Man pages for IFP
Identifying Functional Polymorphisms

allele.freqAllele Frequency Computation from Genotype Data
allele.freq.GAllele Frequency Computation from the sequencing data with a...
apoeGenetic data of APOE gene region
apoeGSequencing data of APOE gene region from the 1000 Genomes...
drgegggne.gmcausal models with all possible causal factors: G, G*G, G*E...
drgegne.gmcausal models with three possible causal factors: G, G*E and...
drgene.gmcausal models with G*E and E
drgen.gmcausal models with G*E
drggn.gmcausal models with G*G
drgn.gmcausal models with G
error.ratesError Rates Estimation for Likelihood Ratio Tests Designed...
geno.freq.GGenotype Frequency Computation from the sequencing data with...
genotype.GConversion to Genotypes from Alleles using the sequencing...
hap.freqEstimation of Haplotype Frequencies with Two SNPs
iter.mcmcmcmc inference of causal models with all possible causal...
lrtLikelihood Ratio Tests for Identifying Number of Functional...
lrt.GLikelihood Ratio Tests for Identifying Disease Polymorphisms...
IFP documentation built on Nov. 26, 2020, 1:07 a.m.