
Defines functions createFANplot

Documented in createFANplot

createFANplot <-
function() {
    showPANfrmp1 <- function() {
      createTITLE(labTitle = "FAN RECURRENCE PLOT")
      createOK(labTitle = "NEXT", action = plotfrmpzoom1)
      tcltk::tkpack(KTSEnv$subPanR4C1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    plotfrmpzoom1 <- function() {
      selRmName <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$selRmP),
                                   noValid = NA)
      if (is.na(selRmName)) {
        tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = "Choose a recurrence matrix",
                            icon = "warning")
        selRm <- get(selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)
        if (selRm$type != "fan") {
          tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = paste("Choose a FAN",
                                              "recurrence matrix"),
                              icon = "warning")
        } else {
          KTSEnv$selRmName <- selRmName
    showPANfrmp2 <- function(){
      defName <- get(KTSEnv$selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)$tsName[1]
      createTITLE(labTitle = "FAN RECURRENCE PLOT")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Color",
                  textVariableName = "CoLoR", defaultVal = "darkred")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Plot diagonal",
                  textVariableName = "diaYOrN", defaultVal = "No")
      createEntry(labTitle = "X Label",
                  textVariableName = "xlab", defaultVal = defName)
      createEntry(labTitle = "Y Label",
                  textVariableName = "ylab", defaultVal = defName)
      createEntry(labTitle = "Labels size",
                  textVariableName = "labSi", defaultVal = "1")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Ticks size",
                  textVariableName = "tickSi", defaultVal = "1")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Point size", 
                  textVariableName = "poiS", defaultVal = "0.3")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Left margin", 
                  textVariableName = "lemar", defaultVal = "5")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Lower margin", 
                  textVariableName = "lomar", defaultVal = "5")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Ticks location", 
                  textVariableName = "tiLo", defaultVal = "1")
      createEntry(labTitle = "Labels location", 
                  textVariableName = "laLo", defaultVal = "3")
      # createEntry(labTitle = "X Scale",defaultVal = "1.5",
      #             textVariableName = "xScl")
      # createEntry(labTitle = "Y Scale",defaultVal = "1.5",
      #             textVariableName = "yScl")
      createOK(labTitle = "PLOT", action = plotfrmpzoom2a)
      createOK(labTitle = "PLOT TO FILE", action = plotfrmpzoom2b, width = 14)
      createOK(labTitle = "ZOOM", action = plotSelRm , width = 14)
      tcltk::tkpack(KTSEnv$subPanR4C1, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    plotfrmpzoom2a <- function() {
      recurrPlot <- function(selRm) {
        X <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
        Y <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
        nRecurrPoints <- nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones)
        graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
                      mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
        graphics::plot(tsTime, tsTime, type = "p",
                       col = "white", xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
                       ylab = KTSEnv$ylabs, 
                       cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis, 
                       cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis,
                       asp = 1)
                         pch = 19, bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
                         type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)

        if(KTSEnv$plotDiag == "Yes"){
                           pch = 19, bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
                           type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)
        # if (exists("fragToZoom", envir = KTSEnv)) {
        #   graphics::polygon(x = c(KTSEnv$fragToZoom[3],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[3],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[4],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[4]),
        #                     y = c(KTSEnv$fragToZoom[2],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[1],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[1],
        #                           KTSEnv$fragToZoom[2]),
        #                     border = "darkcyan", lwd = 2)
        # }
        # KTSEnv$parPlotSize <- graphics::par("plt")
        # KTSEnv$uC <- graphics::par("usr")
      # copyPlot <- function() {tkrplot::tkrreplot(tsPlot)}
      # onLeftClick <- function(x, y) {
      #   xC <- x
      #   yC <- y
      #   width <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkwinfo("reqwidth",
      #                                           tsPlot))
      #   height <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkwinfo("reqheight",
      #                                            tsPlot))
      #   width <- as.numeric(width)
      #   height <- as.numeric( height)
      #   xMin <- KTSEnv$parPlotSize[1] * width
      #   xMax <- KTSEnv$parPlotSize[2] * width
      #   yMin <- KTSEnv$parPlotSize[3] * height
      #   yMax <- KTSEnv$parPlotSize[4] * height
      #   rangeX <- KTSEnv$uC[2] - KTSEnv$uC[1]
      #   rangeY <- KTSEnv$uC[4] - KTSEnv$uC[3]
      #   # imgXcr <- (xCr - KTSEnv$uC[1]) * (xMax - xMin)/rangeX + xMin
      #   # imgYcr <- (yCr - KTSEnv$uC[3]) * (yMax - yMin)/rangeY + yMin
      #   xC <- as.numeric(xC) + 0.5
      #   yC <- as.numeric(yC) + 0.5
      #   yC <- height - yC
      #   xPlotCoord <- KTSEnv$uC[1] + (xC - xMin) * rangeX/(xMax - xMin)
      #   yPlotCoord <- KTSEnv$uC[3] + (yC - yMin) * rangeY/(yMax - yMin)
      #   KTSEnv$touchedPoints <- rbind(KTSEnv$touchedPoints,
      #                                 c(xPlotCoord,yPlotCoord))
      # }
      # onrelease <- function(x, y) {
      #   leftLimit <- min(KTSEnv$touchedPoints[,1])
      #   rightLimit <- max(KTSEnv$touchedPoints[,1])
      #   lowerLimit <- min(KTSEnv$touchedPoints[,2])
      #   upperLimit <- max(KTSEnv$touchedPoints[,2])
      #   if (all(is.finite(c(leftLimit, rightLimit,
      #                       upperLimit, lowerLimit)))) {
      #     KTSEnv$fragToZoom <-  c(upperLimit,
      #                             lowerLimit,
      #                             leftLimit,
      #                             rightLimit)
      #     KTSEnv$touchedPoints <- NULL
      #     tkrplot::tkrreplot(tsPlot)
      #   }else{
      #     KTSEnv$touchedPoints <- NULL
      #   }
      # }
      # createZoom <- function() {
      #   plotFragment <- function() {
      #     if(all(is.finite(KTSEnv$fragToZoom))){
      #       if(nchar(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1]) > 10){
      #         iniDate <- strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1],
      #                             format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
      #                             tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       }else{
      #         iniDate <- strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1],
      #                             format = "%Y-%m-%d",
      #                             tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       }
      #       iniDateN <- as.numeric(iniDate)
      #       timeRecons <- seq(iniDateN, by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], 
      #                         length.out = KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength[1])
      #       KTSEnv$ZInd <- KTSEnv$fragToZoom
      #       for (i in 1:4){
      #         dife <- abs(timeRecons - KTSEnv$fragToZoom[i])
      #         aa <- which(dife == min(dife))
      #         KTSEnv$ZInd[i] <- which(timeRecons == timeRecons[aa])
      #         rm(dife,aa)
      #       }
      #       XXX <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
      #       YYY <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
      #       XXXYYY <- cbind(XXX,YYY)
      #       YYYXXX <- cbind(YYY,XXX)
      #       xUpper <- which(XXX >= KTSEnv$ZInd[3] & XXX <= KTSEnv$ZInd[4])
      #       yUpper <- which(YYY >= KTSEnv$ZInd[2] & YYY <= KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       XXXYYY1 <- XXXYYY[intersect(xUpper,yUpper),]
      #       xLower <- which(YYY >= KTSEnv$ZInd[3] & YYY <= KTSEnv$ZInd[4])
      #       yLower <- which(XXX >= KTSEnv$ZInd[2] & XXX <= KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       YYYXXX1 <- YYYXXX[intersect(xLower,yLower),]
      #       diagOnes <- intersect(KTSEnv$ZInd[3]:KTSEnv$ZInd[4],KTSEnv$ZInd[2]:KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       diagOnes <- cbind(diagOnes,diagOnes)
      #       newRMOnes <- rbind(XXXYYY1,YYYXXX1)
      #       newRMOnes <- rbind(newRMOnes,diagOnes)
      #       newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,2]),]
      #       newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,1]),]
      #       format <- findDateFormat(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       lengthTS <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength - (KTSEnv$selRm$embDim - 1) * KTSEnv$selRm$delay
      #       lengthTS <- min(lengthTS)
      #       tsTime <- seq(strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], format = format,
      #                              tz = KTSEnv$timeZone),
      #                     by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], length.out = lengthTS)
      #       approxRRratio <- (2*nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones))/nrow(newRMOnes)
      #       poiSs1 <- round(KTSEnv$poiSs*approxRRratio^0.3,1)
      #       if(poiSs1 > 1){poiSs1 <- 1}
      #       graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
      #                     mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
      #       graphics::plot(tsTime[newRMOnes[,1]],
      #                      tsTime[newRMOnes[,2]],
      #                      type = "p", asp = 1,
      #                      col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
      #                      cex = poiSs1,
      #                      xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
      #                      ylab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
      #                      cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis,
      #                      cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis)
      #     }
      #   }
      #   copyZoom <- function() {tkrplot::tkrreplot(tsZoom)}
      #   panelZName <- createRandName()
      #   assign(panelZName, tcltk::tktoplevel(bg = "white"))
      #   tcltk::tkwm.title(get(panelZName), KTSEnv$selRmName)
      #   frameZName <- createRandName("frameZName")
      #   assign(frameZName, tcltk::tkframe(get(panelZName),
      #                                     borderwidth = 2,
      #                                     relief = "raised"))
      #   tcltk::tkgrid(get(frameZName))
      #   tcltk::tkgrid.configure(get(frameZName), sticky = "n")
      #   tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(get(frameZName), 0, weight = 0)
      #   tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameZName), 0, weight = 0)
      #   tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameZName), 1, weight = 0)
      #   tsZoom <- tkrplot::tkrplot(get(frameZName), fun = plotFragment,
      #                              hscale = 3, vscale = 1.5)
      #   tcltk::tkconfigure(tsZoom, bg = "white")
      #   copyButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(get(frameZName),
      #                                 text = "Copy to clipboard",
      #                                 command = copyZoom)
      #   tcltk::tkpack(tsZoom, expand = TRUE,
      #                 fill = "both", anchor = "center")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(copyButton, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(get(frameZName), expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      # }
      selRm <- get(KTSEnv$selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)
      KTSEnv$selRm <- get(KTSEnv$selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)
      KTSEnv$xlabs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$xlab),
                                      noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$ylabs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$ylab),
                                      noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$labSis <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$labSi),
                                       noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$tickSis <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$tickSi),
                                        noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$CoLoRs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$CoLoR),
                                       noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$poiSs <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$poiS),
                                      noValid = NA) 
      # KTSEnv$xScls <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$xScl),
      #                                 noValid = NA)
      # KTSEnv$yScls <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$yScl),
      #                                 noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$plotDiag <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$diaYOrN),
                                         noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$lemars <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$lemar),
                                      noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$lomars <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$lomar),
                                      noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$tiLos <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$tiLo),
                                     noValid = NA)
      KTSEnv$laLos <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$laLo),
                                     noValid = NA)
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$CoLoR)){KTSEnv$CoLoRs <- "darkred"}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$poiSs)){KTSEnv$poiSs <- 0.3}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$xlabs)){KTSEnv$xlabs <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsName[1]}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$ylabs)){KTSEnv$ylabs <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsName[1]}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$labSis)){KTSEnv$labSis <- 1}
      # if(is.na(KTSEnv$xScls)){KTSEnv$xScl <- 1.5}
      # if(is.na(KTSEnv$yScls)){KTSEnv$yScl <- 1.5}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$plotDiag)){KTSEnv$plotDiag <- "No"}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$lemars)){KTSEnv$lemars <- 5}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$lomars)){KTSEnv$lomars <- 5}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$laLos)){KTSEnv$laLos <- 3}
      if(is.na(KTSEnv$tiLos)){KTSEnv$tiLos <- 1}
      format <- findDateFormat(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      lengthTS <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength - (KTSEnv$selRm$embDim - 1) * KTSEnv$selRm$delay
      lengthTS <- min(lengthTS)
      tsTime <- seq(strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], format = format,
                             tz = KTSEnv$timeZone),
                    by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], length.out = lengthTS)
      # assign("selRm", selRm, envir = KTSEnv)
      # # xCr <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
      # # yCr <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
      # xCr <- tsTime
      # yCr <- tsTime
      # assign("touchedPoints", NULL, envir = KTSEnv)
      # panelName <- createRandName()
      # assign(panelName, tcltk::tktoplevel(bg = "white"))
      # tcltk::tkwm.title(get(panelName),
      #                   paste("Recurrence plot:", KTSEnv$selRmName))
      # frameName <- createRandName("frameName")
      # assign(frameName, tcltk::tkframe(get(panelName), borderwidth = 2,
      #                                  relief = "raised"))
      # tcltk::tkgrid(get(frameName))
      # tcltk::tkgrid.configure(get(frameName), sticky = "n")
      # tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(get(frameName), 0, weight = 0)
      # tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameName), 0, weight = 0)
      # tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameName), 1, weight = 0)
      # tsPlot <- try(tkrplot::tkrplot(get(frameName),
      #                                fun = recurrPlot, 
      #                                hscale = KTSEnv$xScls,
      #                                vscale = KTSEnv$yScls),
      #               silent = TRUE)
      grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
      tsPlot <- try(recurrPlot(selRm), silent = TRUE)
      if(class(tsPlot) == "try-error"){
        tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = paste("The plotting failed",
                                            "probably because the",
                                            "matrix is too large.",
                                            "You can try to ",
                                            "save it to a file directly",
                                            "or to reduce the tolerance"),
                            icon = "warning")
      # }else{
      #   copyButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(get(frameName),
      #                                 text = "Copy to clipboard",
      #                                 command = copyPlot)
      #   saveButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(get(frameName),
      #                                 text = "Save to file",
      #                                 command = saveThePlot)
      #   zoomButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(get(frameName),
      #                                 text = "Zoom selected area",
      #                                 command = createZoom)
      #   tcltk::tkpack(tsPlot, expand = TRUE,
      #                 fill = "both", anchor = "center")
      #   tcltk::tkconfigure(tsPlot, bg = "white")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(copyButton, expand = TRUE,
      #                 fill = "both", side = "left")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(saveButton, expand = TRUE,
      #                 fill = "both", side = "left")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(zoomButton, expand = TRUE,
      #                 fill = "both", side = "left")
      #   tcltk::tkpack(get(frameName), expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      #   tcltk::tkbind(tsPlot, "<B1-Motion>", onLeftClick)
      #   tcltk::tkbind(tsPlot, "<ButtonRelease-1>", onrelease)
      #   tcltk::tkconfigure(KTSEnv$mainPanel, cursor = "left_ptr")
      # }
    plotfrmpzoom2b <- function() {
      saveThePlot <- function(){
        getExtension <- function(selFile) {
          selFileSplitRev <- rev(strsplit(selFile, split = NULL)[[1]])
          lastPoint <- min(which(selFileSplitRev == "."))
            lengthSelFile <- nchar(selFile)
            exten <- substr(selFile, 
                            lengthSelFile - lastPoint + 2, 
            exten <- "none"
        savePopUp <- function(){
          onOK <- function() {
            filename <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(entryVar1), noValid = NA)
              filename <- paste0("fig",sample(10000:99999, 1),".tiff")
            KTSEnv$filename <- filename
            winW <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(entryVar2), noValid = NA)
              winW <- 15
            KTSEnv$winW <- winW     
            winH <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(entryVar3), noValid = NA)
              winH <- 15
            KTSEnv$winH <- winH
            resIm <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(entryVar4), noValid = NA)
              resIm <- 300
            KTSEnv$resIm <- resIm
          KTSEnv$newWin <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
          tcltk::tkwm.title(KTSEnv$newWin, "")
          entryVar1 <- tcltk::tclVar("")
          ent1 <-tcltk2::tk2entry(KTSEnv$newWin, width = "25",
                                  textvariable = entryVar1)
          text1 <- "File name"
          lab1 <- tcltk2::tk2label(KTSEnv$newWin,
                                   text = text1,
                                   justify = "left")
          entryVar2 <- tcltk::tclVar("")
          ent2 <-tcltk2::tk2entry(KTSEnv$newWin, width = "25",
                                  textvariable = entryVar2)
          text2 <- "Width (cm)"
          lab2 <- tcltk2::tk2label(KTSEnv$newWin,
                                   text = text2,
                                   justify = "left")
          entryVar3 <- tcltk::tclVar("")
          ent3 <-tcltk2::tk2entry(KTSEnv$newWin, width = "25",
                                  textvariable = entryVar3)
          text3 <- "Height (cm)"
          lab3 <- tcltk2::tk2label(KTSEnv$newWin,
                                   text = text3,
                                   justify = "left")
          entryVar4 <- tcltk::tclVar("")
          ent4 <-tcltk2::tk2entry(KTSEnv$newWin, width = "25",
                                  textvariable = entryVar4)
          text4 <- "Resolution (ppi)"
          lab4 <- tcltk2::tk2label(KTSEnv$newWin,
                                   text = text4,
                                   justify = "left")
          tcltk::tkgrid(lab1,padx = 10, pady = c(15, 5), sticky = "w")
          tcltk::tkgrid(ent1, padx = 10, pady = c(0, 15))
          tcltk::tkgrid(lab2,padx = 10, pady = c(15, 5), sticky = "w")
          tcltk::tkgrid(ent2, padx = 10, pady = c(0, 15))
          tcltk::tkgrid(lab3,padx = 10, pady = c(15, 5), sticky = "w")
          tcltk::tkgrid(ent3, padx = 10, pady = c(0, 15))
          tcltk::tkgrid(lab4,padx = 10, pady = c(15, 5), sticky = "w")
          tcltk::tkgrid(ent4, padx = 10, pady = c(0, 15))
          OKbutton <-tcltk::tkbutton(KTSEnv$newWin, text = "OK",
                                     width = -6, command = onOK)
          tcltk::tkgrid(OKbutton, padx = 10, pady = c(5, 15))
          tcltk::tkbind(ent4, "<Return>", onOK)
        exten <- getExtension(KTSEnv$filename)
        tcltk::tkconfigure(KTSEnv$mainPanel, cursor = "watch")
        if(exten != "tiff" & exten != "png"){ 
          KTSEnv$filename <- paste0(KTSEnv$filename,".tiff")
        if( exten == "tiff"){
          grDevices::png(filename = KTSEnv$filename,units = "cm",
                         width = KTSEnv$winW, height = KTSEnv$winH,
                         res = KTSEnv$resIm)
          grDevices::png(filename = KTSEnv$filename,units = "cm",
                         width = KTSEnv$winW, height = KTSEnv$winH,
                         res = KTSEnv$resIm) 
        tcltk::tkconfigure(KTSEnv$mainPanel, cursor = "left_ptr")
      plotToSave <- function(){
        selRm <- get(KTSEnv$selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)
        KTSEnv$selRm <- get(KTSEnv$selRmName, envir = KTSEnv)
        KTSEnv$xlabs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$xlab),
                                        noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$ylabs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$ylab),
                                        noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$labSis <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$labSi),
                                         noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$tickSis <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$tickSi),
                                          noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$CoLoRs <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$CoLoR),
                                         noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$poiSs <- verifyRealEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$poiS),
                                        noValid = NA) 
        KTSEnv$plotDiag <- verifyCharEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$diaYOrN),
                                           noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$lemars <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$lemar),
                                        noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$lomars <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$lomar),
                                        noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$tiLos <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$tiLo),
                                       noValid = NA)
        KTSEnv$laLos <- verifyIntEntry(tcltk::tclvalue(KTSEnv$laLo),
                                       noValid = NA)
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$CoLoR)){KTSEnv$CoLoRs <- "darkred"}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$poiSs)){KTSEnv$poiSs <- 0.3}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$xlabs)){KTSEnv$xlabs <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsName[1]}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$ylabs)){KTSEnv$ylabs <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsName[1]}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$labSis)){KTSEnv$labSis <- 1}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$plotDiag)){KTSEnv$plotDiag <- "No"}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$lemars)){KTSEnv$lemars <- 5}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$lomars)){KTSEnv$lomars <- 5}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$laLos)){KTSEnv$laLos <- 3}
        if(is.na(KTSEnv$tiLos)){KTSEnv$tiLos <- 1}
        format <- findDateFormat(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
        lengthTS <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength - (KTSEnv$selRm$embDim - 1) * KTSEnv$selRm$delay
        lengthTS <- min(lengthTS)
        tsTime <- seq(strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], format = format,
                               tz = KTSEnv$timeZone),
                      by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], length.out = lengthTS)
        X <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
        Y <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
        nRecurrPoints <- nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones)
        graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
                      mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
        graphics::plot(tsTime, tsTime, type = "p",
                       col = "white", xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
                       ylab = KTSEnv$ylabs, bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, pch = 19,
                       cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis, 
                       cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis,
                       asp = 1)
        graphics::points(tsTime[X],tsTime[Y],bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, pch = 19,
                         type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)
        if(KTSEnv$plotDiag == "Yes"){
                           bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, pch = 19,
                           type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)
      tcltk::tkconfigure(KTSEnv$mainPanel, cursor = "left_ptr")
      # recurrPlot <- function() {
      #   # X <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
      #   # Y <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
      #   # nRecurrPoints <- nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones)
      #   # 
      #   # graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
      #   #               mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
      #   # graphics::plot(tsTime, tsTime, type = "p",
      #   #                col = "white", xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
      #   #                ylab = KTSEnv$ylabs, 
      #   #                cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis, 
      #   #                cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis,
      #   #                asp = 1)
      #   # graphics::points(tsTime[X],tsTime[Y],
      #   #                  type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)
      #   # 
      #   # if(KTSEnv$plotDiag == "Yes"){
      #   #   
      #   #   graphics::points(tsTime[1:lengthTS],tsTime[1:lengthTS],
      #   #                    type = "p",col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs, cex = KTSEnv$poiSs)
      #   #   
      #   # }
      #   # 
      # }
      # createZoom <- function() {
      #   plotFragment <- function() {
      #     if(all(is.finite(KTSEnv$fragToZoom))){
      #       if(nchar(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1]) > 10){
      #         iniDate <- strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1],
      #                             format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
      #                             tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       }else{
      #         iniDate <- strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1],
      #                             format = "%Y-%m-%d",
      #                             tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       }
      #       iniDateN <- as.numeric(iniDate)
      #       timeRecons <- seq(iniDateN, by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], 
      #                         length.out = KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength[1])
      #       KTSEnv$ZInd <- KTSEnv$fragToZoom
      #       for (i in 1:4){
      #         dife <- abs(timeRecons - KTSEnv$fragToZoom[i])
      #         aa <- which(dife == min(dife))
      #         KTSEnv$ZInd[i] <- which(timeRecons == timeRecons[aa])
      #         rm(dife,aa)
      #       }
      #       # XXX <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
      #       # YYY <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
      #       # XXXYYY <- cbind(XXX,YYY)
      #       # YYYXXX <- cbind(YYY,XXX)
      #       # 
      #       # xUpper <- which(XXX >= KTSEnv$ZInd[3] & XXX <= KTSEnv$ZInd[4])
      #       # yUpper <- which(YYY >= KTSEnv$ZInd[2] & YYY <= KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       # XXXYYY1 <- XXXYYY[intersect(xUpper,yUpper),]
      #       # 
      #       # xLower <- which(YYY >= KTSEnv$ZInd[3] & YYY <= KTSEnv$ZInd[4])
      #       # yLower <- which(XXX >= KTSEnv$ZInd[2] & XXX <= KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       # YYYXXX1 <- YYYXXX[intersect(xLower,yLower),]
      #       # 
      #       # diagOnes <- intersect(KTSEnv$ZInd[3]:KTSEnv$ZInd[4],KTSEnv$ZInd[2]:KTSEnv$ZInd[1])
      #       # diagOnes <- cbind(diagOnes,diagOnes)
      #       # 
      #       # newRMOnes <- rbind(XXXYYY1,YYYXXX1)
      #       # newRMOnes <- rbind(newRMOnes,diagOnes)
      #       # newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,2]),]
      #       # newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,1]),]
      #       # 
      #       # format <- findDateFormat(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
      #       # lengthTS <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength - (KTSEnv$selRm$embDim - 1) * KTSEnv$selRm$delay
      #       # lengthTS <- min(lengthTS)
      #       # tsTime <- seq(strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], format = format,
      #       #                        tz = KTSEnv$timeZone),
      #       #               by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], length.out = lengthTS)
      #       # 
      #       # 
      #       # approxRRratio <- (2*nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones))/nrow(newRMOnes)
      #       # poiSs1 <- round(KTSEnv$poiSs*approxRRratio^0.3,1)
      #       # if(poiSs1 > 1){poiSs1 <- 1}
      #       # 
      #       # graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
      #       #               mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
      #       # 
      #       # 
      #       # graphics::plot(tsTime[newRMOnes[,1]],
      #       #                tsTime[newRMOnes[,2]],
      #       #                type = "p", asp = 1,
      #       #                col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
      #       #                cex = poiSs1,
      #       #                xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
      #       #                ylab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
      #       #                cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis,
      #       #                cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis)
      #     }
      #   }
      #   # copyZoom <- function() {tkrplot::tkrreplot(tsZoom)}
      #   # panelZName <- createRandName()
      #   # assign(panelZName, tcltk::tktoplevel(bg = "white"))
      #   # tcltk::tkwm.title(get(panelZName), KTSEnv$selRmName)
      #   # frameZName <- createRandName("frameZName")
      #   # assign(frameZName, tcltk::tkframe(get(panelZName),
      #   #                                   borderwidth = 2,
      #   #                                   relief = "raised"))
      #   # tcltk::tkgrid(get(frameZName))
      #   # tcltk::tkgrid.configure(get(frameZName), sticky = "n")
      #   # tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(get(frameZName), 0, weight = 0)
      #   # tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameZName), 0, weight = 0)
      #   # tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(get(frameZName), 1, weight = 0)
      #   # tsZoom <- tkrplot::tkrplot(get(frameZName), fun = plotFragment,
      #   #                            hscale = 3, vscale = 1.5)
      #   # tcltk::tkconfigure(tsZoom, bg = "white")
      #   # copyButton <- tcltk::tkbutton(get(frameZName),
      #   #                               text = "Copy to clipboard",
      #   #                               command = copyZoom)
      #   # tcltk::tkpack(tsZoom, expand = TRUE,
      #   #               fill = "both", anchor = "center")
      #   # tcltk::tkpack(copyButton, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      #   # tcltk::tkpack(get(frameZName), expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      # }

    plotSelRm <- function(){
      idkts.srm<- function(selRm, col, cex){
        rr <- graphics::locator(n = 1)
          rr <- unlist(rr)
          KTSEnv$indicesToRedden <- rbind(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden,rr)
            borrar <- KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[1,] 
            KTSEnv$indicesToRedden <- KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[-1,] 
            graphics::points(borrar[1],borrar[2], col = "white", cex=cex)
          graphics::points(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden, col = col, cex=cex)
        try(idkts.srm(selRm, col, cex), silent = TRUE)
      col <- "black"
      cex  <- 2
      try(idkts.srm(selRm=KTSEnv$selRm, col=col, cex=cex), silent = FALSE)
        tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = paste("Select, at least, 2 points"),
                            icon = "warning")
      }else if(nrow(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden)<2){
        tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = paste("Select, at least, 2 points"),
                            icon = "warning")
        izq <- min(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[,1])
        dcha <- max(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[,1])
        arr <- max(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[,2])
        aba <- min(KTSEnv$indicesToRedden[,2])
        format <- findDateFormat(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], tz = KTSEnv$timeZone)
        lengthTS <- KTSEnv$selRm$tsLength - (KTSEnv$selRm$embDim - 1) * KTSEnv$selRm$delay
        lengthTS <- min(lengthTS)
        tsTime <- seq(strptime(KTSEnv$selRm$tsIni[1], format = format,
                               tz = KTSEnv$timeZone),
                      by = KTSEnv$selRm$samPerSec[1], length.out = lengthTS)
        tsTimeN <- as.numeric(tsTime)
        ancho <- range(intersect(which(tsTimeN >= izq),which(tsTimeN <= dcha))) 
        alto <- range(intersect(which(tsTimeN >= aba),which(tsTimeN <= arr)))
        anchoL <- length(ancho[1]:ancho[2])
        altoL <- length(alto[1]:alto[2])
        hacerCuadradoG <- ceiling(abs(diff(c(anchoL,altoL)))/2)
        hacerCuadradoP <- floor(abs(diff(c(anchoL,altoL)))/2)
        margenI <- ancho[1]-1
        margenD <- lengthTS-ancho[2]
        margenAb <- alto[1]-1
        margenAr <-  lengthTS-alto[2]
        if(diff(ancho) > diff(alto)){
          if((altoL + hacerCuadradoG + hacerCuadradoP) <= lengthTS){
            HaySitioArribaG <- margenAr >= hacerCuadradoG
            HaySitioArribaP <- margenAr >= hacerCuadradoP
            HaySitioAbajoG <- margenAb >= hacerCuadradoG
            HaySitioAbajoP <- margenAb >= hacerCuadradoP
            if(HaySitioAbajoG == TRUE & HaySitioArribaP== TRUE){
              alto[1] <- alto[1]-hacerCuadradoG
              alto[2] <- alto[2]+hacerCuadradoP
            }else if(HaySitioArribaG == TRUE & HaySitioAbajoP== TRUE){
              alto[1] <- alto[1]-hacerCuadradoP
              alto[2] <- alto[2]+hacerCuadradoG
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoG == TRUE & HaySitioArribaP== FALSE){  
              alto[1] <- alto[1]- (hacerCuadradoP-margenAr)-hacerCuadradoG
              alto[2] <- lengthTS
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoP == TRUE & HaySitioArribaG== FALSE){  
              alto[1] <- alto[1]- (hacerCuadradoG-margenAr)-hacerCuadradoP
              alto[2] <- lengthTS
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoG == FALSE & HaySitioArribaP== TRUE){  
              alto[2] <- alto[2]+ (hacerCuadradoP-margenAb)+hacerCuadradoG
              alto[1] <- 1  
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoP == FALSE & HaySitioArribaG== TRUE){  
              alto[2] <- alto[2]+ (hacerCuadradoG-margenAb)+hacerCuadradoP
              alto[1] <- 1      
        }else if(diff(ancho) < diff(alto)){
          if((anchoL + hacerCuadradoG + hacerCuadradoP) <= lengthTS){
            HaySitioArribaG <- margenAr >= hacerCuadradoG
            HaySitioArribaP <- margenAr >= hacerCuadradoP
            HaySitioAbajoG <- margenAb >= hacerCuadradoG
            HaySitioAbajoP <- margenAb >= hacerCuadradoP
            if(HaySitioAbajoG == TRUE & HaySitioArribaP== TRUE){
              ancho[1] <- ancho[1]-hacerCuadradoG
              ancho[2] <- ancho[2]+hacerCuadradoP
            }else if(HaySitioArribaG == TRUE & HaySitioAbajoP== TRUE){
              ancho[1] <- ancho[1]-hacerCuadradoP
              ancho[2] <- ancho[2]+hacerCuadradoG
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoG == TRUE & HaySitioArribaP== FALSE){  
              ancho[1] <- ancho[1]- (hacerCuadradoP-margenAr)-hacerCuadradoG
              ancho[2] <- lengthTS
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoP == TRUE & HaySitioArribaG== FALSE){  
              ancho[1] <- ancho[1]- (hacerCuadradoG-margenAr)-hacerCuadradoP
              ancho[2] <- lengthTS
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoG == FALSE & HaySitioArribaP== TRUE){  
              ancho[2] <- ancho[2]+ (hacerCuadradoP-margenAb)+hacerCuadradoG
              ancho[1] <- 1  
            }else if(HaySitioAbajoP == FALSE & HaySitioArribaG== TRUE){  
              ancho[2] <- ancho[2]+ (hacerCuadradoG-margenAb)+hacerCuadradoP
              ancho[1] <- 1      
        ZInd <-  c(alto[2],
        # XXX <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
        # YYY <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
        # XXXYYY <- cbind(XXX,YYY)
        # YYYXXX <- cbind(YYY,XXX)
        # xUpper <- which(XXX >= ZInd[3] & XXX <= ZInd[4])
        # yUpper <- which(YYY >= ZInd[2] & YYY <= ZInd[1])
        # XXXYYY1 <- XXXYYY[intersect(xUpper,yUpper),]
        # xLower <- which(YYY >= ZInd[3] & YYY <= ZInd[4])
        # yLower <- which(XXX >= ZInd[2] & XXX <= ZInd[1])
        # YYYXXX1 <- YYYXXX[intersect(xLower,yLower),]
        # diagOnes <- intersect(ZInd[3]:ZInd[4],ZInd[2]:ZInd[1])
        # diagOnes <- cbind(diagOnes,diagOnes)
        # newRMOnes <- rbind(XXXYYY1,YYYXXX1)
        # newRMOnes <- rbind(newRMOnes,diagOnes)
        XXX <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$X
        YYY <- KTSEnv$selRm$ones$Y
        XXXYYY <- cbind(XXX,YYY)
        YYYXXX <- cbind(YYY,XXX)
        xUpper <- which(XXX >= ZInd[3] & XXX <= ZInd[4])
        yUpper <- which(YYY >= ZInd[2] & YYY <= ZInd[1])
        XXXYYY1 <- XXXYYY[intersect(xUpper,yUpper),]
        xLower <- which(YYY >= ZInd[3] & YYY <= ZInd[4])
        yLower <- which(XXX >= ZInd[2] & XXX <= ZInd[1])
        YYYXXX1 <- YYYXXX[intersect(xLower,yLower),]
        diagOnes <- intersect(ZInd[3]:ZInd[4],ZInd[2]:ZInd[1])
        diagOnes <- cbind(diagOnes,diagOnes)
        newRMOnes <- rbind(XXXYYY1,YYYXXX1)
        newRMOnes <- rbind(newRMOnes,diagOnes)
          tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = "No recurrence point was found",
                              icon = "warning")
          # newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,2]),]
          # newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,1]),]
          # approxRRratio <- (2*nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones))/nrow(newRMOnes)
          # poiSs1 <- round(KTSEnv$poiSs*approxRRratio^0.3,1)
          # if(poiSs1 > 1){poiSs1 <- 1}
          # try(grDevices::dev.off(), silent = TRUE)
          # grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
          # graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
          #               mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
          # graphics::plot(tsTime[newRMOnes[,1]],
          #                tsTime[newRMOnes[,2]],
          #                type = "p", asp = 1,
          #                col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,pch = 19,
          #                cex = poiSs1,bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
          #                xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
          #                ylab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
          #                cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis,
          #                cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis)
          newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,2]),]
          newRMOnes <- newRMOnes[order(newRMOnes[,1]),]
          approxRRratio <- (2*nrow(KTSEnv$selRm$ones))/nrow(newRMOnes)
          poiSs1 <- round(KTSEnv$poiSs*approxRRratio^0.3,1)
          if(poiSs1 > 1){poiSs1 <- 1}
          try(grDevices::dev.off(), silent = TRUE)
          grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
          graphics::par(mar = c(KTSEnv$lomars, KTSEnv$lemars, 1, 1),
                        mgp = c(KTSEnv$laLos, KTSEnv$tiLos, 0))
                         type = "p", asp = 1,
                         col = KTSEnv$CoLoRs,
                         cex = poiSs1,
                         xlab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
                         ylab = KTSEnv$xlabs,
                         cex.lab = KTSEnv$labSis,
                         cex.axis = KTSEnv$tickSis,
                         pch = 19, bg = KTSEnv$CoLoRs)
      KTSEnv$indicesToRedden <- NULL
    refreshDataSetsList(outp = FALSE)
    checkIfAnyRm(action = "showPANfrmp1", 
                 envirName = environment(showPANfrmp1))

Try the KarsTS package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

KarsTS documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:07 p.m.