
# ---------------------------- Kriging DoE analysis ---------------------------
#	Several files are required to run:
#		folder/baseName_XX_YY.csv		    : DoE specification from LSD
#		folder/baseName_YY+1_ZZ.csv		  : external validation from LSD (optional)
#		folder/baseName_XX_YY_WWW.csv	  : DoE response from R
#		folder/baseName_YY+1_ZZ_WWW.csv	: ext. validation response from R (optional)
#		folder/baseName.lsd				      : LSD configuration with default values
#		folder/		          : factor sensitivity test ranges from LSD

library( LSDsensitivity )

# ==== LSD variables to use (all, the ones to be used in log and new) ====

lsdVars <- c( "var1", "var2", "var3" )
logVars <- c( "var1", "var3" )
newVars <- c( "var4" )

# ====== Optional function to evaluate the selected variables ======

eval.vars <- function( dataSet, allVars ) {
  #tsteps <- nrow( dataSet )        # number of timesteps in simulated data set
  #nvars <- ncol( dataSet )         # number of variables in data set (including new ones)

  # ---- Recompute values for existing variables ----

  for( var in allVars ) {
    if( var %in% logVars ) {    # take the log values of selected variables
      try( dataSet[ , var ] <- log( dataSet[ , var ] ), silent = TRUE )  # <= 0 as NaN

  # ---- Calculate values of new variables (added to LSD dataset) ----

  #dataSet[ , "var4" ] <- dataSet[ , "var1" ] + dataSet[ , "var2" ]   # example of new var

  return( dataSet )

# ==== Process LSD set of result files (an experimental data set) ====

dataSet <- read.doe.lsd( ".",                    # data files relative folder
                         "Sim1",                 # data files base name (same as .lsd file)
                         "var1",				         # variable name to perform the sensitivity analysis
                         does = 2,               # number of experiments (data + external validation)
                         iniDrop = 0,            # initial time steps to drop from analysis (0=none)
                         nKeep = -1,             # number of time steps to keep (-1=all)
                         saveVars = lsdVars,     # LSD variables to keep in dataset
                         addVars = newVars,      # new variables to add to the LSD dataset
                         eval.vars = eval.vars,  # function to evaluate/adjust/expand the dataset
                         rm.temp = FALSE,        # remove temporary speedup files?
                         rm.outl = FALSE,        # remove outliers from dataset
                         lim.outl = 10 )         # limit non-outlier deviation (number of std. devs.)

# ====== Estimate Kriging meta-models and select the best one ======

mModel <- kriging.model.lsd( dataSet,            # LSD experimental data set
                             ext.wgth = 0.5,     # weight of external errors on model selection (0-1)
                             trendModel = 0,     # trend model (0=auto, 1=constant, 2=1st order polynomial)
                             covModel = 0,       # covariance kernel (0=auto, 1=Matern5/2,
                                                 # 2=Matern3/2, 3=Gaussian, 4=expon., 5=power exp.
                             digits = 3 )        # precision digits

# ====== Sobol sensitivity analysis on meta-model ======

sSA <- sobol.decomposition.lsd( dataSet,         # LSD experimental data set
                                mModel,          # estimated meta-model
                       = FALSE, # use alternative kriging-specific SA algorithm
                                sa.samp = 5000 ) # number of samples in sensitivity analysis

# ====== Generate response surface 3D data for plotting ======

mResp <- response.surface.lsd( dataSet,          # LSD experimental data set
                               mModel,           # estimated meta-model
                               sSA,              # Sobol sensitivity analysis results
                               gridSz = 25,      # density for 3D wireframe (grid) plots
                               defPos = 2,       # default settings position in plot set (1, 2 or 3)
                               factor1 = 0,      # first factor (0=auto or # according to DoE factor order)
                               factor2 = 0,      # second factor (0=auto or # according to DoE factor order)
                               factor3 = 0 )     # third factor (0=auto or # according to DoE factor order)

# ===== Find maximum and minimum response values for top factors =====

maxMin <- model.limits.lsd( dataSet,             # LSD experimental data set
                            mModel,              # estimated meta-model
                            sSA )                # use auto factor order

# ----------------------- Analysis results presentation -----------------------

library( gplots )           # package for plotting tables
library( rgl )              # package for 3D GL model

# ====== Present meta-model selection details ======

# ------ Model comparison table ------

textplot( signif( mModel$comparison, 4 ), rmar = 1 )
title( main = "Comparison of alternative kriging models",
       sub = "Q2: cross validation Q2 ( higher is better )\nRMSE/MAE/RMA: external validation RMSE/MAE/RMA ( lower is better )" )

# ------ Model estimation table ------

textplot( mModel$estimation.std, show.colnames = FALSE, cmar = 2, rmar = 1 )
title( main = "Kriging meta-model estimation (standardized)",
       sub = paste0( "All variables rescaled to [ 0, 1 ] / Average 95% CI = +/- ",
                     round( mResp$avgCIdev, digits = 2 ), "\nPredicted output at defaults: ",
                     dataSet$saVarName, " = ", round( mResp$default$mean, digits = 2 ), " / 95% CI = [",
                     round( mResp$default$lower, digits = 2 ), ",",
                     round( mResp$default$upper, digits = 2 ), "]" ) )

# ------ Sobol sensitivity analysis chart ------

barplot( t( sSA$sa ), col = c( "white", "gray" ), las = 2, ylim = c( 0, 1 ),
         legend.text = c( "main effects", "interactions" ) )
title( main = "Sobol decomposition sensitivity analysis", ylab = "Sobol Index" )

# ====== Plot 2D response surface ======

# plot 2D charts for top factors (around defaut parameter configuration)
for( i in 1 : 3 ) {
  plot( mResp$grid[[ i ]], mResp$factor[[ i ]]$mean,
        ylim = c( min( mResp$calib[[ 2 ]]$lower ),
                  max( mResp$calib[[ 2 ]]$upper ) ),
        type = "l", xlab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ i ] ],
        ylab = dataSet$saVarName,
        main = paste0( "Meta-model response for parameter '",
                       colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ i ] ], "'" ),
        sub = "Dotted lines at 95% confidence interval" )
  lines( mResp$grid[[ i ]], mResp$factor[[ i ]]$lower, col = "black", lty = 2 )
  lines( mResp$grid[[ i ]], mResp$factor[[ i ]]$upper, col = "black", lty = 2 )
  points( as.numeric( dataSet$facDef[ sSA$topEffect[ i ] ] ), mResp$default$mean,
          col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 1.5 )
  points( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ i ], ( i * 2 ) - 1 ],
          maxMin[ "response", ( i * 2 ) - 1 ],
          col = "green", pch = 18, cex = 1.5 )
  points( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ i ], i * 2 ],
          maxMin[ "response", i * 2 ],
          col = "blue", pch = 18, cex = 1.5 )

# ====== 3D response surface (wireframe & shaded) ======

grid3d <- 25                          # density for 3D wireframe plots
theta3d <- 40                         # horizontal view angle
phi3d <- 30                           # vertical view angle

if( sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] > sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ) {      # check if we have to swap x and y axis
  swapXY <- TRUE
} else
  swapXY <- FALSE

for( i in 1 : length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) ) {        # do for each top factor

  # plot 3D grid charts
  zMat <- matrix( mResp$calib[[ i ]]$mean, grid3d, grid3d, byrow = swapXY )

  # handle flat surfaces
  zlim <- range( zMat, na.rm = TRUE )
  if( zlim[ 1 ] == zlim[ 2 ] )
    if( zlim[ 1 ] != 0 ) {
      zlim <- zlim + c( - abs( zlim[ 1 ] ), abs( zlim[ 2 ] ) )
    } else
      zlim <- c( -1, 1 )

  vt <- persp( mResp$grid[[ 1 ]], mResp$grid[[ 2 ]], zMat, col = "gray90",
               xlab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] ], zlim = zlim,
               ylab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ], zlab = dataSet$saVarName,
               theta = theta3d, phi = phi3d, ticktype = "detailed" )

  if( length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) == 1 ||
      ( length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) == 3 && i == 2 ) ) {
    points( trans3d( as.numeric( dataSet$facDef[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] ] ),
                     as.numeric( dataSet$facDef[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ] ),
                     mResp$default$mean, vt ), col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 1.0 )
    points( trans3d( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ], 7 ],
                     maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ], 7 ],
                     maxMin[ "response", 7 ], vt ), col = "green", pch = 18, cex = 1.0 )
    points( trans3d( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ], 8 ],
                     maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ], 8 ],
                     maxMin[ "response", 8 ], vt ), col = "blue", pch = 18, cex = 1.0 )
    subTitle <- paste0( "95% confidence interval: ", dataSet$saVarName, " = [",
                        round( mResp$default$lower, 2 ),
                        ",", round( mResp$default$upper, 2 ),
                        "] at defaults (red dot)" )
  } else
    subTitle <- paste0( "All other parameters are at default settings" )

  title( main = paste( paste( "Meta-model response surface (",
                              colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 3 ] ],
                              "=", mResp$grid[[ 4 ]][ i ], ")" ) ),
         sub = subTitle )

  # ------ 3D response surface (shaded) ------

  persp3d( mResp$grid[[ 1 ]], mResp$grid[[ 2 ]],
           matrix( mResp$calib[[ i ]]$mean, grid3d, grid3d ), col = "lightgray",
           xlab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] ],
           ylab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ], zlab = dataSet$saVarName )

# ====== 3D response surface (isolevels) ======

for( i in 1 : length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) ) {
  zMat <- matrix( mResp$calib[[ i ]]$mean, grid3d, grid3d, byrow = swapXY )
  contour( mResp$grid[[ 1 ]], mResp$grid[[ 2 ]], zMat, nlevels = 12 )
  if( length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) == 1 ||
      ( length( mResp$grid[[ 4 ]] ) == 3 && i == 2 ) ) {
    points( dataSet$facDef[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] ], dataSet$facDef[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ],
            col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 1.5 )
    points( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ], 7 ],
            maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ], 7 ],
            col = "green", pch = 18, cex = 1.5 )
    points( maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ], 8 ],
            maxMin[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ], 8 ],
            col = "blue", pch = 18, cex = 1.5 )
    subTitle <- paste0( "95% confidence interval: ", dataSet$saVarName, " = [",
                        round( mResp$default$lower, 2 ),
                        ",", round( mResp$default$upper, 2 ),
                        "] at defaults (red dot)" )
  } else
    subTitle <- paste0( "All other parameters are at default settings" )

  title( main = paste( "Meta-model response surface (",
                       colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 3 ] ], "=",
                       mResp$grid[[ 4 ]][ i ], ")" ),
         sub = subTitle, xlab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 1 ] ],
         ylab = colnames( dataSet$doe )[ sSA$topEffect[ 2 ] ] )

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