
Defines functions addUrlToClassPath addToClassPath .softExit interruptJava killJava .getLibraryPath checkIfClasspathContains getClassLoaderURLs getClassLoaderPaths getNbInstancesInInternalMap .flush callJavaGC .internalShutdown shutdownJava getNbConnections isConnectedToJava .instantiateConnectionHandler connectToJava

Documented in addToClassPath addUrlToClassPath callJavaGC checkIfClasspathContains connectToJava getClassLoaderPaths getClassLoaderURLs getNbConnections getNbInstancesInInternalMap interruptJava isConnectedToJava killJava shutdownJava

# R functions for connection to Gateway Server in Java
# Author: Mathieu Fortin, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
# Date: January 2019

#' Connect to Java environment
#' This function connects the R environment to a gateway server that runs in Java.
#' The first argument of the function provides the listening port for the Java server. A maximum of four ports is
#' allowed. When set to 0, these ports are randomly selected. By default, the server listens to two random
#' ports.
#' The extensionPath can either be set in this function or dynamically changed (see the addToClassPath function).
#' @param port a vector of the listening ports for the Java server
#' @param extensionPath the path to jar files that can be loaded by the system classloader
#' @param memorySize the memory size of the Java Virtual Machine in Mb (if not specified, the JVM runs with the default memory size)
#' @param debug for debugging only (should be left as is)
#' @seealso \code{\link{addToClassPath}}
#' @return a logical TRUE if the function managed to get connected to the server or if it was already connected or
#' FALSE if the connection has failed
#' @export
connectToJava <- function(port = c(0,0), extensionPath = NULL, memorySize = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
  if (isConnectedToJava()) {
    message("It seems R is already connected to the Java server.")
  } else {
    if (debug) {
      if (is.null(port)) {
        stop("The port argument cannot be null in debug mode. Please use the ports you specified when you started the server!")
      assign("connectionHandler", J4RConnectionHandler(port, 1000000, 50000:50001), envir = cacheEnv)
    } else {
      if (.isVerbose()) {
      message("Starting Java server...")
      parms <- c("-firstcall", "true")
      if (!is.null(port)) {
        if (any(port < 0)) {
          stop("Ports should be integers equal to or greater than 0!")
        if (length(port) > 4) {
          stop("J4R allows for a maximum of 4 ports!")
        parms <- c(parms, "-ports", paste(port,collapse=portSplitter))
      if (!is.null(extensionPath)) {
        parms <- c(parms, "-ext", extensionPath)
      if (!is.null(memorySize)) {
        if (!is.numeric(memorySize) && !is.integer(memorySize)) {
          stop("The memorySize parameter should be either a numeric or an integer!")
        if (memorySize < 50) {
          stop("The minimum memory for the JVM is 50 Mb!")
        parms <- c(parms, "-mem", as.integer(memorySize))
      } else if (exists("defaultJVMMemory", envir = settingEnv)) {
        memorySize <- get("defaultJVMMemory", envir = settingEnv)
        parms <- c(parms, "-mem", as.integer(memorySize))
      parms <- c(parms, "-wd", getwd())
      filename <- file.path(getwd(), "J4RTmpFile")
      if (file.exists(filename)) {
      if (file.exists(system.file("inst", "java", "j4r.jar", package = "J4R"))) {  ### test mode
        rootPath <- system.file("inst", "java", package = "J4R")
      } else {  ### normal mode
        rootPath <- system.file("java", package = "J4R")
      #    message(rootPath)
      architecture <- suppressMessages(getJavaVersion()$architecture)
      if (architecture == "32-Bit") {
        jarFilename <- "j4r_x86.jar"
        message("Running the 32-Bit version")
      } else {
        jarFilename <- "j4r.jar"
      path <- file.path(rootPath, jarFilename)
      system2(.getJavaPath(), args = c("-Xmx50m", "-jar", path, parms), wait = F)
      initialTime <- Sys.time()
      while (!file.exists(filename)) {
        elapsedTime <- Sys.time() - initialTime
        if (elapsedTime > 8) {
          stop("It seems the server has failed to start!")
    isSecure <- .createAndSecureConnection()

    # if (!isSecure) {
    #   shutdownJava()  ### for a clean exit
    # }

.instantiateConnectionHandler <- function() {
  info <- suppressWarnings(utils::read.table("J4RTmpFile", header=F, sep=";", stringsAsFactors = F))
  key <- as.integer(info[1,1])
  internalports <- as.integer(strsplit(info[1,2], split = portSplitter)[[1]])
  if (is.integer(info[1,3])) { ### happens with a single port
    port <- as.integer(info[1,3])
  } else {
    port <- as.integer(strsplit(info[1,3], split = portSplitter)[[1]])
  assign("connectionHandler", J4RConnectionHandler(port, key, internalports), envir = cacheEnv)

#' Checks if the Java server is running
#' This is done by checking f the socket connection to the JVM exists.
#' @return a logical
#' @export
isConnectedToJava <- function() {
  if (exists("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv)) {
    stillConnected <- .isThereAtLeastOneConnection(get("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv))
  } else {

#' The number of connections to the server
#' @return the number of sockets connected to the server
#' @export
getNbConnections <- function() {
  if (exists("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv)) {
    return(length(get("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv)$connections))
  } else {

#' Shut down Java
#' This function shuts down Java and the gateway server.
#' @seealso \href{https://sourceforge.net/p/repiceasource/wiki/J4R/}{J4R webpage}
#' @export
shutdownJava <- function() {

.internalShutdown <- function() {
  if (isConnectedToJava()) {
    for (aff in 1:getNbConnections()) {
      utils::write.socket(.getSocket(affinity = aff), "closeConnection")
      utils::close.socket(.getSocket(affinity = aff))
    utils::write.socket(.getGCSocket(), "closeConnection")
    message("Closing connections and removing sockets...")
  if (exists("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv)) {  # when security is not validated, the connectionhandler object remains
    rm("connectionHandler", envir = cacheEnv)
  if (exists("dumpPile", envir = cacheEnv)) {
    rm("dumpPile", envir = cacheEnv)
  if (exists("classMap", envir = cacheEnv)) {
    rm("classMap", envir = cacheEnv)
  filename <- file.path(getwd(), "J4RTmpFile")
  if (file.exists(filename)) {
  #### Remove because CRAN policy is to leave the global environment untouched
  # nbObjectRemoved <- 0
  # for (objectName in ls(envir = globalenv())) {
  #   # if ("java.object" %in% class(object)) {
  #   if (.getClass(get(objectName, envir = globalenv())) %in% c("java.object", "java.list")) {
  #     nbObjectRemoved <- nbObjectRemoved + 1
  #     if (nbObjectRemoved == 1) {
  #       message("Removing Java objects from global environment...")
  #     }
  #     rm(list = objectName, envir = globalenv())
  #   }
  # }

#' Synchronize the Java environment with the R environment
#' This function call the garbage collector in R and sends the list of Java references
#' that have been collected to the Java server. These references are then removed from
#' the internal map.
#' @seealso \href{https://sourceforge.net/p/repiceasource/wiki/J4R/}{J4R webpage}
#' @export
callJavaGC <- function() {

.flush <- function(javaList) {
  prefix <- "flush"
  maxLength <- length(javaList)
  nbCalls <- ceiling(maxLength / maxVectorLength)
  output <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nbCalls) {
    lowerIndex <- (i-1) * maxVectorLength + 1
    upperIndex <- i * maxVectorLength
    if (upperIndex > maxLength) {
      upperIndex <- maxLength
    subList <- javaList[lowerIndex:upperIndex]
    subcommands <- paste("java.object",.translateJavaObject(subList),sep="")
    command <- paste(prefix, subcommands, sep=MainSplitter)
    utils::write.socket(.getGCSocket(), command)
    callback <- utils::read.socket(.getGCSocket(), maxlen=bufferLength)
    output <- .processResult(callback, output)
  if (!is.null(output)) {
    stop("The Java server has returned something else than NULL!")
  } else {

#' Return the number of instances stored in the
#' internal map of the Java server
#' @return an integer
#' @export
getNbInstancesInInternalMap <- function() {
  command <- "size"
  utils::write.socket(.getSocket(), command)
  callback <- utils::read.socket(.getSocket(), maxlen=bufferLength)

#' Retrieve the paths of the current classloader
#' This functions returns the paths that are currently included
#' in the System classloader.
#' @export
getClassLoaderPaths <- function() {
  paths <- callJavaMethod("j4r.lang.J4RSystem", "getClassPathURLs")
  pathsList <- getAllValuesFromListObject(paths)

#' Retrieve the URLs of the current classloader
#' This function returns the URLs that are currently included
#' in the System classloader.
#' This function is deprecated. Please use the getClassLoaderPaths instead.
#' @export
getClassLoaderURLs <- function() {

#' Check if a Library has been loaded
#' It checks if a particular library is part of the classpath.
#' @param myJavaLibrary a character string that stands for the java library (e.g. repicea.jar)
#' @export
checkIfClasspathContains <- function(myJavaLibrary) {
  if (isConnectedToJava()) {
    listURLs <- getClassLoaderPaths()
    isLibIn <- FALSE
    if (length(listURLs) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:length(listURLs)) {
        if (grepl(myJavaLibrary, listURLs[i])) {
          isLibIn <- TRUE
    } else {
      isLibIn <- grepl(myJavaLibrary, listURLs)
  } else {
    message("The Java server is not running.")

.getLibraryPath <- function(packageName, myJavaLibrary) {
  filename <- system.file("inst", myJavaLibrary, package = packageName)
  if (file.exists(filename)) {  ### test mode
    filePath <- filename
  } else {
    filename <- system.file(myJavaLibrary, package = packageName)
    if (file.exists(filename)) {  ### normal mode
      filePath <- filename
    } else {
      filePath <- NULL

#' Force the JVM to shut down
#' This is the not so gentle way to exit the JVM.
#' In case the JVM is stuck and does not respond to interrupt. It is possible
#' to force the shutdown through this function.
#' @export
killJava <- function() {
      emergencySocket <- .getBackdoorSocket()
      utils::write.socket(socket = emergencySocket, "emergencyShutdown")
    error=function(cond) {
      message("Unable to connect the server. It might be already down!")
  Sys.sleep(2)  ### wait two seconds to make sure the server is really shut down

#' Interrupt the current task on the Java server
#' @export
interruptJava <- function() {
      emergencySocket <- .getBackdoorSocket()
      utils::write.socket(socket = emergencySocket, "interrupt")
    error=function(cond) {
      message("Unable to connect to the server. It might be already down!")

.softExit <- function() {
      emergencySocket <- .getBackdoorSocket()
      utils::write.socket(socket = emergencySocket, "softExit")
    error=function(cond) {
      message("Unable to connect the server. It might be already down!")
  Sys.sleep(2)  ### wait two seconds to make sure the server is really shut down

#' Dynamically adds a path or a jar file to the classpath.
#' This function makes it possible to add a directory or a JAR file
#' to the class path. If the packageName parameter is null then the urlString
#' parameter must be the complete path to the directory. Otherwise, it can be
#' the name of the JAR file and the function will find the path through the package
#' name. A non null packageName parameter is typically used in packages that rely
#' on J4R.
#' @param path a character representing the path to the directory or the JAR file
#' if the packageName parameter is null. Otherwise, it can just be the name of the JAR file. This path
#' is normalized so that expressions like myJar.jar or ./extensions/myJar.jar will be processed.
#' @param packageName a character representing the package.
#' @export
addToClassPath <- function(path, packageName = NULL) {
  if (isConnectedToJava()) {
    if (!is.null(packageName)) {
      path <- .getLibraryPath(packageName, path)
    callJavaMethod("j4r.lang.J4RSystem", "addToClassPath", normalizePath(path))
  } else {
    message("The Java server is not running.")

#' Dynamically adds an url to the classpath.
#' This function makes it possible to add a directory or a JAR file
#' to the class path. If the packageName parameter is null then the urlString
#' parameter must be the complete path to the directory. Otherwise, it can be
#' the name of the JAR file and the function will find the path through the package
#' name. A non null packageName parameter is typically used in packages that rely
#' on J4R.
#' This function is deprecated. Use the addToClassPath function instead.
#' @param urlString a character representing the complete path to the directory or the JAR file
#' if the packageName parameter is null. Otherwise, it can just be the name of the JAR file.
#' @param packageName a character representing the package.
#' @export
addUrlToClassPath <- function(urlString, packageName = NULL) {
  addToClassPath(urlString, packageName)

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J4R documentation built on July 23, 2020, 9:06 a.m.