
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @importFrom stats model.offset
#' @importFrom stats model.weights
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats fitted

glmmPQL2 <- function (fixed, random, family, data, correlation, weights, 
    control, niter = 10, verbose = TRUE, ...) 
    if (is.character(family)) 
        family <- get(family)
    if (is.function(family)) 
        family <- family()
    if (is.null(family$family)) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")
    m <- mcall <- Call <- match.call()
    nm <- names(m)[-1L]
    keep <- is.element(nm, c("weights", "data", "subset", "na.action"))
    for (i in nm[!keep]) m[[i]] <- NULL
    allvars <- if (is.list(random)) 
        allvars <- c(all.vars(fixed), names(random), unlist(lapply(random, 
            function(x) all.vars(formula(x)))))
    else c(all.vars(fixed), all.vars(random))
    Terms <- if (missing(data)) 
    else terms(fixed, data = data)
    off <- attr(Terms, "offset")
    if (length(off <- attr(Terms, "offset"))) 
        allvars <- c(allvars, as.character(attr(Terms, "variables"))[off + 
    if (!missing(correlation) && !is.null(attr(correlation, "formula"))) 
        allvars <- c(allvars, all.vars(attr(correlation, "formula")))
    Call$fixed <- eval(fixed)
    Call$random <- eval(random)
    m$formula <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(allvars, collapse = "+")))
    environment(m$formula) <- environment(fixed)
    m$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    m[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval.parent(m)
    off <- model.offset(mf)
    if (is.null(off)) 
        off <- 0
    wts <- model.weights(mf)
    if (is.null(wts)) 
        wts <- rep(1, nrow(mf))
    mf$wts <- wts
    fit0 <- glm(formula = fixed, family = family, data = mf, 
        weights = wts, ...)
    w <- fit0$prior.weights
    eta <- fit0$linear.predictors
    zz <- eta + fit0$residuals - off
    wz <- fit0$weights
    fam <- family
    nm <- names(mcall)[-1L]
    keep <- is.element(nm, c("fixed", "random", "data", "subset", 
        "na.action", "control"))
    for (i in nm[!keep]) mcall[[i]] <- NULL
    fixed[[2L]] <- quote(zz)
    mcall[["fixed"]] <- fixed
    mcall[[1L]] <- as.name("lme")
    mcall$random <- random
    mcall$method <- "ML"
    if (!missing(correlation)) 
        mcall$correlation <- correlation
    mcall$weights <- quote(varFixed(~invwt))
    mf$zz <- zz
    mf$invwt <- 1/wz
    mcall$data <- mf
    for (i in seq_len(niter)) {
        if (verbose) 
            message("iteration ", i)
        fit <- eval(mcall)
        etaold <- eta
        eta <- fitted(fit) + off
        if (sum((eta - etaold)^2) < 1e-06 * sum(eta^2)) 
        mu <- fam$linkinv(eta)
        mu.eta.val <- fam$mu.eta(eta)
        mf$zz <- eta + (fit0$y - mu)/mu.eta.val - off
        wz <- w * mu.eta.val^2/fam$variance(mu)
        mf$invwt <- 1/wz
        mcall$data <- mf
   y_star <- mf$zz
    attributes(fit$logLik) <- NULL
    fit$call <- Call
    fit$family <- family
    fit$logLik <- as.numeric(NA)
    oldClass(fit) <- c("glmmPQL", oldClass(fit))
    newfit <- list("fit"=fit, "y_star"=y_star, "W_inverse"=mf$invwt)

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KMgene documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:09 p.m.