
Defines functions plotBPC

Documented in plotBPC

#' @title plotBPC.
#' @description
#' \code{plotBPC} will plot for each item of a list of result-ojects from \link{getMultipleBPC} the BPC traces and the spectrum at the scan where the summed intensity of all ions is max.
#' @details
#' not yet
#' @param bpc A bpc object (list of intensity matrixes, rt x mz, including several attributes as attached by \link{getMultipleBPC}).
#' @param mfrow Specify mfrow explicitely (is optimized internally if NULL to cover n=length(bpc)).
#' @param skip_plots Allows to block certain subplots in the mfrow matrix to bettern align replicates.
#' @param ylim Can be specified specifically, will be adjusted to overall min/max otherwise.
#' @param col Specific color vector for masses may be provided.
#' @param ids Specific plot ids may be explicitely provided.
#' @param type Switch between co-plot of BPC and Spectrum ("both") or BPC alone ("bpc").
#' @param ann Select value to annotate peaks in spectrum. Usually the mass deviation from the expected value in mDa.
#' @return
#' A plot to the graphics device and NULL as invisible.
#' @examples
#' # load example raw data
#' data(res_list)
#' plotBPC(bpc = res_list[[1]][["bpc"]][c(1:2, 13:14)])
#' plotBPC(bpc = res_list[[1]][["bpc"]][c(1:2, 13:14)], ann="mz")
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom graphics mtext
#' @importFrom graphics polygon
#' @importFrom grDevices grey
#' @importFrom graphics box

plotBPC <- function(bpc = NULL, mfrow = NULL, skip_plots = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = NULL, ids = NULL, type = "both", ann = c("mdev", "mz", "none")) {
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  ann <- match.arg(ann)

  # number of valid samples
  n <- ifelse(is.list(bpc), length(bpc), 1)

  # remove empty samples
  # --> would be better do return empty subplots instead
  if (any(sapply(bpc, is.null))) {
    idx <- which(sapply(bpc, is.null))
    if (length(idx) == n) stop(print("All samples appear empty."))
    bpc <- bpc[-idx]
    ids <- ids[-idx]
    n <- n - length(idx)
    for (i in idx) {
      skip_plots <- c(skip_plots, i + sum(skip_plots < i))

  # check for differing number of ion traces in samples
  num_ion_traces <- unique(sapply(bpc, ncol))
  if (!(length(num_ion_traces) == 1)) {
    warning("Different numbers of ion traces exported in bpc. Possibly one file is empty")

  # set color vector
  if (is.null(col)) {
    if (num_ion_traces >= 2) {
      col <- 1:num_ion_traces
    } else {
      col <- grDevices::grey(0.2)
  } else {
    if (length(col) != num_ion_traces) col <- rep(col, length.out = num_ion_traces)

  # set ylim
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(
      min(sapply(bpc, function(x) {
        ifelse(any(is.finite(unlist(x))), min(x, na.rm = T), 100)
      max(sapply(bpc, function(x) {
        ifelse(any(is.finite(unlist(x))), max(x, na.rm = T), 100)

  # switch between BPC only and spectra aside plot
  # if (num_ion_traces>=2) {
  if (type == "both") {
    if (is.null(mfrow)) mfrow <- grDevices::n2mfrow(n) * c(1, 2) else mfrow <- mfrow * c(1, 2)

    par(mfrow = mfrow)

    cor_val <- 0
    for (i in 1:(n + length(skip_plots))) {
      if (i %in% skip_plots) {
        cor_val <- cor_val + 1
        for (i in 1:2) plot(1, 1, axes = F, ann = F, type = "n")
      } else {
        j <- i - cor_val
        if (is.null(bpc[[j]])) {
          for (i in 1:2) plot(1, 1, axes = F, ann = F, type = "n")
        } else {
          int <- bpc[[j]]
          rt <- attr(bpc[[j]], "rt")
          # plot isotope BPCs of sample
          par(mar = c(2, 2.4, 3, 0))
          plot(y = int[, 1], x = rt, main = ifelse(is.null(ids), j, ids[j]), type = "l", col = col[1], ylim = ylim, xlab = "RT", ylab = "", log = "y", panel.first = abline(v = rt[attr(bpc[[j]], "maxBPC")], lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = grDevices::grey(0.9)))
          points(int[, 1] ~ rt, pch = 21, bg = col[1])
          if (ncol(int) >= 2) {
            for (k in 2:ncol(int)) {
              lines(int[, k] ~ rt, col = col[k])
              points(int[, k] ~ rt, pch = rep(c(21, 22, 24, 25), 3)[k], bg = col[k])
          # plot spectrum of sample
          spec <- bpc[[j]][attr(bpc[[j]], "maxBPC"), ]
          spec <- spec / ifelse(any(is.finite(unlist(spec))), max(spec, na.rm = T), 1)
          mz <- attr(bpc[[j]], "mz")
          par(mar = c(2, 0.5, 3, 0.1))
          plot(y = spec, x = mz, type = "h", lwd = 3, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(floor(min(mz)), ceiling(max(mz))), ylab = "", xlab = "", main = "", col = col, panel.first = abline(h = seq(0, 1, 0.1), lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = grDevices::grey(0.9)), axes = FALSE)
          # annotate with mass defect
          md <- attr(bpc[[j]], "mass_defect")
          if (ann=="mz") { md <- as.numeric(colnames(bpc[[j]])) }
          if (ann=="none") { md <- NULL }
          for (k in which(is.finite(md))) text(y = spec[k], x = mz[k], labels = md[k], adj = c(ifelse(spec[k] > 0.8, 1, 0), 1.25), srt = 90, col = grDevices::grey(0.4), cex = 1)
  if (type == "bpc") {
    # simplified version (only BPC, no spectrum)
    if (is.null(mfrow)) mfrow <- grDevices::n2mfrow(n) else mfrow <- mfrow
    par(mfrow = mfrow)
    cor_val <- 0
    for (i in 1:(n + length(skip_plots))) {
      if (i %in% skip_plots) {
        cor_val <- cor_val + 1
        plot(1, 1, axes = F, ann = F, type = "n")
      } else {
        j <- i - cor_val
        if (is.null(bpc[[j]])) {
          plot(1, 1, axes = F, ann = F, type = "n")
        } else {
          # substitute missing values against zero
          # browser()
          bpc[[j]][!is.finite(bpc[[j]])] <- 0
          if (ncol(bpc[[j]]) == 1) {
            int <- bpc[[j]][, 1]
          } else {
            int <- apply(bpc[[j]], 1, max)
          rt <- attr(bpc[[j]], "rt")
          mb <- ifelse(is.null(attr(bpc[[j]], "maxBPC")), which.max(int), attr(bpc[[j]], "maxBPC"))
          # plot BPC of sample and indicate peak position
          par(mar = c(2, 2.4, 3, 0))
          plot(y = int, x = rt, type = "n", pch = 21, main = ifelse(is.null(ids), j, ids[j]), xlab = "RT", ylab = "", ylim = ylim, panel.first = abline(v = rt[mb], lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = grDevices::grey(0.9)))
          graphics::mtext(side = 3, text = round(max(int)), line = -1.2, adj = 0.98)
          if (!is.null(attr(bpc[[j]], "peak_boundaries"))) {
            pb <- attr(bpc[[j]], "peak_boundaries")
            abline(v = rt[pb], col = grDevices::grey(0.9))
            tmp.x <- attr(bpc[[j]], "rt")[pb[1]:pb[2]]
            tmp.y <- int[pb[1]:pb[2]]
            tmp.y <- max(tmp.y, na.rm = T) * tmp.y / max(tmp.y, na.rm = T)
            ext <- ifelse(tmp.y[1] > tmp.y[length(tmp.y)], tmp.x[1], tmp.x[length(tmp.y)])
            graphics::polygon(x = c(tmp.x, ext), y = c(tmp.y, min(tmp.y)), col = grey(0.9))
          lines(ylim[2] * int / max(int, na.rm = T) ~ rt, bg = col[1])
          lines(int ~ rt, col = 2, lty = 2)

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HiResTEC documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:46 a.m.