
Defines functions settings alpha mindens tracklength etchfact imass iratio lambda

Documented in settings

.IsoplotR <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

lambda <- function(nuclide,x=NULL,e=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$lambda[[nuclide]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$lambda[[nuclide]][1] <- x
    if (is.numeric(e)) .IsoplotR$lambda[[nuclide]][2] <- e
iratio <- function(ratio,x=NULL,e=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$iratio[[ratio]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$iratio[[ratio]][1] <- x
    if (is.numeric(e)) .IsoplotR$iratio[[ratio]][2] <- e
imass <- function(nuclide,x=NULL,e=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$imass[[nuclide]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$imass[[nuclide]][1] <- x
    if (is.numeric(e)) .IsoplotR$imass[[nuclide]][2] <- e
etchfact <- function(mineral,x=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$etchfact[[mineral]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$etchfact[[mineral]] <- x
tracklength <- function(mineral,x=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$tracklength[[mineral]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$tracklength[[mineral]] <- x
mindens <- function(mineral,x=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$mindens[[mineral]]
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$mindens[[mineral]] <- x
alpha <- function(x=NULL){
    old <- .IsoplotR$alpha
    if (is.numeric(x)) .IsoplotR$alpha <- x

#' @title Retrieve and record global settings
#' @description
#' Get and set preferred values for decay constants, isotopic
#' abundances, molar masses, fission track etch efficiences, and
#' etchable lengths, and mineral densities, either individually or via
#' a \code{.json} file format.
#' @param setting unless \code{fname} is provided, this should be one
#'     of either:
#' \code{'lambda'}: to get and set decay constants
#' \code{'iratio'}: isotopic ratios
#' \code{'imass'}: isotopic molar masses
#' \code{'mindens'}: mineral densities
#' \code{'etchfact'}: fission track etch efficiency factors
#' \code{'tracklength'}: equivalent isotropic fission track length
#' \code{'alpha'}: the significance level of confidence intervals
#' @param ... depends on the value for \code{setting}:
#' For \code{'lambda'}: the isotope of interest (one of either
#' \code{"fission"}, \code{"U238"}, \code{"U235"}, \code{"U234"},
#' \code{"Th232"}, \code{"Th230"}, \code{"Pa231"}, \code{"Ra226"},
#' \code{"Re187"}, \code{"Sm147"}, \code{"Rb87"}, \code{"Lu176"}, or
#' \code{"K40"}) PLUS (optionally) the decay constant value and its
#' analytical error.  Omitting the latter two numbers simply returns
#' the existing values.
#' For \code{'iratio'}: the isotopic ratio of interest (one of either
#' \code{"Ar40Ar36"}, \code{"Ar38Ar36"}, \code{"Ca40Ca44"},
#' \code{"K39K41"}, \code{"K40K41"}, \code{"Rb85Rb87"},
#' \code{"Sr88Sr86"}, \code{"Sr87Sr86"}, \code{"Sr84Sr86"},
#' \code{"Re185Re187"}, \code{"Os184Os188"} \code{"Os186Os188"},
#' \code{"Os187Os188"}, \code{"Os189Os188"}, \code{"Os190Os188"},
#' \code{"Os192Os188"}, \code{"Sm144Sm152"}, \code{"Sm147Sm152"},
#' \code{"Sm148Sm152"}, \code{"Sm149Sm152"}, \code{"Sm150Sm152"},
#' \code{"Sm154Sm152"}, \code{"Nd142Nd144"}, \code{"Nd143Nd144"},
#' \code{"Nd145Nd144"}, \code{"Nd146Nd144"}, \code{"Nd148Nd144"},
#' \code{"Nd150Nd144"}, \code{"Lu176Lu175"}, \code{"Hf174Hf177"},
#' \code{"Hf176Hf177"}, \code{"Hf178Hf177"}, \code{"Hf179Hf177"},
#' \code{"Hf180Hf177"}, \code{"U238U235"}, \code{"Pb207Pb206"},
#' \code{"Pb206Pb204"}, \code{"Pb207Pb204"}, \code{"Pb208Pb204"},
#' \code{"Pb206Pb208"}, \code{"Pb207Pb208"}) PLUS (optionally) the
#' isotopic ratio and its analytical error.  Omitting the latter two
#' numbers simply returns the existing values.
#' For \code{'imass'}: the (isotopic) molar mass of interest (one of
#' either \code{"U"}, \code{"Th"}, \code{"Rb"}, \code{"Rb85"},
#' \code{"Rb87"}, \code{"Sr84"}, \code{"Sr86"}, \code{"Sr87"},
#' \code{"Sr88"}, \code{"Re"}, \code{"Re185"}, \code{"Re187"},
#' \code{"Os"}, \code{"Os184"}, \code{"Os186"}, \code{"Os187"},
#' \code{"Os188"}, \code{"Os189"}, \code{"Os190"}, \code{"Os192"},
#' \code{"Sm"}, \code{"Nd"}, \code{"Lu"}, \code{"Hf"}) PLUS
#' (optionally) the molar mass and its analytical error.  Omitting the
#' latter two numbers simply returns the existing values.
#' For \code{'mindens'}: the mineral of interest (one of either
#' \code{"apatite"} or \code{"zircon"}) PLUS the mineral
#' density. Omitting the latter number simply returns the existing
#' value.
#' For \code{'etchfact'}: the mineral of interest (one of either
#' \code{"apatite"} or \code{"zircon"}) PLUS the etch efficiency
#' factor. Omitting this number simply returns the existing value.
#' For \code{'tracklength'}: the mineral of interest (one of either
#' \code{"apatite"} or \code{"zircon"}) PLUS the equivalent isotropic
#' fission track length. Omitting this number simply returns the
#' existing value.
#' @param fname the path of a \code{.json} file
#' @param reset logical. If \code{TRUE}, restores the default values
#' @return if \code{setting=NA} and \code{fname=NA}, returns a
#'     \code{.json} string
#' if \code{...} contains only the name of an isotope, isotopic ratio,
#' element, or mineral and no new value, then \code{settings} returns
#' either a scalar with the existing value, or a two-element vector
#' with the value and its uncertainty.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Decay constants:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \eqn{^{238}}U, \eqn{^{235}}U: Jaffey, A. H., et
#' al. "Precision measurement of half-lives and specific
#' activities of U\eqn{^{235}} and U\eqn{^{238}}."
#' Physical Review C 4.5 (1971): 1889.
#' \item \eqn{^{232}}Th: Le Roux, L. J., and
#' L. E. Glendenin. "Half-life of \eqn{^{232}}Th.", Proceedings of the
#' National Meeting on Nuclear Energy, Pretoria, South Africa. 1963.
#' \item \eqn{^{234}}U, \eqn{^{230}}Th: Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L.,
#' Shen, C.C., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y., Woodhead, J., Hellstrom, J.,
#' Wang, Y., Kong, X., Spotl, C. and Wang, X., 2013. Improvements in
#' \eqn{^{230}}Th dating, \eqn{^{230}}Th and \eqn{^{234}}U half-life
#' values, and U-Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector
#' inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Earth and Planetary
#' Science Letters, 371, pp.82-91.
#' \item \eqn{^{231}}Pa, \eqn{^{226}}Ra: Audi, G., Bersillon, O.,
#' Blachot, J. and Wapstra, A.H., 2003. The NUBASE evaluation of
#' nuclear and decay properties. Nuclear Physics A, 729(1), pp.3-128.
#' \item Sm: Villa, I.M., Holden, N.E., Possolo, A., Ickert, R.B.,
#' Hibbert, D.B. and Renne, P.R., 2020. IUPAC-IUGS recommendation on
#' the half-lives of \eqn{^{147}}Sm and \eqn{^{146}}Sm. Geochimica et
#' Cosmochimica Acta, 285, pp.70-77.
#' \item Nd: Zhao, Motian, et
#' al. "Absolute measurements of neodymium isotopic abundances and atomic
#' weight by MC-ICPMS." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 245.1
#' (2005): 36-40.
#' \item Re: Smoliar, Michael I., Richard J. Walker, and John
#' W. Morgan. "Re-Os ages of group IIA, IIIA, IVA, and IVB iron meteorites."
#' Science 271.5252 (1996): 1099-1102.
#' \item Ar: Renne, Paul R., et
#' al. "Response to the comment by WH Schwarz et al. on "Joint
#' determination of \eqn{^{40}}K decay constants and
#' \eqn{^{40}}Ar*/\eqn{^{40}}K for the Fish Canyon sanidine standard,
#' and improved accuracy for \eqn{^{40}}Ar/\eqn{^{39}}Ar
#' geochronology" by PR Renne et al.(2010)." Geochimica et
#' Cosmochimica Acta 75.17 (2011): 5097-5100.
#' \item Rb: Villa, I.M., De Bievre, P., Holden, N.E. and Renne, P.R., 2015.
#' "IUPAC-IUGS recommendation on the half life of \eqn{^{87}}Rb".
#' Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 164, pp.382-385.
#' \item Lu: Soederlund, Ulf, et al. "The \eqn{^{176}}Lu decay constant
#' determined by Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotope systematics of Precambrian mafic
#' intrusions." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219.3 (2004): 311-324.
#' }
#' \item Isotopic ratios:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Ar: Lee, Jee-Yon, et
#' al. "A redetermination of the isotopic abundances of atmospheric Ar."
#' Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70.17 (2006): 4507-4512.
#' \item K: Garner, E.L., et al.
#' "Absolute isotopic abundance ratios and the atomic weight of a reference
#' sample of potassium". J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. A
#' 79.6 (1975): 713-725.
#' \item Ca: Moore, L.J. and Machlan, L.A., 1972. High-accuracy
#' determination of calcium in blood serum by isotope dilution mass
#' spectrometry. Analytical chemistry, 44(14), pp.2291-2296.
#' \item Rb: Catanzaro, E. J., et al. "Absolute isotopic abundance ratio and
#' atomic weight of terrestrial rubidium." J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. A 73
#' (1969): 511-516.
#' \item Sr: Moore, L. J., et al. "Absolute isotopic abundance ratios and atomic
#' weight of a reference sample of strontium." J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand.
#' 87.1 (1982): 1-8.
#' and (for \eqn{^{87}}Sr/\eqn{^{86}}Sr):
#' Compston, W., Berry, H., Vernon, M.J., Chappell, B.W. and Kaye,
#' M.J., 1971. Rubidium-strontium chronology and chemistry of lunar
#' material from the Ocean of Storms. In Lunar and Planetary Science
#' Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2, p. 1471).
#' \item Sm: Chang, Tsing-Lien, et al. "Absolute isotopic composition and atomic
#' weight of samarium." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 218.2
#' (2002): 167-172.
#' \item Re: Gramlich, John W., et al. "Absolute isotopic abundance ratio and
#' atomic weight of a reference sample of rhenium." J. Res. Natl. Bur.
#' Stand. A 77 (1973): 691-698.
#' \item Os: Voelkening, Joachim, Thomas Walczyk, and Klaus G. Heumann.
#' "Osmium isotope ratio determinations by negative thermal ionization
#' mass spectrometry." Int. J. Mass Spect. Ion Proc. 105.2 (1991): 147-159.
#' \item Lu: De Laeter, J. R., and N. Bukilic.
#' "Solar abundance of \eqn{^{176}}Lu and s-process nucleosynthesis."
#' Physical Review C 73.4 (2006): 045806.
#' \item Hf: Patchett, P. Jonathan.
#' "Importance of the Lu-Hf isotopic system in studies of planetary
#' chronology and chemical evolution." Geochimica et Cosmochimica
#' Acta 47.1 (1983): 81-91.
#' \item Pb: Stacey, J.T. and Kramers,
#' J. "Approximation of terrestrial lead isotope evolution by a two-stage model."
#' Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 26(2) (1975): 207-221.
#' \item U: Hiess, Joe, et
#' al. "\eqn{^{238}}U/\eqn{^{235}}U systematics in terrestrial uranium-bearing minerals."
#' Science 335.6076 (2012): 1610-1614.
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.data}}
#' @examples
#' # load and show the default constants that come with IsoplotR
#' json <- system.file("constants.json",package="IsoplotR")
#' settings(fname=json)
#' print(settings())
#' # use the decay constant of Kovarik and Adams (1932)
#' settings('lambda','U238',0.0001537,0.0000068)
#' print(settings('lambda','U238'))
#' # returns the 238U/235U ratio of Hiess et al. (2012):
#' print(settings('iratio','U238U235'))
#' # use the 238U/235U ratio of Steiger and Jaeger (1977):
#' settings('iratio','U238U235',138.88,0)
#' print(settings('iratio','U238U235'))
#' @export
settings <- function(setting=NA,...,fname=NA,reset=FALSE){
    out <- .IsoplotR
    if (reset){
        out <- settings(fname=system.file("constants.json",package="IsoplotR"))
    } else {
        args <- list(...)
        nargs <- length(args)
        if (!is.na(fname)){
            prefs <- fromJSON(file=fname)
            .IsoplotR$lambda <- prefs$lambda
            .IsoplotR$iratio <- prefs$iratio
            .IsoplotR$imass <- prefs$imass
            .IsoplotR$etchfact <- prefs$etchfact
            .IsoplotR$tracklength <- prefs$tracklength
            .IsoplotR$mindens <- prefs$mindens
            .IsoplotR$alpha <- prefs$alpha
        } else if (identical(setting,'alpha')){
            if (nargs<1){
                out <- alpha()
            } else {
        } else if (!is.na(setting) & nargs>0){
            if (nargs==1){
                Rcommand <- paste0(setting,"('",args[[1]],"')")
            } else if (nargs==2) {
                Rcommand <- paste0(setting,"('",args[[1]],"',",args[[2]],")")
            } else if (nargs==3) {
                Rcommand <- paste0(setting,"('",args[[1]],"',",
            } else {
                warning('incorrect number of arguments')
            out <- eval(parse(text=Rcommand))
        } else {
            preferences <- as.list(.IsoplotR)
            out <- toJSON(preferences)

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IsoplotR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:57 a.m.