#' Post-estimation function for JointFPMs
#' @description
#' Predicts different estimates from a joint flexible parametric model.
#' Currently only the estimation of the mean number of events at different
#' time points is supported.
#' @param object
#' A joint flexible parametric model of class `JointFPM`.
#' @param type
#' A character vector defining the estimate of interest. Currently available
#' options are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`mean_no`: }{Estimates the mean number of events at time(s) `t`.}
#' \item{`diff`: }{Estimates the difference in mean number of events
#' between exposed and unexposed at time(s) `t`.}
#' \item{`marg_mean_no`: }{Estimates the marginal mean number of events.}
#' \item{`marg_diff`: }{Estimates the marginal difference in the mean
#' number of events.}
#' }
#' @param newdata
#' A `data.frame` with one row including the variable values used for t
#' he prediction. One value for each variable used in either the recurrent or
#' competing event model is required when predicting `mean_no` or `diff`.
#' For `marg_mean_no` or `marg_diff`, this includes the variable
#' that you would like your marginal estimate to be conditioned on.
#' @param t
#' A vector defining the time points used for the prediction.
#' @param exposed
#' A function that takes `newdata` as an argument and creates a new dataset
#' for the exposed group. This argument is required if `type = 'diff'`.
#' Please see details for more information.
#' @param ci_fit
#' Logical indicator for whether confidence intervals should be estimated
#' for the fitted estimates using the delta method.
#' @param method
#' The method used for the underlying numerical integration procedure.
#' Defaults to `"romberg"`, which uses the [rmutil::int()] function,
#' but it is possible to use Gaussian quadrature by setting
#' `method = "gq"` instead.
#' @param ngq
#' Number of quadrature nodes used when `method = "gq"`. Defaults to 30,
#' which lead to accurate results (compared to `method = "romberg"`) in our
#' experience.
#' @param ...
#' Added for compatibility with other predict functions.
#' @details
#' The function required for the `exposed` argument must take the `newdata`
#' dataset as argument and transform it to a new dataset that defines the
#' exposed group. Assume we assume that we have a model with one variable
#' `trt` which is a 0/1 coded treatment indicator. If we would like to obtain
#' the difference in mean number of events comparing the untreated to treated
#' group we could use the following function assuming that
#' `newdata = data.frame(trt = 0)`:
#' ```
#' function(x){transform(x, trt = 1)}
#' ```
#' @return
#' A `data.frame` with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`t`: }{The time for the prediction,}
#' \item{`fit`: }{The point estimate of the prediction,}
#' \item{`lci`: }{The lower confidence interval limit,}
#' \item{`uci`: }{The upper confidence interval limit.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' bldr_model <- JointFPM(Surv(time = start,
#' time2 = stop,
#' event = event,
#' type = 'counting') ~ 1,
#' re_model = ~ pyridoxine + thiotepa,
#' ce_model = ~ pyridoxine + thiotepa,
#' re_indicator = "re",
#' ce_indicator = "ce",
#' df_ce = 3,
#' df_re = 3,
#' cluster = "id",
#' data = bladder1_stacked)
#' predict(bldr_model,
#' newdata = data.frame(pyridoxine = 1,
#' thiotepa = 0),
#' t = c(10, 20),
#' ci_fit = FALSE)
#' @import rstpm2
#' @import data.table
#' @method predict JointFPM
#' @export
predict.JointFPM <- function(object,
type = "mean_no",
exposed = NULL,
ci_fit = TRUE,
method = "romberg",
ngq = 30,
# Initialize objects ---------------------------------------------------------
tmp_newdata <- list()
.SD <- .N <- ..pop_weights <- N <- NULL
# Check user input -----------------------------------------------------------
type <- match.arg(type, c("mean_no", "diff", "marg_mean_no", "marg_diff"))
if(!inherits(newdata, "data.frame")){
c("x" = "{.code newdata} is not a {.code data.frame}.",
"i" = "Please specify a {.code data.frame} as argument to {.code newdata}")
if(nrow(newdata) > 1){
c("x" = "{.code newdata} has more than one row.",
"i" = paste("Predictions are so far only supported for one covariate",
"pattern at the time. Hence, {.code newdata} is only",
"allowed to have one row. Please use multipe",
"{.code predict} calls if you want to have",
"Predictions for different covariate patterns.")
if(type %in% c("diff", "marg_diff")){
c("x" = paste("You selecting prediction one of {.code diff}, or",
"{.code marg_diff} without specifing an exposed group",
"using the {.code exposed} argument."),
"i" = paste("Please speficy a function defining your exposure",
"group in {.code exposed}"))
c("x" = "{.code exposed} is not a function.",
"i" = "Please specify a function that defines your exposed group.")
if(type %in% c("mean_no", "diff")){
temp_vars <- unique(c(all.vars(object$re_model),
temp_vars <- temp_vars[!(temp_vars %in% colnames(newdata))]
if(!identical(temp_vars, character(0))){
c("x" = "{temp_vars} {?is/are} not included in {.code newdata}.",
"i" = "Please add {temp_vars} to newdata.")
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("romberg", "gq"))
# Prepare data for prediction ------------------------------------------------
# Additional set up for marginal predictions =================================
if(type %in% c("marg_mean_no", "marg_diff")){
vars <- unique(c(all.vars(object$re_model),
target_pop <-$model@data)[, .SD, .SDcols = vars]
for(i in seq_along(colnames(newdata))){
j = colnames(newdata)[[i]],
value = newdata[1,i])
newdata <- unique(target_pop, by = object$cluster)
data.table::set(newdata, j = object$cluster, value = NULL)
newdata <- newdata[, .N, by = names(newdata)]
pop_weights <- newdata$N
newdata[, N := NULL]
# Prepare data for RE model ==================================================
tmp_newdata$st_dta <- cbind(newdata, 1, 0)
colnames(tmp_newdata$st_dta) <- c(names(newdata),
# Prepare data for competing risk model ======================================
tmp_newdata$lambda_dta <- cbind(newdata, 0, 1)
colnames(tmp_newdata$lambda_dta) <- c(names(newdata),
# Additional set up for predictions of contrasts =============================
if(type %in% c("diff", "marg_diff")){
# Create new data for exposed group
tmp_newdata_e1 <- tmp_newdata
tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta <-, list(tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta))
tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta <-, list(tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta))
# Additional setup for numerical integration, if method = "gq"
if (method == "gq") {
# Doing this here as it only needs to be done once
gq <- statmod::gauss.quad(n = ngq)
} else {
gq <- NULL
# Prediction of conditional mean number of evetns ----------------------------
if(type == "mean_no"){
# Use Delta Method to obtain confidence intervals for E[N]
est <- rstpm2::predictnl(object$model,
fun = function(obj, ...){
calc_N(obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
} else {
est <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
# Prediction of conditional difference of mean number of events --------------
if(type == "diff"){
# Use Delta Method to obtain confidence intervals for E[N]
est <- rstpm2::predictnl(
fun = function(obj, ...){
e0 <- calc_N(obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
e1 <- calc_N(obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
out <- e0-e1
} else {
e0 <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
e1 <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta,
st_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta,
method = method,
gq = gq)
est <- e0-e1
# Prediction of marginal mean number of events -------------------------------
if(type == "marg_mean_no"){
# Use Delta Method to obtain confidence intervals for E[N]
est <- rstpm2::predictnl(
fun = function(obj, ...){
temp_estimates <- lapply(
N <- calc_N( obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta[i, ],
method = method,
gq = gq)
data.frame(t, N)
) |> data.table::rbindlist()
list(est = stats::weighted.mean(N, ..pop_weights)),
by = t][["est"]]
} else {
temp_estimates <- lapply(
N <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta[i, ],
method = method,
gq = gq)
data.frame(t, N)
) |> data.table::rbindlist()
est <- temp_estimates[,
list(est = stats::weighted.mean(N, ..pop_weights)),
by = t][["est"]]
# Prediction of marginal difference in mean number of events -----------------
if(type == "marg_diff"){
# Use Delta Method to obtain confidence intervals for E[N]
est <- rstpm2::predictnl(
fun = function(obj, ...){
temp_estimates <- lapply(
e0 <- calc_N(obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta[i,],
method = method,
gq = gq)
e1 <- calc_N(obj, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta[i,],
method = method,
gq = gq)
data.frame(t, diff = e0-e1)
}) |> data.table::rbindlist()
list(est = stats::weighted.mean(diff, ..pop_weights)),
by = t][["est"]]
} else {
temp_estimates <- lapply(
e0 <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata$st_dta[i,],
method = method,
gq = gq)
e1 <- calc_N(object$model, t,
lambda_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$lambda_dta[i,],
st_dta = tmp_newdata_e1$st_dta[i,],
method = method,
gq = gq)
data.frame(t, diff = e0-e1)
}) |> data.table::rbindlist()
est <- temp_estimates[,
list(est = stats::weighted.mean(diff, ..pop_weights)),
by = t][["est"]]
# Prepare output -------------------------------------------------------------
cis <- rstpm2::confint.predictnl(est)
out <- data.frame(t,
fit = est$fit,
lci = cis[, 1],
uci = cis[, 2])
} else {
out <- data.frame(t,
fit = est)
colnames(out)[1] <- object$model@timeVar
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