
Defines functions plot3dHive

Documented in plot3dHive

#' @describeIn plotHive Create a 3D Hive Plot
#' @importFrom rgl bg3d spheres3d text3d
#' @export

plot3dHive <- function(HPD, ch = 1, dr.nodes = TRUE,
                       method = "abs", axLabs = NULL, axLab.pos = NULL,
                       LA = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You need to install package rgl to use this function")

  # Function to plot 3D hive plots
  # inspired by the work of Martin Kryzwinski
  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, Feb 2011 onward

  # Spherical coordinates will be used


  nx <- length(unique(HPD$nodes$axis))
  if (nx == 1) stop("Something is wrong: only one axis seems to be present")
  if ((nx == 2) | (nx == 3)) stop("Use plotHive for hive plots with 2 or 3 axes")
  if (HPD$type == "2D") stop("Use plotHive for hive plots of type = 2D")

  # Send out for ranking/norming if requested

  if (!method == "abs") HPD <- manipAxis(HPD, method)

  nodes <- HPD$nodes
  edges <- HPD$edges
  axis.cols <- HPD$axis.cols

  nodes$radius <- nodes$radius + ch
  HPD$nodes$radius <- nodes$radius # important, as HPD is passed
  # to drawHiveSpline so it must be updated here

  rgl::bg3d("black") # black background to rgl graphics

  ##### Four dimensional case (nx = 4, 5, 6 with rgl graphics)

  # Draw axes first

  if (nx == 4) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)

    r <- c(min1, max1, min2, max2, min3, max3, min4, max4) # in polar coordinates
    theta <- c(45, 45, -45, -45, 135, 135, -135, -135) # start, end, start, end
    phi <- c(54.7, 54.7, 125.3, 125.3, 125.3, 125.3, 54.7, 54.7)
    ax.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
    ax.coord <- sph2cart(ax.df)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[1:2, ], col = axis.cols[1], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[3:4, ], col = axis.cols[2], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[5:6, ], col = axis.cols[3], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[7:8, ], col = axis.cols[4], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)

    # now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius)
      phi <- c(
        rep(54.7, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(125.3, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(125.3, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(54.7, length(n4$radius))
      theta <- c(
        rep(45, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(-45, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(135, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(-135, length(n4$radius))
      n.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      n.coord <- sph2cart(n.df)
      rgl::spheres3d(n.coord$x, n.coord$y, n.coord$z,
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color),
        radius = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size)

    # now draw edges

    tmp <- drawHiveSpline(HPD, LA = LA, ...)

    # add a center sphere

    rgl::spheres3d(0, 0, 0, col = "gray", radius = ch)

    # add axis labels if requested

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      phi <- c(54.7, 125.3, 125.3, 54.7)
      theta <- c(45, -45, 135, -135)
      t.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      t.coord <- sph2cart(t.df)
      rgl::text3d(t.coord, texts = axLabs, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col = "white")
  } # end of 4D

  ##### Five dimensional case

  # Draw axes first

  if (nx == 5) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)
    # n5 <- subset(nodes, axis == 5)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]
    n5 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 5, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    max5 <- max(n5$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)
    min5 <- min(n5$radius)

    r <- c(
      min1, max1, min2, max2, min3, max3,
      min4, max4, min5, max5
    ) # in polar coordinates
    theta <- c(0, 0, 120, 120, 240, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0) # start, end, start, end
    phi <- c(90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0, 0, 180, 180)
    ax.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
    ax.coord <- sph2cart(ax.df)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[1:2, ], col = axis.cols[1], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[3:4, ], col = axis.cols[2], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[5:6, ], col = axis.cols[3], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[7:8, ], col = axis.cols[4], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[9:10, ], col = axis.cols[5], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)

    # now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius, n5$radius)
      phi <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(180, length(n5$radius))
      theta <- c(
        rep(0, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(120, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(240, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n5$radius))
      n.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      n.coord <- sph2cart(n.df)
      rgl::spheres3d(n.coord$x, n.coord$y, n.coord$z,
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color, n5$color),
        radius = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size, n5$size)

    # now draw edges

    tmp <- drawHiveSpline(HPD, LA = LA, ...)

    # add a center sphere

    rgl::spheres3d(0, 0, 0, col = "gray", radius = ch)

    # add axis labels if requested

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      phi <- c(90, 90, 90, 0, 180)
      theta <- c(0, 120, 240, 0, 0)
      t.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      t.coord <- sph2cart(t.df)
      rgl::text3d(t.coord, texts = axLabs, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col = "white")
  } # end of 5D

  ##### Six dimensional case

  # Draw axes first

  if (nx == 6) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)
    # n5 <- subset(nodes, axis == 5)
    # n6 <- subset(nodes, axis == 6)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]
    n5 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 5, ]
    n6 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 6, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    max5 <- max(n5$radius)
    max6 <- max(n6$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)
    min5 <- min(n5$radius)
    min6 <- min(n6$radius)

    r <- c(
      min1, max1, min2, max2, min3, max3,
      min4, max4, min5, max5, min6, max6
    ) # in polar coordinates
    theta <- c(0, 0, 90, 90, 180, 180, 270, 270, 0, 0, 0, 0) # start, end, start, end
    phi <- c(90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0, 0, 180, 180)
    ax.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
    ax.coord <- sph2cart(ax.df)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[1:2, ], col = axis.cols[1], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[3:4, ], col = axis.cols[2], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[5:6, ], col = axis.cols[3], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[7:8, ], col = axis.cols[4], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[9:10, ], col = axis.cols[5], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)
    rgl::segments3d(ax.coord[11:12, ], col = axis.cols[6], line_antialias = TRUE, lwd = 4)

    # now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius, n5$radius, n6$radius)
      phi <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n5$radius)),
        rep(180, length(n6$radius))
      theta <- c(
        rep(0, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(90, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(180, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(270, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n5$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n6$radius))
      n.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      n.coord <- sph2cart(n.df)
      rgl::spheres3d(n.coord$x, n.coord$y, n.coord$z,
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color, n5$color, n6$color),
        radius = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size, n5$size, n6$size)

    # now draw edges

    tmp <- drawHiveSpline(HPD, LA = LA, ...)

    # add a center sphere

    rgl::spheres3d(0, 0, 0, col = "gray", radius = ch)

    # add axis labels if requested

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5, max6)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      phi <- c(90, 90, 90, 90, 0, 180)
      theta <- c(0, 90, 180, 270, 0, 0)
      t.df <- data.frame(radius = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
      t.coord <- sph2cart(t.df)
      rgl::text3d(t.coord, texts = axLabs, adj = c(0.5, 0.5), col = "white")
  } # end of 6D
} # closing brace, this is the end!

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HiveR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:25 a.m.