designs with LanDeMets software
# Reference values were calculated using Lan-DeMets software - see:
# All results were obtained using Compute -> Probability, One-Sided and
# manually entered test boundaries (i.e. no alpha spending function).

# The calculated reference probabilities (lanDeMets) are found as the
# cumulative exit probability (rightmost column "Cum exit pr") in the
# result table of the software.

# Standard case
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2))$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.02275, 0.03799)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Vary tau
tau <- c(.2, .5)
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2), tau=tau)$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.02275, 0.03945)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)
tau <- c(.2, .75)
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2), tau=tau)$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.02275, 0.04123)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

# Incorporate drift (power calculations)
drift <- 1
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2), mu=drift)$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.09802, 0.19556)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

drift <- 2
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2), mu=drift)$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.27901, 0.53892)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

drift <- 3
cumAlpha <- cumsum(seqDesign(crit=c(2, 2), mu=drift,
                             tau=c(.3, .8))$p$exit)
lanDeMets <- c(0.36061, 0.77441)
expect_equal(cumAlpha, lanDeMets, tol = 1e-4)

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