
sap.segments <- #the new ibd.runs!!!
function(twostrands_list, sap) { #genedrops for several chromosomes. sap = single allele pattern	
	do.call(rbind, lapply(twostrands_list, sap.finder, sap=sap))

sap.finder <-
function(x, sap) {#x a list of haplo-objects (i.e. each element is a list of two matrices); sap = single allele pattern
	zero = sap[['0']]; one = sap[['1']]; two = sap[['2']]; atm1 = sap[['atmost1']]; atl1 = sap[['atleast1']]; not1=sap[['not1']]
	stopifnot(!is.null(id1 <- c(two, atl1, one)[1]))
	sap.indivs = c(zero,one,two,atm1,atl1,not1)
	breaks = unlist(lapply(unlist(x[sap.indivs], recursive=FALSE), function(m) m[-1,1]))
	breaks = c(0, .sortDouble(breaks[!duplicated(breaks)]))
	running_alleles = numeric(0); res=matrix(nrow=0,ncol=3); starts=numeric(); 
	ALLalleles = list(); ALLalleles[sap.indivs] <- lapply(x[sap.indivs], .getAlleles, posvec=breaks)
	for(i in seq_along(breaks)) { 
		a = ALLalleles[[id1]][1, i]; b = ALLalleles[[id1]][2, i]
		for (A in running_alleles[!running_alleles %in% c(a,b)]) {#reached end of segment, write to result matrix
			res = rbind(res, c(starts[A], breaks[i], A))
			running_alleles = running_alleles[running_alleles != A]
		for(al in {if(a==b) a else c(a,b)}) {
			ibd_nr = numeric(length(x))
			ibd_nr[sap.indivs] = unlist(lapply(ALLalleles[sap.indivs], function(als) sum(als[,i]==al)))
			test = all(ibd_nr[two]==2) && all(ibd_nr[atl1]>0) && all(ibd_nr[one]==1) && all(ibd_nr[atm1]<2) && all(ibd_nr[zero]==0) && all(ibd_nr[not1]!=1)  #longer but faster
			ind = match(al, running_alleles, nomatch=0) #
			if(ind>0 && !test)  {#cat(al,"pos",breaks[i],"stop(fail)\n")
				res = rbind(res, c(starts[al], breaks[i], al))
				running_alleles = running_alleles[-ind] #cat(running_alleles, "running\n")
			else if(ind==0 && test) {#cat(al,"pos",breaks[i],"start\n")
				running_alleles=c(running_alleles, al)
	for (A in running_alleles) res = rbind(res, c(starts[A], attr(x,'length_Mb'), A)) #last entries
	if(!is.null(disloc <- attr(x, 'dis.locus'))) 
		disreg = as.numeric(res[,1] <= attr(x, 'dis.locus') & res[,2] > attr(x, 'dis.locus') & res[,3] == attr(x, 'dis.allel'))
	else disreg = rep.int(0,nrow(res))
	chrom = rep.int(attr(x, 'chromosome'), nrow(res))
	res = cbind(chrom, res, disreg)
	colnames(res) = c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'allele', 'disreg') 

### not used!
# ibd.finder.ordered <-
# function(x, ibd.ordered, nonibd.ordered) {
    # # x: single sim of a single chrom, all indivs. A list of haplo-objects (i.e. each element is a list of two matrices)
    # # ibd: vector of signed ID integers. +/- = paternal/maternal. 
    # # Example: ibd = c(3,-4) ---> (paternal of ind 3 == maternal of ind 4 signed)
	# all.conditions = c(ibd.ordered, nonibd.ordered)
    # stopifnot(all(sapply(all.conditions, length) >= 2))
    # ids = sort.int(unique.default(abs(unlist(all.conditions))))
    # haplos = unlist(x[ibd], recursive=FALSE)
    # breaks = unlist(lapply(haplos, function(m) m[-1,1]))
	# breaks = c(0, .sortDouble(breaks[!duplicated(breaks)]))
    # alleles = do.call(cbind, lapply(haplos, pos2allele, posvec=breaks))
    # colnames(alleles) = paste0(c("","-"), rep(ids, each=2))
    # test = rep(T, length(breaks))
    # for(vec in ibd.ordered) {
        # this_alleles = alleles[, as.character(vec)]
        # test = test & rowSums(this_alleles - this_alleles[, 1]) == 0
    # }
    # for(vec in nonibd.ordered) {
        # this_alleles = alleles[, as.character(vec)]
        # test = test & rowSums(abs(this_alleles - this_alleles[, 1])) > 0
    # }
    # stops = c(breaks[-1], attr(x, 'length_Mb'))
    # chrom = rep.int(attr(x, 'chromosome'), sum(test))
    # disreg = rep.int(0, sum(test)) # Dont want/need this? To make sure downstream summary stuff works...
    # cbind(chrom=chrom, start=breaks[test], end=stops[test], alleles[test, , drop=F], disreg=disreg)
# }

### not used!!!
# ibd.status <-
# function(x, id.pair) {
    # # x: single sim of a single chrom, all indivs. A list of haplo-objects (i.e. each element is a list of two matrices)
    # haplos = unlist(x[id.pair], recursive=FALSE)
    # breaks = unlist(lapply(haplos, function(m) m[-1,1]))
	# breaks = c(0, .sortDouble(breaks[!duplicated(breaks)]))
    # alleles_list = lapply(haplos, pos2allele, posvec=breaks)
    # ibd_pp = alleles_list[[1]] == alleles_list[[3]]
    # ibd_pm = alleles_list[[1]] == alleles_list[[4]]
    # ibd_mp = alleles_list[[2]] == alleles_list[[3]]
    # ibd_mm = alleles_list[[2]] == alleles_list[[4]]
    # ibd = (ibd_pp | ibd_pm) + (ibd_mp | ibd_mm) 
    # starts = breaks
    # stops = c(breaks[-1], attr(x, 'length_Mb'))
    # alleles_matrix = do.call(cbind, alleles_list)
    # colnames(alleles_matrix) = paste0(rep(id.pair, each=2), c("p","m"))
    # chrom = rep.int(attr(x, 'chromosome'), length(breaks))
    # cbind(chrom=chrom, start=starts, end=stops, length=stops-starts, alleles_matrix, ibd=ibd, ibd_pp=ibd_pp, ibd_pm=ibd_pm, ibd_mp=ibd_mp, ibd_mm=ibd_mm)
# }

.getAlleles = function(chromdata, posvec) {
    posvec[posvec<0] = 0
    rbind(pos2allele(chromdata[[1]], posvec),
          pos2allele(chromdata[[2]], posvec))

pos2allele = function(haplo, posvec) { # haplo = matrix with 2 columns (breaks - allele)
	indices = findInterval(posvec, haplo[, 1])
    haplo[indices, 2]

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IBDsim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.