


if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {
  run_clmm_models <- function() {

    longDF <- JointAI::longDF
    longDF$x <- factor(sample(1:4, nrow(longDF), replace = TRUE),
                       ordered = TRUE)
    longDF$x[sample(seq_len(nrow(longDF)), 50)] <- NA


      models <- list(

        # no covariates
        m0a = clmm_imp(o1 ~ 1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m0b = clmm_imp(o2 ~ 1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # only complete
        m1a = clmm_imp(o1 ~ C1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m1b = clmm_imp(o2 ~ C1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m1c = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m1d = clmm_imp(o2 ~ c1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # only incomplete
        m2a = clmm_imp(o1 ~ C2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m2b = clmm_imp(o2 ~ C2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m2c = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m2d = clmm_imp(o2 ~ c2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # as covariate
        m3a = lme_imp(c1 ~ o1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                      n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020),
        m3b = lme_imp(c1 ~ o2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                      n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020),

        # complex structures
        m4a = clmm_imp(o1 ~ M2 + o2 * abs(C1 - C2) + log(C1) + (1 | id),
                       data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),
        m4b = clmm_imp(o1 ~ ifelse(as.numeric(o2) > as.numeric(M1), 1, 0) *
                         abs(C1 - C2) + log(C1) + (1 | id),
                       data = longDF, n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        m4c = clmm_imp(o1 ~ time + c1 + C1 + B2 + (c1 * time | id),
                       data = longDF, n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        m4d = clmm_imp(o1 ~ C1 * time + I(time^2) + b2 * c1,
                       random = ~ time | id, data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        m4e = clmm_imp(o1 ~ C1 + log(time) + I(time^2) + p1,
                       random = ~ 1 | id, data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, shrinkage = "ridge",
                       seed = 2020, warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # non-proportional effects
        # - basic model
        m5a = clmm_imp(o1 ~ C1 + C2 + b2 + O2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       nonprop = list(o1 = ~ C1 + C2 + b2),
                       monitor_params = list(other = "p_o1"),
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # - interaction in prop. effects
        m5b = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c1 * C2 + M2 + O2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       nonprop = list(o1 = ~ c1 + C2),
                       monitor_params = list(other = "p_o1"),
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # - interaction in non-prop effects
        m5c = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c1 * C2 + M2 + O2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       nonprop = list(o1 = ~ c1 * C2),
                       monitor_params = list(other = "p_o1"),
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # - interaction between non-prop and prop effects
        m5d = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c1 + M2 * C2 + O2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       nonprop = list(o1 = ~ c1 + C2),
                       monitor_params = list(other = "p_o1"),
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE),

        # - all effects non-proportional
        m5e = clmm_imp(o1 ~ c1 + M2 * C2 + O2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                       n.adapt = 5, n.iter = 10, seed = 2020,
                       nonprop = ~ c1 + M2 * C2 + O2,
                       monitor_params = list(other = "p_o1"),
                       warn = FALSE, mess = FALSE)

      models$m6a <- update(models$m5a, rev = "o1")
      models$m6b <- update(models$m5b, rev = "o1")
      models$m6c <- update(models$m5c, rev = "o1")
      models$m6d <- update(models$m5d, rev = "o1")
      models$m6e <- update(models$m5e, rev = "o1")

      # bugfixes -----------------------------------------------------------------
      # bugfix in model with ordinal longitudinal covariate"
      models$m7a = lme_imp(y ~ C1 + o1 + o2 + x + time, random = ~ 1|id,
                           data = longDF, n.iter = 10, n.adapt = 5, seed = 2020)

      # parameters for clmm models without baseline covariates work
      models$m7b = lme_imp(y ~ o2 + o1 + c2 + b2, data = longDF,
                           random = ~ 1|id, n.iter = 10, n.adapt = 5, seed = 2020)


  models <- run_clmm_models()
  models0 <- set0_list(models)

  test_that("models run", {
    for (k in seq_along(models)) {
      expect_s3_class(models[[k]], "JointAI")

  test_that("there are no duplicate betas/alphas in the jagsmodel", {
    expect_null(unlist(lapply(models, find_dupl_parms)))

  test_that("MCMC is mcmc.list", {
    for (i in seq_along(models)) {
      expect_s3_class(models[[i]]$MCMC, "mcmc.list")

test_that("MCMC samples can be plotted", {
  for (k in seq_along(models)) {

test_that("data_list remains the same", {
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models, "[[", "data_list"))

test_that("jagsmodel remains the same", {
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models, "[[", "jagsmodel"))

test_that("GRcrit and MCerror give same result", {
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, GR_crit, multivariate = FALSE))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, MC_error))

test_that("summary output remained the same on Windows", {
  skip_on_os(c("mac", "linux", "solaris"))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, print))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, coef))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, confint))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, summary))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, function(x) coef(summary(x))))

test_that("summary output remained the same on non-Windows", {
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, print))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, coef))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, confint))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, summary))
  expect_snapshot(lapply(models0, function(x) coef(summary(x))))

test_that("prediction works", {

  expect_equal(class(predict(models$m4a, type = "lp", warn = FALSE)$fitted),
  expect_equal(class(predict(models$m4a, type = "prob", warn = FALSE)$fitted),

  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "class", warn = FALSE)$fitted,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "response", warn = FALSE)$fitted,

  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "lp", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "prob", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "class", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m4a, type = "response", warn = FALSE)$newdata,

  expect_equal(class(predict(models$m5d, type = "lp", warn = FALSE)$fitted),
  expect_equal(class(predict(models$m5d, type = "prob", warn = FALSE)$fitted),

  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "class", warn = FALSE)$fitted,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "response", warn = FALSE)$fitted,

  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "lp", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "prob", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "class", warn = FALSE)$newdata,
  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5d, type = "response", warn = FALSE)$newdata,

  expect_s3_class(predict(models$m5e, type = "prob", warn = FALSE)$newdata,

  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m5a), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m5b), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m5c), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m5d), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m5e), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m6a), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m6b), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m6c), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m6d), 0)
  # expect_equal(check_predprob(m6e), 0)

test_that("residuals work if implemented", {
  # residuals are not yet implemented
  expect_error(residuals(models$m4a, type = "working", warn = FALSE))

test_that("model can be plottet", {
  for (i in seq_along(models)) {
    if (models[[i]]$analysis_type == "clmm") {
    } else {

  test_that("wrong models give errors", {
    # wrong type of outcome variable
    expect_error(clmm_imp(y ~ O1 + C1 + C2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                          warn = FALSE))
    # wrong model function used
    expect_error(clm_imp(o2 ~ O1 + C1 + C2 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                         warn = FALSE))
    # variable not in data
    expect_error(clmm_imp(o2 ~ O1 + C1 + C2 + (1 | id), data = wideDF,
                          warn = FALSE))
    # model formula that can't be used
    expect_s3_class(clmm_imp(o2 ~ I(O1^2) + C1 + C2 + (1 | id), warn = FALSE,
                             data = longDF), "JointAI_errored")
    # # non-proportional effect not in main formula
    expect_error(clmm_imp(o2 ~ O1 + C1 + (1 | id), data = longDF,
                          nonprop = list(o2 = ~ C2), warn = FALSE))

# Sys.setenv(IS_CHECK = "")

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JointAI documentation built on April 27, 2023, 5:15 p.m.