
Defines functions findiso

#' @title findiso.
#' @description \code{findiso} will evaluate a mass spectrum and try to find the main isotopic clusters and adducts.
#' @details This function is used within \link{findMAIN} to identify main isotopic clusters.
#' @param spec A two-column matrix with mz and int.
#' @param intthr Do not consider 'isomain' peaks below this intensity cutoff (relative to base peak).
#' @param mzabs Expected maximum within scan mass defect of your device in Dalton.
#' @param CAMERAlike T/F reformatting the result similar to a 'CAMERA isocluster' search output.
#' @return
#' An annotated spectrum.
#' @examples
#' spec <- structure(list(mz = c(372.1894, 372.6907, 373.1931, 373.3963), intensity = c(100, 40, 8, 2)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
#' findiso(spec)
#' findiso(spec, mzabs=0.003)
#' spec <- structure(list(mz = c(372.1894, 372.6907, 373.1931, 373.6948), intensity = c(100, 40, 8, 2)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
findiso <- function(spec=NULL, mzabs=0.001, intthr=0.03, CAMERAlike=TRUE) {
  ## helper function to determine main mz and charge of an isotopic group
  ## [may still need work]
  mainmz <- function(x, l=1) {
    ## l (=loading) not yet used
    max_int <- which.max(x[,2])
    test <- abs(x[max_int,1]-1.979265-x[,1]) <= mzabs
    test <- test & (x[,2]/max(x[,2]))>0.5
    if(any(test)) {
    } else {
      if (max_int>=4) {
      } else {
  s <- as.data.frame(spec)
  s[,"type"] <- NA
  ## extract isotope groups by mass gap search
  isomain <- split(s, GetGroupFactor(round(s[,1]), gap=1.1))
  ## limit relative to base peak
  isomain <- isomain[sapply(isomain, function(x) { any(x[,2]>(intthr*max(s[,2]))) })]
  ## check multiple loading and annotate main peaks
  for (i in 1:length(isomain)) {
    x <- isomain[[i]]
    x <- x[ x[,2] > max(x[,2])/1000, , drop=FALSE]
    if (nrow(x)>=2) {
      # check for multiple charging
      for (charge in rev(1:3)) {
        filt <- sapply(x[,1], function(y) { any(abs(x[,1]-y-1.003355/charge)<0.01 | abs(x[,1]-y+1.003355/charge)<0.01) })
        if (any(filt)) {
          m <- x[filt,,drop=FALSE]
          ## keep only those with relation to biggest peak
          mmax <- which.max(m[,2])
          m <- m[sapply(m[,1], function(y) { any(abs(m[mmax,1]-y-seq(-5,5)*1.003355/charge)<0.01) }),]
          m0 <- mainmz(x=m)
          ## restrict to determined main and its isotopes
          n <- max(round(charge*(m[,"mz"]-m0)))
          m <- m[sapply(m0+(0:n)*(1.003355/charge), function(mz) { which.min(abs(m[,"mz"]-mz))}),]
          s[s[,1]==m0,"type"] <- paste0(c("M","D","T")[charge],nrow(m)-1)
          x <- x[!filt | 1:nrow(x)%in%max(which(filt)),,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      s[s[,1]==x[,1],"type"] <- "S"
  ## reformat to match CAMERA annotation scheme
  if (CAMERAlike) {
    s[,"isogr"] <- NA
    s[,"iso"] <- NA
    s[,"charge"] <- NA
    mainiso <- which(!(is.na(s[,"type"]) | s[,"type"]=="S"))
    if (any(mainiso)) {
      for (i in 1:length(mainiso)) {
        ty <- s[mainiso[i],"type"]
        ch <- (1:3)[c("M","D","T") %in% substr(ty,1,1)]
        n <- as.numeric(substr(ty,2,3))
        if (n>=1) {
          iso <- c(mainiso[i], sapply(s[mainiso[i],"mz"]+(1:n)*(1.003355/ch), function(mz){ which.min(abs(s[,"mz"]-mz))}))
        } else {
          iso <- mainiso[i]
        s[iso,"isogr"] <- i
        s[iso,"iso"] <- (1:length(iso))-1
        s[iso,"charge"] <- ch
    s <- s[,!(colnames(s)%in%"type")]
  ## keep correct peak attribute
  if (!is.null(attr(spec, "correct_peak"))) {
    attr(s, "correct_peak") <- attr(spec, "correct_peak")
    ##print(attr(s, "correct_peak"))

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InterpretMSSpectrum documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:18 a.m.