
#' Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models
#' \pkg{IsoriX} can be used for building isoscapes using mixed models and
#' inferring the geographic origin of organisms based on their isotopic
#' signature. This package is essentially a simplified interface combining
#' several other packages which implements the statistical framework proposed by
#' Courtiol & Rousset 2017. It uses the package \pkg{spaMM} for fitting and
#' predicting isoscapes, and for performing the assignment. \pkg{IsoriX} also
#' heavily relies on the package \pkg{rasterVis} for plotting the maps produced
#' with the package \pkg{terra} using the powerful package \pkg{lattice}
#' visualization system.
#' Below, we describe briefly the main steps of the workflow that aims at
#' performing the construction of an isoscape and the assignment of organisms of
#' unknown geographic origin(s) based on their isotopic signature. We advise you
#' to also read the detailed book chapter we wrote (in press), as well as our
#' [online documentation](https://bookdown.org/content/782/), which essentially
#' cover the same material in a more detailed manner. You should also read the
#' dedicated help pages of the functions you are using.
#' The statistical methods will not be detailed in this document but information
#' on the computation of isoscapes is available in Courtiol & Rousset 2017, and
#' information on the calibration and assignment in the appendix of Courtiol et
#' al. 2019.
#' \enumerate{ \item Fitting the isoscape model with [`isofit`]:
#' The function [`isofit`] fits a geostatistical model, which
#' approximates the relationship between the topographic features of a location
#' and its isotopic signature (see [`isofit`] for details). The model
#' fits observations of isotopic delta values at several geographic locations
#' (hereafter, called \emph{sources}). One common type of sources used in
#' ecology is the delta values for hydrogen in precipitation water collected at
#' weather stations, but one may also use measurements performed on sedentary
#' organisms. In either case, the accuracy of the isoscape (and thereby the
#' accuracy of assignments) increases with the number and spatial coverage of
#' the sources. The function [`isofit`] is designed to fit the model
#' on data aggregated per location across all measurements. If instead you want
#' to fit the model on measurements split per time intervals (e.g. per month),
#' within each location, you should use the alternative function
#' [`isomultifit`]. Either way the data must be prepared using the
#' function [`prepsources`].
#' \item Preparing the structural raster with [`prepraster`]:
#' Building isoscapes and assigning organisms to their origin requires an
#' adequate structural raster, i.e. a matrix representing a spatial grid. The
#' function [`prepraster`] allows restricting the extent of the raster
#' to the area covered by isoscape data (in order to avoid extrapolation) and to
#' reduce the resolution of the original structural raster (in order to speed up
#' computation in all following steps). Note that aggregating the raster may
#' lead to different results for the assignment, if the structural raster is
#' used to define a covariate. This is because the values of raster cells
#' changes depending on the aggregation function, which in turn will affect
#' model predictions.
#' We provide the function [`getelev`] to download an elevation raster
#' for the entire world at a resolution of one altitude per square-km, and other
#' rasters may be used. Such an elevation raster can be used as a structural
#' raster. We have also stored a low resolution raster for Germany in our
#' package (see [`ElevRasterDE`]) for users to try things out, but we
#' do not encourage its use for real application.
#' \item Predicting the isoscape across the area covered by the elevation raster
#' with [`isoscape`]:
#' The function [`isoscape`] generates the isoscapes: it uses the
#' fitted geostatistical models to predict the isotopic values (and several
#' variances associated to those) for each raster cell defined by the structural
#' raster. If the model has been fitted with [`isomultifit`], you
#' should use the alternative function [`isomultiscape`] to generate
#' the isoscape.
#' Our package allows the production of fine-tuned isoscape figures (using the
#' function [`plot.ISOSCAPE`]). Alternatively, the isoscape rasters
#' can be exported as ascii raster and edited in any Geographic Information
#' System (GIS) software (see [`isoscape`] and the online
#' documentation for details).
#' \item Fitting the calibration model with [`calibfit`]:
#' In most cases, organisms are of another kind than the sources used to build
#' the isoscape (i.e. the isoscape is built on precipitation isotopic values and
#' organisms are not water drops, but e.g. the fur of some bats). In such a
#' case, the hydrogen delta values of the sampled organisms were modulated by
#' their distinct physiology and do not directly correspond to the isotopic
#' signature of the sources. In this situation, one must use sedentary organisms
#' to study the relationship between the isotopic values in organisms and that
#' of their environment. The function [`calibfit`] fits a statistical
#' model on such a calibration dataset.
#' If the isoscape is directly built from isotopic values of organisms, there is
#' no need to fit a calibration model.
#' \item Inferring spatial origins of samples with [`isofind`]:
#' The function [`isofind`] tests for each location across the
#' isoscape if it presents a similar isotopic signature than the unknown origin
#' of a given individual(s). This assignment procedure considered the some (but
#' not all, see Courtiol et al. 2019) uncertainty stemming from the model fits
#' (geostatistical models and calibration model). The function
#' [`plot.ISOFIND`] then draws such assignment by plotting the most
#' likely origin with the prediction region around it. When several organisms
#' are being assigned, both assignments at the level of each sample and a single
#' assignment for the whole group can be performed. }
#' @name IsoriX-package
#' @aliases IsoriX-package IsoriX
#' @note Please note that the geographic coordinates (latitude,
#' longitude) of any spatial data (locations, rasters) must be given in decimal
#' degrees following the WGS84 spheroid standard.
#' @author Alexandre Courtiol \email{alexandre.courtiol@@gmail.com},
#' François Rousset,
#' Marie-Sophie Rohwaeder,
#' Stephanie Kramer-Schadt \email{kramer@@izw-berlin.de}
#' @references Courtiol A, Rousset F, Rohwäder M, Soto DX, Lehnert L, Voigt CC, Hobson KA,
#' Wassenaar LI & Kramer-Schadt S (2019). "Isoscape computation and inference of
#' spatial origins with mixed models using the R package IsoriX." In Hobson KA,
#' Wassenaar LI (eds.), Tracking Animal Migration with Stable Isotopes, second
#' edition. Academic Press, London.
#' Courtiol A, Rousset F (2017). "Modelling isoscapes using mixed models." bioRxiv.
#' doi: 10.1101/207662, [link](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/207662v1).
#' @keywords package

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IsoriX documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:22 p.m.