
Defines functions c_Wass_Q_dist_2P c_PROTO_KOHONEN c_dotpW c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST_NEW c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST c_ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT_simple c_DISTA_ADA c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy_1V c_MEMB_comp c_ADA_F_WHEIGHT c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ c_WH_ADPT_KMEANS_TOTALSSQ c_Wass_Q_dist_DET c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS_M_D c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS c_STEP_3_AFFECT_ADA_KMEANS c_STEP_2_2_WEIGHTS_ADA_KMEANS c_cen_rad Provec c_STEP_2_ADA_KMEANS c_MOM_MAT c_MOM_D c_ComputeFastSSQ c_Prepare2 c_Prepare c_Fast_D_Mat c_Compute_M_from_MM c_ComputeFASTSSQ c_DISTA_M2 c_DISTA_M c_MM_L2_SQ_WASS_D M_STD_H CORR_RCPP COV_RCPP SSQ_RCPP MEDIA_V PREPARE_A_VEC_MAT REGISTER2 concatenate_and_sort COMP_Q_VECT whichLowerEQThanX

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

whichLowerEQThanX <- function(x, y) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_whichLowerEQThanX', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, y)

COMP_Q_VECT <- function(x, p, vp) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_COMP_Q_VECT', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, p, vp)

concatenate_and_sort <- function(a, b) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_concatenate_and_sort', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', a, b)

REGISTER2 <- function(a, b) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_REGISTER2', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', a, b)

PREPARE_A_VEC_MAT <- function(MAT) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_PREPARE_A_VEC_MAT', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MAT)

MEDIA_V <- function(MAT, wei) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_MEDIA_V', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MAT, wei)

SSQ_RCPP <- function(MAT, wei) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_SSQ_RCPP', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MAT, wei)

COV_RCPP <- function(MAT, wei) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_COV_RCPP', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MAT, wei)

CORR_RCPP <- function(MAT, wei) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_CORR_RCPP', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MAT, wei)

M_STD_H <- function(o) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_M_STD_H', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', o)

c_MM_L2_SQ_WASS_D <- function(MM) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_MM_L2_SQ_WASS_D', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM)

c_DISTA_M <- function(MM, Protos) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_DISTA_M', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, Protos)

c_DISTA_M2 <- function(MM, Protos) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_DISTA_M2', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, Protos)

c_ComputeFASTSSQ <- function(subMM) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFASTSSQ', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', subMM)

c_Compute_M_from_MM <- function(subMM) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Compute_M_from_MM', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', subMM)

c_Fast_D_Mat <- function(MM) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Fast_D_Mat', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM)

c_Prepare <- function(x, simplify, qua, standardize) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Prepare', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, simplify, qua, standardize)

c_Prepare2 <- function(x, simplify, qua, standardize) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Prepare2', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, simplify, qua, standardize)

c_ComputeFastSSQ <- function(subMM) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFastSSQ', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', subMM)

c_MOM_D <- function(o) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_MOM_D', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', o)

c_MOM_MAT <- function(x) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_MOM_MAT', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x)

c_STEP_2_ADA_KMEANS <- function(MM, proto, schema, memb) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_STEP_2_ADA_KMEANS', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, proto, schema, memb)

Provec <- function(x) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_Provec', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x)

c_cen_rad <- function(x) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_cen_rad', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x)

c_STEP_2_2_WEIGHTS_ADA_KMEANS <- function(D1, D2, PROSUM, schema, theta) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_STEP_2_2_WEIGHTS_ADA_KMEANS', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', D1, D2, PROSUM, schema, theta)

c_STEP_3_AFFECT_ADA_KMEANS <- function(lambdas, dIpro_m, dIpro_v, ind, k, vars) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_STEP_3_AFFECT_ADA_KMEANS', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', lambdas, dIpro_m, dIpro_v, ind, k, vars)

c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS <- function(y, w) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', y, w)

c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS_M_D <- function(y, wM, wDis) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_COMP_SEVERAL_MEANS_M_D', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', y, wM, wDis)

c_Wass_Q_dist_DET <- function(o1, o2) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Wass_Q_dist_DET', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', o1, o2)

c_WH_ADPT_KMEANS_TOTALSSQ <- function(x, memb, m, lambdas, proto) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_WH_ADPT_KMEANS_TOTALSSQ', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, memb, m, lambdas, proto)

c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ <- function(x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta)

c_ADA_F_WHEIGHT <- function(distances, k, vars, ind, schema, weight_sys, theta, m) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ADA_F_WHEIGHT', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', distances, k, vars, ind, schema, weight_sys, theta, m)

c_MEMB_comp <- function(ind, vars, k, lambdas, diINDtoPROT_M, diINDtoPROT_V, m, theta) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_MEMB_comp', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', ind, vars, k, lambdas, diINDtoPROT_M, diINDtoPROT_V, m, theta)

c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy_1V <- function(M, memb, m) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy_1V', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', M, memb, m)

c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy <- function(MM, memb, m, nr, nc) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, memb, m, nr, nc)

c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT <- function(MM, prot) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, prot)

c_DISTA_ADA <- function(x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_DISTA_ADA', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema)

c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT_simple <- function(MM, prot) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT_simple', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, prot)

c_ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ <- function(MM, prot, memb, m) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, prot, memb, m)

c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST <- function(MM, x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', MM, x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta)

c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST_NEW <- function(DM, DV, memb, m, lambdas, theta) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST_NEW', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', DM, DV, memb, m, lambdas, theta)

c_dotpW <- function(o1, o2) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_dotpW', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', o1, o2)

c_PROTO_KOHONEN <- function(proto, k, ind, MM, vars, KT, IDX) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_PROTO_KOHONEN', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', proto, k, ind, MM, vars, KT, IDX)

c_Wass_Q_dist_2P <- function(o1, o2) {
    .Call('_HistDAWass_c_Wass_Q_dist_2P', PACKAGE = 'HistDAWass', o1, o2)

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HistDAWass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.