#' Transform Multivariate State Space Model for Sequential Processing
#' \code{transformSSM} transforms the general multivariate Gaussian state space model
#' to form suitable for sequential processing.
#' @details As all the functions in KFAS use univariate approach i.e. sequential processing,
#' the covariance matrix \eqn{H_t}{H[t]} of the observation equation needs to be
#' either diagonal or zero matrix. Function \code{transformSSM} performs either
#' the LDL decomposition of \eqn{H_t}{H[t]}, or augments the state vector with
#' the disturbances of the observation equation.
#' In case of a LDL decomposition, the new \eqn{H_t}{H[t]} contains the diagonal part of the
#' decomposition, whereas observations \eqn{y_t}{y[t]} and system matrices \eqn{Z_t}{Z[t]} are
#' multiplied with the inverse of \eqn{L_t}{L[t]}. Note that although the state estimates and
#' their error covariances obtained by Kalman filtering and smoothing are identical with those
#' obtained from ordinary multivariate filtering, the one-step-ahead errors
#' \eqn{v_t}{v[t]} and their variances \eqn{F_t}{F[t]} do differ. The typical
#' multivariate versions can be obtained from output of \code{\link{KFS}}
#' using \code{\link{mvInnovations}} function.
#' In case of augmentation of the state vector, some care is needed interpreting the
#' subsequent filtering/smoothing results: For example the \code{muhat} from the output of \code{KFS}
#' now contains also the smoothed observational level noise as that is part of the state vector.
#' @export
#' @param object State space model object from function \code{\link{SSModel}}.
#' @param type Option \code{"ldl"} performs LDL decomposition for covariance matrix \eqn{H_t}{H[t]},
#' and multiplies the observation equation with the \eqn{L_t^{-1}}{L[t]^-1}, so \eqn{\epsilon_t^*
#' \sim N(0,D_t)}{\epsilon[t]* ~ N(0,D[t])}. Option \code{"augment"} adds
#' \eqn{\epsilon_t}{\epsilon[t]} to the state vector, so \eqn{Q_t}{Q[t]} becomes block diagonal
#' with blocks \eqn{Q_t}{Q[t]} and \eqn{H_t}{H[t]}.
#' @param tol Tolerance parameter for LDL decomposition (see \code{\link{ldl}}). Default is
#' \code{max(100, max(abs(apply(object$H, 3, diag)))) * .Machine$double.eps}.
#' @return \item{model}{Transformed model.}
transformSSM <- function(object, type = c("ldl", "augment"), tol) {
if (any(object$distribution != "gaussian"))
stop("Nothing to transform as matrix H is not defined for non-gaussian model.")
is.SSModel(object, return.logical = FALSE)
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("ldl", "augment"))
p <- attr(object, "p")
n <- attr(object, "n")
m <- attr(object, "m")
r <- attr(object, "k")
tv <- attr(object,"tv")
tvh <- tv[2]
if (type == "ldl") {
if (p > 1) { #do nothing for univariate series
yt <- t(object$y)
ymiss <-
tv[1] <- max(tv[1], tv[2])
if (sum(ymiss) > 0) {
# find unique combinations of missing observations
# even though H (and Z) becomes time varying in case of partial missingness,
# no need to compute Cholesky for all t
positions <- unique(ymiss, MARGIN = 2)
nh <- dim(positions)[2]
tv[1:2] <- 1
Z <- array(object$Z, dim = c(p, m, n))
} else {
Z <- array(object$Z, dim = c(p, m, (n - 1) * tv[1] + 1))
positions <- rep(FALSE, p)
nh <- 1
positions <- as.matrix(positions)
H <- array(object$H, c(p, p, n))
if (tvh) {
# if H was already time varying, compute cholesky decompositions for all t
nh <- n
hchol <- 1:n
uniqs <- 1:n
} else {
hchol <- rep(0, n)
uniqs <- numeric(nh)
for (i in 1:nh) {
nhn <- which(colSums(ymiss == positions[, i]) == p)
hchol[nhn] <- i
uniqs[i] <- nhn[1]
ichols <- H[, , uniqs, drop = FALSE]
ydims <- as.integer(colSums(!ymiss))
yobs <- array(1:p, c(p, n))
if (sum(ymiss) > 0) #positions of missing observations
for (i in 1:n) {
if (ydims[i] != p && ydims[i] != 0)
yobs[1:ydims[i], i] <- yobs[!ymiss[, i], i]
if (ydims[i] < p)
yobs[(ydims[i] + 1):p, i] <- NA
unidim <- ydims[uniqs]
hobs <- yobs[, uniqs, drop = FALSE]
storage.mode(yobs) <- storage.mode(hobs) <- storage.mode(hchol) <- "integer"
if(missing(tol)) tol <- max(100, max(abs(apply(object$H, 3, diag)))) * .Machine$double.eps
# compute the transformations for y, Z and H
out <- .Fortran(fldlssm, NAOK = TRUE, yt = yt, ydims = ydims, yobs = yobs,
tv = as.integer(tv), Zt = Z, p = p, m = m,
n = n, ichols = ichols, nh = as.integer(nh), hchol = hchol,
unidim = as.integer(unidim), info = as.integer(0), hobs = hobs,
tol = tol)
"1" = "LDL decomposition of H failed.",
"2" = "Computing the inverse of L failed."
H <- array(0, c(p, p, ((n - 1) * tv[2] + 1)))
for (i in 1:((n - 1) * tv[2] + 1)) #construct diagonal H
diag(H[, , i]) <- diag(out$ichols[, , out$hchol[i]])
attry <- attributes(object$y)
object$y <- t(out$yt)
attributes(object$y) <- attry
object$Z <- out$Z
object$H <- H
attr(object, "tv") <- as.integer(tv)
} else { #augmentation, add new states for epsilon disturbances and set H=0
T <- array(object$T, dim = c(m, m, (n - 1) * tv[3] + 1))
R <- array(object$R, dim = c(m, r, (n - 1) * tv[4] + 1))
Q <- array(object$Q, dim = c(r, r, (n - 1) * tv[5] + 1))
H <- array(object$H, c(p, p, (n - 1) * tv[2] + 1))
Z <- array(object$Z, dim = c(p, m, (n - 1) * tv[1] + 1))
r2 <- r + p
m2 <- m + p
tv[5] <- max(tv[c(2, 5)])
Qt2 <- array(0, c(r2, r2, 1 + (n - 1) * tv[5]))
Qt2[1:r, 1:r, ] <- Q
if (tv[2]) {
Qt2[(r + 1):r2, (r + 1):r2, -n] <- H[, , -1]
} else Qt2[(r + 1):r2, (r + 1):r2, ] <- H
Zt2 <- array(0, c(p, m2, (n - 1) * tv[1] + 1))
Zt2[1:p, 1:m, ] <- Z
Zt2[1:p, (m + 1):m2, ] <- diag(p)
Tt2 <- array(0, c(m2, m2, (n - 1) * tv[3] + 1))
Tt2[1:m, 1:m, ] <- T
Rt2 <- array(0, c(m2, r + p, (n - 1) * tv[4] + 1))
Rt2[1:m, 1:r, ] <- R
Rt2[(m + 1):m2, (r + 1):r2, ] <- diag(p)
P12 <- P1inf2 <- matrix(0, m2, m2)
P12[1:m, 1:m] <- object$P1
P1inf2[1:m, 1:m] <- object$P1inf
P12[(m + 1):m2, (m + 1):m2] <- H[, , 1]
a12 <- matrix(0, m2, 1)
a12[1:m, ] <- object$a1
object$Z <- Zt2
object$H <- array(0, c(p, p, 1))
object$T <- Tt2
object$R <- Rt2
object$Q <- Qt2
if (p == 1) {
rownames(a12) <- c(rownames(object$a1), "eps")
} else {
rownames(a12) <- c(rownames(object$a1),paste0(rep("eps.", p), 1:p))
object$a1 <- a12
object$P1 <- P12
object$P1inf <- P1inf2
attr(object, "m") <- m2
attr(object, "k") <- r2
attr(object, "tv") <- as.integer(tv)
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