
Defines functions plot.MeanVar_portfolio summary.MeanVar_portfolio MeanVar_portfolio validate_MeanVar_portfolio new_MeanVar_portfolio

Documented in MeanVar_portfolio new_MeanVar_portfolio validate_MeanVar_portfolio

#' A constructor for class MeanVar_portfolio
#' A light-weight constructor of objects of S3 class MeanVar_portfolio.
#' This  function is for development purposes. A helper function equipped with
#' error messages and allowing more flexible input is
#' \code{\link{MeanVar_portfolio}}.
#' @param mean_vec mean vector of asset returns
#' @param cov_mtrx the covariance matrix of asset returns
#' @inheritParams MVShrinkPortfolio
#' @return Mean-variance portfolio in the form of object of
#' S3 class MeanVar_portfolio.
#' @examples
#' n<-3e2 # number of realizations
#' p<-.5*n # number of assets
#' gamma<-1
#' x <- matrix(data = rnorm(n*p), nrow = p, ncol = n)
#' # Simple MV portfolio
#' cov_mtrx <- Sigma_sample_estimator(x)
#' means <- rowMeans(x)
#' cust_port_simp <- new_MeanVar_portfolio(mean_vec=means,
#'                                         cov_mtrx=cov_mtrx, gamma=2)
#' str(cust_port_simp)
#' # Portfolio with Bayes-Stein shrunk means
#' # and a Ledoit and Wolf estimator for covariance matrix
#' TM <- matrix(0, p, p)
#' diag(TM) <- 1
#' cov_mtrx <- CovarEstim(x, type="LW20", TM=TM)
#' means <- mean_bs(x)
#' cust_port_BS_LW <- new_MeanVar_portfolio(mean_vec=means$means,
#'                                          cov_mtrx=cov_mtrx, gamma=2)
#' str(cust_port_BS_LW)
#' @export
new_MeanVar_portfolio <- function(mean_vec, cov_mtrx, gamma){

  cl <- match.call()

  inv_cov_mtrx <- solve(cov_mtrx)
  p <- nrow(inv_cov_mtrx)
  I_vect <- rep(1, times=p)

  Q_n_hat <- inv_cov_mtrx -
    (inv_cov_mtrx %*% I_vect %*% t(I_vect) %*% inv_cov_mtrx)/
    as.numeric(t(I_vect) %*% inv_cov_mtrx %*% I_vect)

  W_EU_hat <- as.vector(
    (inv_cov_mtrx %*% I_vect)/
    as.numeric(t(I_vect) %*% inv_cov_mtrx %*% I_vect) +
    Q_n_hat %*% mean_vec / gamma,
  mode = 'numeric')

  Port_Var <- as.numeric(t(W_EU_hat)%*%cov_mtrx%*%W_EU_hat)
  Port_mean_return <- as.numeric(mean_vec %*% W_EU_hat)
  Sharpe <- Port_mean_return/sqrt(Port_Var)

            class = "MeanVar_portfolio")

#' A validator for objects of class MeanVar_portfolio
#' @param w Object of class MeanVar_portfolio.
#' @return If the object passes all the checks, then w itself is returned,
#' otherwise an error is thrown.
#' @examples
#' n<-3e2 # number of realizations
#' p<-.5*n # number of assets
#' gamma<-1
#' x <- matrix(data = rnorm(n*p), nrow = p, ncol = n)
#' # Simple MV portfolio
#' cov_mtrx <- Sigma_sample_estimator(x)
#' means <- rowMeans(x)
#' cust_port_simp <- new_MeanVar_portfolio(mean_vec=means,
#'                                         cov_mtrx=cov_mtrx, gamma=2)
#' str(validate_MeanVar_portfolio(cust_port_simp))
#' @export
validate_MeanVar_portfolio <- function(w) {

  values <- unclass(w)

  if (is.null(values$cov_mtrx))  {
    stop("a covariance matrix is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$inv_cov_mtrx)) {
    stop("an inverse covariance matrix is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$means)) {
    stop("a mean vector is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$weights)) {
    stop("a vector of weights is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$Port_Var)) {
    stop("a portfolio variance is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$Port_mean_return)) {
    stop("a portfolio mean return is missing", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(values$Sharpe))  stop("a Sharpe ratio is missing", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.vector(values$means))  stop("means is not a vector", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.vector(values$weights)) {
    stop("weights is not a vector", call. = FALSE)
  if (!identical(class(values$inv_cov_mtrx), c("matrix", "array"))){
    stop("inv_cov_mtrx is not a matrix", call. = FALSE)

  if (length(values$means)!=length(values$weights) |
      nrow(values$inv_cov_mtrx)!=length(values$weights)) {
      "lenghts of the mean vector and the weights must
       equal the row number of the covariance matrix",
      call. = FALSE

  if (nrow(values$cov_mtrx)!=ncol(values$cov_mtrx)) {
      "The covariance matrix is not square",
      call. = FALSE


#' A helper function for MeanVar_portfolio
#' A user-friendly function making mean-variance portfolios for assets
#' with customly computed covariance matrix and mean returns.
#' The weights are computed in accordance with the formula
#' \deqn{\hat w_{MV} = \frac{\hat{\Sigma}^{-1} 1}{1' \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} 1} +
#'                     \gamma^{-1} \hat Q \hat{\mu},}
#' where \eqn{\hat{\Sigma}} is an estimator for the covariance matrix,
#' \eqn{\hat{\mu}} is an estimator for the mean vector, \eqn{\gamma} is
#' the coefficient of risk aversion, and \eqn{\hat Q} is given by
#' \deqn{\hat Q = \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} - \frac{\hat{\Sigma}^{-1} 1
#' 1' \hat{\Sigma}^{-1}}{1' \hat{\Sigma}^{-1} 1} .}
#' The computation is made by \code{\link{new_MeanVar_portfolio}} and
#' the result is validated by \code{\link{validate_MeanVar_portfolio}}.
#' @param mean_vec mean vector of asset returns provided in the form of
#' a vector or a list.
#' @param cov_mtrx the covariance matrix of asset returns.
#' It could be a matrix or a data frame.
#' @inheritParams MVShrinkPortfolio
#' @return Mean-variance portfolio in the form of object of
#' S3 class MeanVar_portfolio.
#' @examples
#' n<-3e2 # number of realizations
#' p<-.5*n # number of assets
#' gamma<-1
#' x <- matrix(data = rnorm(n*p), nrow = p, ncol = n)
#' # Simple MV portfolio
#' cov_mtrx <- Sigma_sample_estimator(x)
#' means <- rowMeans(x)
#' cust_port_simp <- MeanVar_portfolio(mean_vec=means,
#'                                     cov_mtrx=cov_mtrx, gamma=2)
#' str(cust_port_simp)
#' @export
MeanVar_portfolio <- function(mean_vec, cov_mtrx, gamma){

  cov_mtrx <- as.matrix(cov_mtrx)
  mean_vec <- unlist(mean_vec)
  if(!is.numeric(mean_vec)) stop("mean_vec seems to contain non-numbers")

  xx <- new_MeanVar_portfolio(mean_vec=mean_vec,


# Summary method for MeanVar_portfolio
#' @export
summary.MeanVar_portfolio <- function(object, ...){


# Plot method for MeanVar_portfolio
#' @export
plot.MeanVar_portfolio <- function(x, y=NULL, ...){

  weights <- x$weights
  ww <- weights
  graphics::barplot(ww, xlab="assets", ylab="weight")

  mm<- x$means
  graphics::barplot(mm, xlab="assets", ylab="mean")


  Cmat <- x$cov_mtrx
  mat3 <- t(Cmat)
  lattice::levelplot(mat3, main="Cov matrix", xlab="columns", ylab="rows",
                     ylim=c(ncol(Cmat), 0), xlim=c(0, nrow(Cmat)))


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HDShOP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.