
Defines functions transition_uses_tick_den_predictor_with_first_day_only_false print.transition format.transition transition_is_mortality transition validate_transition new_transition

Documented in print.transition transition

#' Construct a transition
#' @inheritParams transition
#' @returns a `transition` object
#' @noRd
new_transition <- function(
  from, to, fun, transition_type, mortality_type, predictors, parameters
) {

  checkmate::assert_string(from, min.chars = 1)
  checkmate::assert_string(to, min.chars = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_class(fun, "transition_function")
  checkmate::assert_choice(transition_type, c("probability", "duration"))
    mortality_type, c("per_day", "throughout_transition"), null.ok = TRUE
    predictors, types = "predictor_spec", unique = TRUE, names = "unique",
    null.ok = TRUE
  checkmate::assert_class(parameters, "parameters")

  transition <- structure(
      from = from,
      to = to,
      transition_type = transition_type,
      mortality_type = mortality_type,
      fun = fun,
      predictors = predictors,
      parameters = parameters
    class = "transition"


#' Check that a `transition` object is valid
#' @param transition input to validate
#' @returns the input if it passes all checks
#' @noRd
validate_transition <- function(transition) {

  if (
    !is.null(transition$mortality_type) &&
    transition$mortality_type == "throughout_transition" &&
    transition$transition_type == "probability"
  ) {
      "`probability` transitions only support `per_day` mortality",
      call. = FALSE

  if (is.null(transition$to) == is.null(transition$mortality_type)) {
      "exactly 1 of `to` or `mortality_type` must be non-NULL",
      call. = FALSE

  # there is no overlap between parameter and predictor names
    names(transition$parameters), names(transition$predictors)

  # each argument to the function corresponds to a parameter or predictor
    c(names(transition$parameters), names(transition$predictors)),

  if (transition$transition_type == "probability") {
    invalid <- get_preds_where_first_day_only_is_false(transition$predictors)
    if (length(invalid) > 0) {
        "Probability type transitions cannot have any predictors where the ",
        "`first_day_only` attribute is `FALSE`. Found these exceptions:\n",
        paste0(names(invalid), ":\n", lapply(invalid, format)),
        call. = FALSE


#' Create a `transition` object
#' A `transition` object represents a single transition between two tick life
#' stages, or the mortality rate from a life stage.
#' @param from The name of the life stage a tick is transitioning from.
#' @param to The name of the life stage a tick is transitioning to, or NULL if
#'   the transition is representing mortality.
#' @param fun The transition function to evaluate.
#'   The inputs of the function are predictors and parameters. The output is
#'   the daily probability of completing the transition, for `"probability"`
#'   transitions, or the daily rate the transition takes place, for `"duration"`
#'   transitions.
#' @param transition_type One of:
#'   `"probability"`: the evaluated transition is interpreted as the daily
#'     fraction of ticks that complete the transition. Ticks remain in the
#'     original life stage if they do not complete a transition or undergo
#'     mortality.
#'   `"duration"`: the transition is complete on the first day that the
#'     cumulative sum of the evaluated transition is greater than or equal to 1.
#'     No ticks remain in the original life stage at the end of a transition -
#'     they either complete the transition or die.
#' @param mortality_type One of:
#'   `NULL`: the default, indicating that the transition is not mortality.
#'   `"per_day"`: indicates that the evaluated transition is the fraction of
#'     ticks that dies each day.
#'   `"throughout_transition"`: only valid for `"duration"` type transitions,
#'     where it indicates that the evaluated transition is the fraction of
#'     ticks that die throughout the entire transition.
#' @param predictors Optional, a named list of \code{\link{predictor_spec}} objects
#'   that specify how any predictor data should be used in evaluating `fun`. The names are
#'   matched with the formal args to  `fun` to determine which input in `fun`
#'   each predictor will be passed to.
#' @param parameters Optional, a \code{\link{parameters}} object, or a named
#'   list of numeric vectors.
#' @export
#' @returns a `transition` object
transition <- function(
  from, to, fun, transition_type, mortality_type = NULL, predictors = NULL,
  parameters = list()
) {

  fun <- new_transition_function(fun)

  parameters <- do.call(new_parameters, as.list(parameters))

    from = from,
    to = to,
    transition_type = transition_type,
    mortality_type = mortality_type,
    fun = fun,
    predictors = predictors,
    parameters = parameters

#' Return whether a transition is mortality or a transition between life stages
#' @param transition a `transition` object
#' @returns a boolean
#' @noRd
transition_is_mortality <- function(transition) {

# This is just a very simple option for use within a life_cycle
format.transition <- function(x, ...) {
  to <- ifelse(transition_is_mortality(x), "mortality", x[["to"]])
  paste(x[["from"]], "->", to, "\n")

#' Print a transition
#' @export
#' @param ... not used
#' @param x A `transition`
print.transition <- function(x, ...) {
  param_names <- names(x$parameters)
  param_string <- ""
  for (i in param_names) {
    param_string <- paste(param_string, i, " = ", x$parameters[i], ", ", sep = "")
  param_string <- sub(", $", "", param_string)

  pred_names <- names(x$predictors)
  pred_string <- ""
  for (i in pred_names) {
    pred_string <- paste(pred_string, i, " = ", x$predictors[i], ", ", sep = "")
  pred_string <- sub(", $", "", pred_string)

  function_string <- sub("structure\\(function ", "", deparse(x$fun))
  function_string <- sub(', class = "(.+)"\\)$', "", function_string)

    "** A transition",
    "\n** ", format.transition(x),
    "Transition type: ", x$transition_type,
    ifelse(transition_is_mortality(x), "\nMortality type: ", ""),
    ifelse(transition_is_mortality(x), x$mortality_type, ""),
    ifelse(!is.null(x$predictors), "\nPredictors: ", ""),
    ifelse(!is.null(x$predictors), pred_string, ""),
    "\nParameters: ", param_string,
    "\nFunction: ",
    sep = ""

#' Helper function for validation. It's an issue if this case is met.
#' @param transition a `transition` object
#' @param stages character vector of life stage names
#' @returns a boolean
#' @noRd
transition_uses_tick_den_predictor_with_first_day_only_false <- function(
  transition, stages
) {
  preds_with_errors <- lapply(
    function(x) pred_is_life_stage(x, stages = stages) && !x[["first_day_only"]]

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IxPopDyMod documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:07 a.m.