
Defines functions F1 F1.simule F1.wsimule F1.jeek F1.diffee F1.kdiffnet F1_single

Documented in F1 F1.diffee F1.jeek F1.kdiffnet F1.simule F1.wsimule

#' Compute F1 score for JointNets result
#' @author Zhaoyang Wang (Author), Zhaoyang Wang (maintainer) \email{zw4dn@virginia.edu}
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @return F1 scores (F1 score for each context and the shared part (for simule and wsimule))
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = simule(simulationresult$simulatedsamples, 0.2, 0.5, covType = "cov", FALSE)
#' F1(result,truth)
#' @export
F1 <- function(result, simulatedgraphs,...) {
  UseMethod("F1", result)

#' computes F1 score for jointnet result
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @method F1 simule
#' @export
#' @export F1.simule
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = simule(simulationresult$simulatedsamples, 0.2, 0.5, covType = "cov", FALSE)
#' F1(result,truth)

F1.simule <-
    K = length(simulatedgraphs$graphs)
    f1_shared = F1_single((abs(simulatedgraphs$share)>1e-5)*1,
    simulatedgraphs = make_adj_matrix(simulatedgraphs,TRUE)
    result = make_adj_matrix(result,TRUE)
    f1 = c()
    for (i in 1:K) {
      f1[i] = F1_single(simulatedgraphs[[i]],result[[i]])
    out = list(graphs = f1, share = f1_shared)

#' computes F1 score for jointnet result
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @method F1 wsimule
#' @export
#' @export F1.wsimule
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = wsimule(simulationresult$simulatedsamples,
#'  0.2, 1, W = matrix(1,20,20), covType = "cov", FALSE)
#' F1(result,truth)

F1.wsimule <-
    K = length(simulatedgraphs$graphs)
    f1_shared = F1_single((abs(simulatedgraphs$share)>1e-5)*1,
    simulatedgraphs = make_adj_matrix(simulatedgraphs,TRUE)
    result = make_adj_matrix(result,TRUE)
    f1 = c()
    for (i in 1:K) {
      f1[i] = F1_single(simulatedgraphs[[i]],result[[i]])
    out = list(graphs = f1, share = f1_shared)

#' computes F1 score for jointnet result
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @method F1 jeek
#' @export
#' @export F1.jeek
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = jeek(simulationresult$simulatedsamples,0.25,covType = "kendall",parallel = FALSE)
#' F1(result,truth)

F1.jeek <-
    K = length(simulatedgraphs$graphs)
    simulatedgraphs = make_adj_matrix(simulatedgraphs,TRUE)
    result = make_adj_matrix(result,TRUE)
    f1 = c()
    for (i in 1:K) {
      f1[i] = F1_single(simulatedgraphs[[i]],result[[i]])
    out = list(graphs = f1)


#' computes F1 score for jointnet result
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @method F1 diffee
#' @export
#' @export F1.diffee
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = diffee(simulationresult$simulatedsamples[[1]],
#' simulationresult$simulatedsamples[[2]], 0.01)
#' F1(result,truth)

F1.diffee <-
    K = length(simulatedgraphs$graphs)
    simulatedgraphs = make_adj_matrix(simulatedgraphs,TRUE)
    difference = abs(simulatedgraphs[[1]] - simulatedgraphs[[2]])
    result = make_adj_matrix(result,TRUE)
    out = list(difference = F1_single(difference,result[[1]]))

#' computes F1 score for jointnet result
#' @param result output generated from any one of the jointnet algorithms
#' @param simulatedgraphs $simulatedgraphs from function simulation()
#' @param ... unused
#' @method F1 kdiffnet
#' @export
#' @export F1.kdiffnet
#' @examples
#' library(JointNets)
#' simulationresult = simulation(p = 20,  n = c(100,100))
#' truth = simulationresult$simulatedgraphs
#' result = kdiffnet(simulationresult$simulatedsamples[[1]],
#' simulationresult$simulatedsamples[[2]],
#' W = matrix(1,20,20), g = rep(0,20),epsilon = 0.2,
#' lambda = 0.4,covType = "cov")
#' F1(result,truth)

F1.kdiffnet <-
    K = length(simulatedgraphs$graphs)
    simulatedgraphs = make_adj_matrix(simulatedgraphs,TRUE)
    difference = abs(simulatedgraphs[[1]] - simulatedgraphs[[2]])
    result = make_adj_matrix(result,TRUE)
    out = list(difference = F1_single(difference,result[[1]]))

## function to calculate F1 score for a single simulate graph with a single result graph
## @param truth ground truth precision matrix
## @param estimate estimated precision matrix
## @return a single F1 score between truth and estimate between 0 and 1 (higher scores correspond to better estimation)
## @export
F1_single <- function(truth,estimate){
  tP = sum((estimate == 1) & (truth == 1))
  tN = sum((estimate == 0) & (truth == 0))
  fP = sum((estimate == 1) & (truth == 0))
  fN = sum((estimate == 0) & (truth == 1))
  pPM = tP / (tP + fP)
  rPM = tP / (tP + fN)
  return(2 * pPM * rPM / (pPM + rPM))

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JointNets documentation built on July 30, 2019, 1:02 a.m.