#' @title ReadSpecClipboard.
#' @description Read a mass spectrum from the windows clipboard.
#' @param con A connection other than 'clipboard' can be provided.
#' @return A spectrum as two-column matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (length(grep("Windows", utils::sessionInfo()$running))==1) {
#' x <- InterpretMSSpectrum::apci_spectrum
#' write.table(x, "clipboard", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
#' InterpretMSSpectrum::ReadSpecClipboard()
#' }
#' }
ReadSpecClipboard <- function(con = "clipboard") {
if (length(grep("Windows", utils::sessionInfo()$running))!=1 && con == "clipboard") return(NULL)
# source could be Excel (German/English) or DA directly
spec <- readLines(con = con)
spec <- gsub("\t", " ", spec) # replace Tabs
if (length(grep("[^[:digit:],/. ]", spec[1])) == 1) spec <- spec[-1] # strip header if present
spec <- gsub(",", ".", spec) # replace Colons
spec <- gsub(" +$", "", spec) # trim white space end
spec <- gsub("^ +", "", spec) # trim white space start
# convert to numeric matrix
spec <- as.matrix(
t(sapply(spec, function(x) {
as.numeric(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]])
if (ncol(spec) >= 3) spec <- spec[, 2:3]
rownames(spec) <- 1:nrow(spec)
colnames(spec) <- c("mz", "int")
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