
Defines functions hmm0norm2d

Documented in hmm0norm2d

#R is the tremor location data.
###R is a nn*n matrix. If R is nn*1, should use 
###R <- as.matrix(R) to make R as a matrix.
###Z is the binary data indicating if tremors are observed
#P is the matrix of p_{is}'s, n by m.
#delta_j is the initial probability at state j.
#pie_j is the probability of Z=1 when the process is in state j 
hmm0norm2d <- function( R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta, tol=1e-6, print.level=1, fortran = TRUE)
  n <- ncol( mu )
  m <- nrow( mu )
  nn <- nrow( R )
  count = 1
    pRS <- matrix( 1, nn, m )
    for (k in 1:m)
      pRS[,k] <- ( pie[k] * dmvnorm(R, mean = mu[k,], sigma = sig[,,k]) )*Z + (1-pie[k])*(1-Z)
##Scaled forward variable
    logalpha <- matrix(as.double(rep(0, nn * m)), nrow = nn)
    lscale <- as.double(0)
    phi <- as.double(delta)
    gamma <- matrix(as.double(gamma),nrow=m)
    pRS <- matrix(as.double(pRS),nrow=nn)
    if (fortran!=TRUE){
        #  loop1 using R code
      for (t in 1:nn)
        if (t > 1) 
           phi <- phi %*% gamma
        phi <- phi * pRS[t,]
        sumphi <- sum(phi)
        phi <- phi/sumphi
        lscale <- lscale + log(sumphi)
        logalpha[t, ] <- log(phi) + lscale
	  if (count > 1.5){
        LLn = lscale
        diffL = LLn - LL 
        if (LLn < LL) stop ('worse likelihood')
        if (diffL <= tol) break
      LL <- lscale
      if (!is.double(gamma)) stop("gamma is not double precision")
      memory0 <- rep(as.double(0), m)
      loop1 <- .Fortran("loop1", m, nn, phi, pRS, gamma, logalpha,
                        lscale, memory0, PACKAGE="HMMextra0s")
      logalpha <- loop1[[6]]
      if (count > 1.5){
        LLn = loop1[[7]]
        diffL = LLn - LL 
        if (LLn < LL) stop ('worse likelihood')
        if (diffL <= tol) break
      LL <- loop1[[7]]
##Scaled backward variable
    logbeta <- matrix(as.double(rep(0, nn * m)), nrow = nn)
    phi <- as.double(rep(1/m, m))
    lscale <- as.double(log(m))
    if (fortran!=TRUE){
        #  loop2 using R code
      for (t in seq(nn - 1, 1, -1)) 
         phi <- gamma %*% (pRS[t+1,] * phi)
         logbeta[t, ] <- log(phi) + lscale
         sumphi <- sum(phi)
         phi <- phi/sumphi
         lscale <- lscale + log(sumphi)
    } else{
        memory0 <- rep(as.double(0), m)
        loop2 <- .Fortran("loop2", m, nn, phi, pRS, gamma, logbeta,
                          lscale, memory0, PACKAGE="HMMextra0s")
        logbeta <- loop2[[6]]
    if (fortran!=TRUE) {
###Calculate v_t(j)
        v <- exp(logalpha + logbeta - LL)
###Calculate w_t(i,j) 
        w <- array( NA, c( nn-1, m, m ) )
        for (k in 1:m) {
            logprob <- log( pRS[-1, k] )
            logPi <- matrix(log(gamma[, k]), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nn - 
                1, ncol = m)
            logPbeta <- matrix(logprob + logbeta[-1, k],
                byrow = FALSE, nrow = nn - 1, ncol = m)
            w[, , k] <- logPi + logalpha[-nn, ] + logPbeta - LL
        w <- exp(w)
    } else {
        v <- array(0.0, c( nn, m ))
        w <- array(0.0, c( nn-1, m, m ) )
# logalpha can contain -Inf values where phi=0; set NAOK=TRUE as the Fortran code
# will handle such cases safely
        estep <- .Fortran("estep", m, nn, logalpha, logbeta, LL,
                          pRS, gamma, v, w, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="HMMextra0s")
        v <- estep[[8]]
        w <- estep[[9]]

###Estimate pie_{i}, mu_{ij} and sigma_{ij}
    hatpie <- rep(0, m)
    hatmu <- matrix( 0, m, n )
    hatsig <- array( 0, dim=c(n,n,m) )
    if (fortran!=TRUE) {
        for (j in 1:m) {
            hatpie[j] <- ( v[,j] %*% Z ) / sum( v[,j] )
            hatmu[j,] <- ( v[Z==1,j] %*% R[Z==1,] ) / sum( v[Z==1,j] )
            for (kk in 1:n) {
                for (jj in 1:n) {
                    hatsig[kk,jj,j] <- ( sum( v[Z==1,j] * ( R[Z==1,kk] - hatmu[j,kk] )*
                                       ( R[Z==1,jj] - hatmu[j,jj] ) ) /
                                         sum( v[Z==1,j] ) )
    } else {
        mstep2d <- .Fortran("mstep2d", n, m, nn, v, Z, R,
                            hatpie, hatmu, hatsig,
        hatpie <- mstep2d[[7]]
        hatmu <- mstep2d[[8]]
        hatsig <- mstep2d[[9]]

###Estimate gamma_{ij}
#   hatgamma <- matrix( 1, m, m )
#   for (j in 1:m)
#   {
#      for (i in 1:m)
#      {
#         hatgamma[i,j] <- sum( (w[,i,j]) ) / 
#                          ( sum( v[,i] ) - v[nn,i] )
#      }
#   }
    hatgamma <- colSums( w ) / replicate(m, colSums( v ) - v[nn,])
###Estimate delta
    hatdelta <- v[1,]
    pie <- hatpie
    mu <- hatmu
    sig <- hatsig
    gamma <- hatgamma
    delta <- hatdelta
    count = count + 1    
    if (print.level==2){
#  write(format(t(nvtj)),'vtj.txt',ncolumns=m)
  return(list(pie=pie,mu=mu, sig=sig, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, LL=LLn))

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HMMextra0s documentation built on Aug. 3, 2021, 9:06 a.m.