
Defines functions tf_parse

Documented in tf_parse

#' Parses track and field data from Flash or Hytek format data into a data frame
#' Outputs a data frame containing track and field data

#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param file a .pdf or .html file (could be a url) where containing track and
#'   field results.  Must be formatted in a "normal" fashion - see vignette
#' @param avoid a list of strings.  Rows in \code{file} containing these strings
#'   will not be included. For example "Record:", often used to label records,
#'   could be passed to \code{avoid}.  The default is \code{avoid_default},
#'   which contains many strings similar to "Record:".  Users can supply their
#'   own lists to \code{avoid}.
#' @param typo a list of strings that are typos in the original results.
#'   \code{tf_parse} is particularly sensitive to accidental double spaces, so
#'   "Central  High School", with two spaces between "Central" and "High" is a
#'   problem, which can be fixed.  Pass "Central  High School" to \code{typo}.
#' @param replacement a list of fixes for the strings in \code{typo}.  Here one
#'   could pass "Central High School" (one space between "Central" and "High")
#'   to fix the issue described in \code{typo}
#' @param relay_athletes should \code{tf_parse} try to include the names of
#'   relay athletes for relay events?  Names will be listed in new columns
#'   "Relay-Athlete_1", "Relay_Athlete_2" etc.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param rounds should \code{tf_parse} try to include rounds for
#'   jumping/throwing events?  Please note this will add a significant number of
#'   columns to the resulting data frame.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param round_attempts should \code{tf_parse} try to include rounds results
#'   (i.e. "PASS", "X", "O") for high jump and pole value events?  Please note
#'   this will add a significant number of columns to the resulting data frame.
#'   Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param split_attempts should \code{tf_parse} split attempts from each round
#'   into separate columns?  For example "XXO" would result in three columns,
#'   one for "X', another for the second "X" and third for "O".  There will be a
#'   lot of columns.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param splits either \code{TRUE} or the default, \code{FALSE} - should
#'   \code{tf_parse} attempt to include splits.
#' @param split_length either the distance at which splits are collected
#'   (must be constant distance) or the default, \code{1}, the length of track
#'   at which splits are recorded.  Not all results are internally consistent on
#'   this issue.  If in doubt use the default \code{1}
#' @return a data frame of track and field results
#' @seealso \code{tf_parse} is meant to be preceded by
#'   \code{\link{read_results}}
#' @examples \donttest{tf_parse(
#' read_results("https://www.flashresults.com/2018_Meets/Outdoor/05-05_A10/015-1.pdf"),
#' rounds = TRUE,
#' round_attempts = TRUE,
#' split_attempts = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

tf_parse <-
           avoid = avoid_default,
           typo = typo_default,
           replacement = replacement_default,
           relay_athletes = FALSE,
           rounds = FALSE,
           round_attempts = FALSE,
           split_attempts = FALSE,
           splits = FALSE,
           split_length = 1) {
    # file <- read_results("http://leonetiming.com/2019/Indoor/GregPageRelays/Results.htm")
    # file <- "http://www.leonetiming.com/2020/Indoor/IvyLeague/Results.htm"
    # file <- read_results(file)
    # file <- read_results("http://tfresultsdata.deltatiming.com/2019-horizon-outdoor-championships/190503F026.htm")
    # typo <- typo_default
    # replacement <- replacement_default
    # avoid <- avoid_default
    # rounds <- TRUE
    # round_attempts <- TRUE
    # split_attempts <- TRUE
    # relay_athletes <- TRUE

    #### default typo and replacement strings ####
    typo_default <- c("typo")

    replacement_default <- c("typo")

    if (length(typo) != length(replacement)) {
      stop("typo and replacement must have the same number of elements (be the same length)")

    if (all(round_attempts == TRUE & rounds == FALSE)) {
      stop("If round_attempts is set to TRUE rounds should also be set to TRUE.")

    if (all(round_attempts == FALSE & split_attempts == TRUE)) {
        "If split_attempts is set to TRUE rounds and round_attempts should also be set to TRUE."

    if(any(!is.logical(splits) & is.na(splits)) == TRUE) {
      stop("splits must be logical, either TRUE or FALSE")

    if(is.numeric(split_length) == FALSE) {
      stop("split_length must be numeric, usually 1 or 200")

    #### strings that if a line begins with one of them the line is ignored ####
    avoid_default <- c("Record\\:",
                       "[:alpha:]\\: .*")

    #### testing setup ####
    # file_1 <-
    #    system.file("extdata", "Results-IVP-Track-Field-Championship-2019-20-v2.pdf", package = "JumpeR")
    # file_2 <- "http://results.yentiming.com/2019/Indoor/12-21-18-west.htm"
    # file_3 <- system.file("extdata", "underdistance-2020-result.pdf", package = "JumpeR")
    # file_4 <- "http://results.yentiming.com/2020/Indoor/2-29-20-MOC.htm"
    # file <- read_results("http://leonetiming.com/2019/Indoor/GregPageRelays/Results.htm")
    # file_1 <- read_results(file_1)
    # file_2 <- read_results(file_2)
    # file_3 <- read_results(file_3)
    # file_4 <- read_results(file_4)
    # file_5 <- read_results(file_5)
    # file <- c(file_1, file_2, file_3, file_4, file_5)
    # file <-
    #   system.file("extdata", "SMTFA-2019-Full-Results.pdf", package = "JumpeR")
    # file <-
    #   system.file("extdata", "day1-combo.pdf", package = "JumpeR")
    # file <- read_results(event_links[75])
    # file <- read_results(system.file("extdata", "Results-IVP-Track-Field-Championship-2019-20-v2.pdf", package = "JumpeR"))
    # file <- read_results("https://www.flashresults.com/2020_Meets/Indoor/02-21_VTChallenge/031-1.pdf")
    # file <- read_results("http://image2.aausports.org/sports/athletics/results/2016/jogames/live/241-1-02.htm")
    # avoid <- c("[:alpha:]\\: .*")
    # typo <- "typo"
    # replacement <- "typo"
    # relay_athletes <- TRUE

    if (unname(unlist(file)[2]) == "try flash_parse_table") {
      data <-
        flash_parse_table(link = unname(unlist(file)[1]),
                          wide_format = TRUE,
                          clean = TRUE)

        "Column names for Flash results in table form are derived from the source data and may not match column names from other sources"

      # if(rounds == FALSE){
      #   data <- data %>%
      #     dplyr::select(-dplyr::starts_with("Round"))
      # }
      # if(all(rounds == TRUE, round_attempts == FALSE))
      #   data <- data %>%
      #   dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches("Round\\_\\d{1,}\\_"))

    } else {
      #### assign row numbers ####
      file <- unname(unlist(file))
      as_lines_list_2 <- add_row_numbers(text = file)

      #### clean input data ####
        raw_results <- as_lines_list_2 %>%
          .[purrr::map_lgl(., ~ !any(stringr::str_detect(., avoid)))] %>% # remove lines contained in avoid
          stringr::str_replace_all(stats::setNames(replacement, typo)) %>%
          stringr::str_replace_all("\\*(\\d{1,})", replacement = "\\1") # removes * placed in front of place number in ties
      ) # removes * placed in front of place number in ties

      if (all((length(raw_results) < 2) &
              stringr::str_detect(raw_results, "^http"))) {
        stop("Please pass links to read_results prior to calling tf_parse")

      #### Flash results or Hy-Tek ####
      # Flash
      if (any(
          "CONDITIONS|\\d\\d?\\:\\d{2}\\s?A?PM\\s+\\d\\d? [A-Z][a-z]{2} \\d{4}"
        na.rm = TRUE
      ) == TRUE) {
        data <-
            flash_file = raw_results,
            flash_rounds = rounds,
            flash_round_attempts = round_attempts,
            flash_split_attempts = split_attempts

      } else {
        # Hy-Tek
        data <- hytek_parse(
          hytek_file = raw_results,
          hytek_relay_athletes = relay_athletes,
          hytek_rounds = rounds,
          hytek_round_attempts = round_attempts,
          hytek_split_attempts = split_attempts,
          hytek_splits = splits,
          hytek_split_length = split_length


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JumpeR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 1:07 a.m.