
Defines functions downloadator

Documented in downloadator

                       #In order to avoid an error/note message, below 'http' is used instead of 'https'

  #' Downloads the latest version of blended data from the ECA&D website
  #' @description This function will use the default or specified links to download one or several files from ECA&D and place them for their use
  #' with INQC. For each variable a data file and a station file will/should be specified.
  ## When a parameter is not specified or the link does not exist, the function will skip this variable.
  #' @param homefolder full path to local folder in the form './homefolder'. The function will store there the station files and create ./homefolder/raw
  #' and will store there the data
  #' @param tx  link to download daily maximum temperature or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param tx2 link to download daily maximum temperatures station list  or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param tn  link to download daily minimum temperature or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param tn2 link to download daily minimum temperature station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param tg  link to download daily average temperature or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param tg2 link to download daily average temperature station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param sd  link to download daily snow depth or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param sd2 link to download daily snow depth station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param ss  link to download daily sunshine duration or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param ss2 link to download daily sunshine duration station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param rr  link to download daily rainfall or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param rr2 link to download daily rainfall station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param pp  link to download daily sea level pressure or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param pp2 link to download daily sea level pressure station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param cc  link to download daily cloud coverage or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param cc2 link to download daily cloud coverage station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param hu  link to download daily relative humidity or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param hu2 link to download daily relative humidity station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param fg  link to download daily wind speed or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @param fg2 link to download daily wind speed station list or NULL. Default set to working ECA&D link, as of 22/12/2020. Provided link MUST exist.
  #' @return For each valid link, the corresponding file will be downloaded. Data files will be unzipped to the ./raw folder (as requested by INQC)
  #' and station files will be stored at the specified homefolder
  #' @examples
  #' \dontrun{
  #' #Set a temporal working directory:
  #' wd <- tempdir()
  #' wd0 <- setwd(wd)
  #' #Please note, the command below might take a while and will download the ECA&D data
  #' #with a size more than 0.5GB
  #' downloadator('./data',
  #'              tx=NULL,
  #'              tx2=NULL,
  #'              tn=NULL,
  #'              tn2=NULL,
  #'              tg=NULL,
  #'              tg2=NULL,
  #'              sd=NULL,
  #'              sd2=NULL,
  #'              ss='http://knmi-ecad-assets-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/download/ECA_nonblend_ss.zip',
  #'              ss2="http://knmi-ecad-assets-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/download/ECA_blend_source_ss.txt",
  #'              rr=NULL,
  #'              rr2=NULL,
  #'              pp=NULL,
  #'              pp2=NULL,
  #'              cc=NULL,
  #'              cc2=NULL,
  #'              hu=NULL,
  #'              hu2=NULL,
  #'              fg=NULL,
  #'              fg2=NULL)
  #' #Delete the downloaded archive (the zip-file)
  #' file.remove(paste(wd,"/data/raw/","ss.zip",sep=""))
  #' #Return to user's working directory:
  #' setwd(wd0)
  #' #The downloaded files can be found in directory:
  #' print(wd)
  #' }
  #' @export

  ## 1) a set of variables (tx,tn,tg,sd,ss,rr,cc,hu,fg) which represent the variables analyzed at the INDECIS project.They can be either NULL or a working url, expressed
  ## as string. Example: tx=NULL (no download attempt) or tx = "https://www.ecad.eu//utils/downloadfile.php?file=download/ECA_nonblend_tx.zip".
  ## Defaults are set to the current URLs to download ECA&D files.

  ## 2) a second set of variables (tx2,tn2,tg2,sd2,ss2,rr2,cc2,hu2,fg2) to download the respective station files. Again, options are a working ECA&D URL as string or NULL
  ## examples: tx2 = NULL or tx2 =  "https://www.ecad.eu//download/ECA_nonblend_info_tx.txt"
  ## Defaults are set to the current URLs to download ECA&D files.

  print(paste(Sys.time(),"Created folders to host downloads"),quote=FALSE)
  for(i in 1:n){
      print(paste(Sys.time(),'Downloading & uncompressing', toupper(variables[i]),'Series'),quote=FALSE)
      utils::download.file(target,destfile = paste0(rawfolder,"/",variables[i],".zip"),quiet=TRUE)
      print(paste(Sys.time(),'Downloading', toupper(variables[i]),'Stations File'),quote=FALSE)
      utils::download.file(target,destfile = paste0(homefolder,"/ECA_blend_source_",variables[i],".txt"),quiet=TRUE)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

INQC documentation built on May 24, 2021, 5:07 p.m.