FSA_uniqueMSPblockTaggerUntargeted <- function(path, MSPfile_vector, minCSAdetectionFrequency = 20, minEntropySimilarity = 0.75,
massError = 0.01, massErrorPrecursor = 0.01, RTtolerance = 0.1, noiseRemovalRatio = 0.01,
allowedNominalMass = FALSE, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy = TRUE, plotSpectra = FALSE,
number_processing_threads = 1) {
if ( {
precursorMZcheck <- FALSE
} else {
precursorMZcheck <- TRUE
FSdb <- msp2FSdb(path, MSPfile_vector, massIntegrationWindow = massError, allowedNominalMass, allowedWeightedSpectralEntropy, noiseRemovalRatio, number_processing_threads)
basePeakMZ <- as.numeric(FSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["basepeakmz"]])
if (!is.null(basePeakMZ)) {
basePeakIntensity <- as.numeric(FSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["basepeakintensity"]])
orderBasePeakIntensity <- order(basePeakIntensity, decreasing = TRUE)
nSpectra <- length(basePeakIntensity)
spectraIDs <- seq(1, nSpectra, 1)
res_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSpectra)
res_list_len <- rep(0, nSpectra)
progressBARboundaries <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nSpectra, initial = 0, style = 3)
i <- 0
for (k in orderBasePeakIntensity) {
if (spectraIDs[k] > 0) {
if (allowedNominalMass) {
if (precursorMZcheck) {
ID <- which(abs(FSdb[["Retention Time"]] - FSdb[["Retention Time"]][k]) <= RTtolerance &
abs(FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]] - FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][k]) <= 2 &
(basePeakMZ == basePeakMZ[k]) &
(FSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]] == FSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][k]))
} else {
ID <- which(abs(FSdb[["Retention Time"]] - FSdb[["Retention Time"]][k]) <= RTtolerance &
abs(FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]] - FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][k]) <= 2 &
(basePeakMZ == basePeakMZ[k]))
} else {
if (precursorMZcheck) {
ID <- which(abs(FSdb[["Retention Time"]] - FSdb[["Retention Time"]][k]) <= RTtolerance &
abs(FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]] - FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][k]) <= 2 &
abs(basePeakMZ - basePeakMZ[k]) <= massError &
abs(FSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]] - FSdb[["PrecursorMZ"]][k]) <= massErrorPrecursor)
} else {
ID <- which(abs(FSdb[["Retention Time"]] - FSdb[["Retention Time"]][k]) <= RTtolerance &
abs(FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]] - FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][k]) <= 2 &
abs(basePeakMZ - basePeakMZ[k]) <= massError)
LID <- length(ID)
if (LID == 1) {
uniqueMSPblock <- ID
} else {
S_PEAK_B <- FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][k]
PEAK_B <- FSdb[["FragmentList"]][[k]]
IDspectralSimilarity <-, lapply(2:LID, function(j) {
S_PEAK_A <- FSdb[["Spectral Entropy"]][ID[j]]
PEAK_A <- FSdb[["FragmentList"]][[ID[j]]]
SESS <- spectral_entropy_similarity_score(PEAK_A, S_PEAK_A, PEAK_B, S_PEAK_B, massError, allowedNominalMass)
if (SESS >= minEntropySimilarity) {
uniqueMSPblock <- c(k, IDspectralSimilarity)
res_list[[k]] <- uniqueMSPblock # The order is same as the FSDB
spectraIDs[spectraIDs %in% uniqueMSPblock] <- 0
res_list_len[k] <- length(uniqueMSPblock)
i <- i + 1
setTxtProgressBar(progressBARboundaries, i)
selectedFSdbIDs <- which(res_list_len >= minCSAdetectionFrequency)
if (length(selectedFSdbIDs) > 0) {
if (plotSpectra) {
outputUniqueSpectra <- paste0(path, "/UNIQUETAGS/uniqueTagsSpectra/")
FSA_dir.create(outputUniqueSpectra, allowedUnlink = TRUE)
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("Unique tag spectra figures are stored in the `", outputUniqueSpectra,"` folder!"))
dev.offCheck <- TRUE
while (dev.offCheck) {
dev.offCheck <- tryCatch(, error = function(e) {FALSE})
call_plotUniqueTag <- function(i) {
variantFolder <- paste0(outputUniqueSpectra, "/variant_", i, "_RT_", FSdb[["Retention Time"]][i])
FSA_dir.create(variantFolder, allowedUnlink = TRUE)
for (j in res_list[[i]]) {
filenameUniqueTag <- paste0(variantFolder, "/", j, "_", FSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["MSPfilename"]][j], "_.png")
fileCreateRCheck <- file.create(file = filenameUniqueTag, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (fileCreateRCheck) {
png(filenameUniqueTag, width = 16, height = 8, units = "in", res = 100)
plotFSdb2SpectraCore(FSdb, index = j)
} else {
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("WARNING!!! Figure can not be created for `", filenameUniqueTag, "` due to character length limit in the `", variantFolder, "`!"))
if (number_processing_threads == 1) {
progressBARboundaries <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nSpectra, initial = 0, style = 3)
for (i in selectedFSdbIDs) {
setTxtProgressBar(progressBARboundaries, i)
null_variable <- call_plotUniqueTag(i)
} else {
## Processing OS
osType <-[['sysname']]
if (osType == "Windows") {
clust <- makeCluster(number_processing_threads)
clusterExport(clust, setdiff(ls(), c("clust", "selectedFSdbIDs")), envir = environment())
null_variable <- parLapply(clust, selectedFSdbIDs, function(i) {
} else {
null_variable <- mclapply(selectedFSdbIDs, function(i) {
}, mc.cores = number_processing_threads)
FSdb[["MSPLibraryParameters"]][["CSAvariantDetectionFreq"]] <- res_list_len
uniqueMSPvariants <- FSdb_subsetter(FSdb, inclusionIDs = selectedFSdbIDs)
FSA_dir.create(paste0(path, "/UNIQUETAGS/"), allowedUnlink = FALSE)
save(uniqueMSPvariants, file = paste0(path, "/UNIQUETAGS/uniqueMSPtagsUntargeted.Rdata"))
FSdb2msp(path = paste0(path,"/UNIQUETAGS"), FSdbFileName = "uniqueMSPtagsUntargeted.Rdata", UnweightMSP = FALSE, number_processing_threads)
} else {
FSA_logRecorder(paste0("No common msp blocks was found using absolute frequency of detection >= `", minCSAdetectionFrequency,"` in the untargeted unique tag analysis!"))
} else {
FSA_logRecorder("The `basePeakIntensity` meta-variable was not found in the .msp files!")
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