View source: R/FSA_uniqueMSPblockTaggerUntargeted.R
FSA_uniqueMSPblockTaggerUntargeted | R Documentation |
FSA_uniqueMSPblockTaggerUntargeted(path, MSPfile_vector,
minCSAdetectionFrequency = 20, minEntropySimilarity = 0.75, massError = 0.01,
massErrorPrecursor = 0.01, RTtolerance = 0.1, noiseRemovalRatio = 0.01,
allowedNominalMass = FALSE, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy = TRUE,
plotSpectra = FALSE, number_processing_threads = 1)
path |
Address of .msp file(s) |
MSPfile_vector |
A vector of names of .msp files or one .msp file name. |
minCSAdetectionFrequency |
minimum CSA detection frequency |
minEntropySimilarity |
minimum EntropySimilarity |
massError |
Mass accuracy in Da |
massErrorPrecursor |
Mass accuracy (Da) to find precursor m/z in .msp files |
RTtolerance |
Retention time tolerance (min) |
noiseRemovalRatio |
noise removal ratio ([0 - 1])relative to the basepeak to measure entropy similarity score. |
allowedNominalMass |
c(TRUE, FALSE). Select 'TRUE' only for nominal mass analysis. |
allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy |
c(TRUE, FALSE). Weighted entropy to transform low abundant signals prior to calculating entropy similarity score. Please see the reference for details on wight transformation. |
plotSpectra |
number_processing_threads |
Number of processing threads for multi-threaded processing |
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