
Defines functions getLikelihood getLS getIntercept getBeta

Documented in getBeta getIntercept getLikelihood getLS

getBeta = function(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1){
	xx = object$draws$Beta
	nn = dim(xx)[[1]]
	dd=seq((burnin+1), nn, thin)
	if(length(dim(xx)) == 3){ #for random effect model
		return(xx[dd,,]) }
	if(length(dim(xx)) == 2){  ##for fixed effect model
		return(xx[dd,]) }

getIntercept = function(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1){
	xx = object$draws$Intercept
	else if(class(xx)[1] == 'matrix'){  ##for fixed effect model
		nn = dim(xx)[[1]]
		dd = seq((burnin+1), nn, thin)
	}else{			#for random effect model
		nn = length(xx)
		dd = seq((burnin+1), nn, thin)

getLS = function(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1){
	xx = object$draws$ZZ
	nn = length(xx)
	dd = seq((burnin+1),nn,thin)
	kk = length(xx[[1]])
	lp = list()
	for(i in 1:kk){
		lp.sub = array(0,dim=c(dim(xx[[1]][[i]])[1],dim(xx[[1]][[i]])[2],length(dd)))
		for(j in 1:length(dd)){
			ind = dd[j]
			lp.sub[,,j] = xx[[ind]][[i]]
	lp[[i]] = lp.sub
#	return(sapply(dd,function(w) lapply(1:kk, function(y) xx[[w]][[y]]))

getLikelihood = function(object, burnin = 0, thin = 1){
	xx = object$draws$likelihood 
	nn = length(xx)
	dd = seq(burnin, nn, thin)

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