
Defines functions read_results

Documented in read_results

#' Reads track and field results into a list of strings in preparation for
#' parsing with \code{tf_parse}
#' Outputs list of strings to be processed by \code{tf_parse}
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes
#' @importFrom rvest html_text
#' @importFrom pdftools pdf_text
#' @importFrom SwimmeR `%!in%`
#' @param file a .pdf or .html file (could be a url) where containing swimming
#'   track and field results.  pdfs with multiple columns will not work.
#' @param node a CSS node where html results are stored.  Required for html
#'   results.  Default is "pre", which nearly always works.
#' @return returns a list of strings containing the information from
#'   \code{file}.  Should then be parsed with \code{tf_parse}
#' @examples \donttest{read_results("https://www.flashresults.com/2018_Meets/Outdoor/05-05_A10/015-1.pdf")}
#' @seealso \code{read_results} is meant to be followed by
#'   \code{\link{tf_parse}}
#' @export

read_results <- function(file, node = "pre") {

  # file <- "https://flashresults.com/2018_Meets/Outdoor/06-15_NBHSON/040-1-01.htm"

  # file <- "http://results.deltatiming.com/ncaa/tf/2019-joe-walker-invitational/190412F009"
  # node <- "pre"

  if (stringr::str_detect(file, "\\.pdf$|\\.pdf\\.aspx$|\\.aspx$") == TRUE) {
    ### PDF ###
    results <- pdftools::pdf_text(file)
    as_lines <- stringr::str_extract_all(results, "\n.*")
    as_lines_list_2 <- unlist(as_lines, recursive = FALSE)

  } else {
    ### HTML ###
    if (is.character(node) == FALSE) {
      stop(" Please supply a value for node")
    } else {
      webpage <- xml2::read_html(file)
      html <- rvest::html_nodes(webpage, node)
      results <- rvest::html_text(html)
      as_lines <- stringr::str_extract_all(results, "\n.*")
      as_lines_list_2 <- unlist(as_lines, recursive = FALSE)


  # if nothing is unpacked by the above just return the source url
  # flash page results, like those handled by flash_parse_table will
  # pass through and be read

  if(is.null(as_lines_list_2) == FALSE){
  } else {

    file_flagged <- c(file, "try flash_parse_table")



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JumpeR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 1:07 a.m.