
Defines functions estimate_liability_single

Documented in estimate_liability_single


#' Estimating the genetic or full liability 
#' \code{estimate_liability_single} estimates the genetic component of the full
#' liability and/or the full liability for a number of individuals based
#' on their family history.
#' This function can be used to estimate either the genetic component of the 
#' full liability, the full liability or both. It is possible to input either 
#' @param .tbl A matrix, list or data frame that can be converted into a tibble.
#' Must have at least five columns that hold the family identifier, the personal 
#' identifier, the role and the lower and upper thresholds. Note that the 
#' role must be one of the following abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param family_graphs A tibble with columns pid and family_graph_col. 
#' See prepare_graph for construction of the graphs. The family graphs Defaults to NULL.
#' @param h2 A number representing the heritability on liability scale
#' for a single phenotype. Must be non-negative. Note that under the liability threshold model,
#' the heritability must also be at most 1.
#' Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param  pid A string holding the name of the column in \code{.tbl} (or \code{family} and 
#' \code{threshs}) that hold the personal identifier(s). Defaults to "PID".
#' @param fam_id A string holding the name of the column in \code{.tbl} or \code{family} that
#' holds the family identifier. Defaults to "fam_ID".
#' @param role A string holding the name of the column in \code{.tbl} that
#' holds the role. Each role must be chosen from the following list of abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to "role".
#' @param family_graphs_col Name of column with family graphs in family_graphs. Defaults to "fam_graph".
#' @param out A character or numeric vector indicating whether the genetic component
#' of the full liability, the full liability or both should be returned. If \code{out = c(1)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic")}, the genetic liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("full")}, the full liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(1,2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic", "full")}, both components are estimated and returned. 
#' Defaults to \code{c(1)}.
#' @param tol A number that is used as the convergence criterion for the Gibbs sampler.
#' Equals the standard error of the mean. That is, a tolerance of 0.2 means that the 
#' standard error of the mean is below 0.2. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @return If \code{family} and \code{threshs} are two matrices, lists or 
#' data frames that can be converted into tibbles, if \code{family} has two 
#' columns named like the strings represented in \code{pid} and \code{fam_id}, if 
#' \code{threshs} has a column named like the string given in \code{pid} as 
#' well as a column named "lower" and a column named "upper" and if the 
#' liability-scale heritability \code{h2}, \code{out}, \code{tol} and 
#' \code{always_add} are of the required form, then the function returns a 
#' tibble with either four or six columns (depending on the length of out).
#' The first two columns correspond to the columns \code{fam_id} and \code{pid} '
#' present in \code{family}. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1)} or \code{c("genetic")}, the third 
#' and fourth column hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the 
#' corresponding standard error, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} equals \code{c(2)} or \code{c("full")}, the third and 
#' fourth column hold the estimated full liability as well as the 
#' corresponding standard error, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1,2)} or \code{c("genetic","full")},
#' the third and fourth column hold the estimated genetic liability as 
#' well as the corresponding standard error, respectively, while the fifth and
#' sixth column hold the estimated full liability as well as the corresponding 
#' standard error, respectively.
#' @examples
#' sims <- simulate_under_LTM(fam_vec = c("m","f","s1"), n_fam = NULL, 
#' add_ind = TRUE, h2 = 0.5, n_sim=10, pop_prev = .05)
#' #
#' estimate_liability_single(.tbl = sims$thresholds, 
#' h2 = 0.5, pid = "indiv_ID", fam_id = "fam_ID", role = "role", out = c(1), 
#' tol = 0.01)
#' # 
#' sims <- simulate_under_LTM(fam_vec = c(), n_fam = NULL, add_ind = TRUE, 
#' h2 = 0.5, n_sim=10, pop_prev = .05)
#' #
#' estimate_liability_single(.tbl = sims$thresholds, 
#' h2 = 0.5, pid = "indiv_ID", fam_id = "fam_ID", role = "role",
#' out = c("genetic"), tol = 0.01)
#' @seealso \code{\link[future.apply]{future_apply}}, \code{\link{estimate_liability_multi}},
#' \code{\link{estimate_liability}}
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull bind_rows bind_cols select filter tibble 
#' @importFrom stringr str_ends str_split str_subset str_detect
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom igraph get.vertex.attribute
#' @export
estimate_liability_single <- function(.tbl = NULL,
                                      family_graphs = NULL,
                                      h2 = 0.5,
                                      pid = "PID",
                                      fam_id = "fam_ID",
                                      family_graphs_col = "fam_graph",
                                      role = NULL,
                                      out = c(1),
                                      tol = 0.01){
  # validating input-agnostic variables --------------------------------------
  # Turning pid and fam_id into strings
  pid <- as.character(pid)
  fam_id <- as.character(fam_id)
  # Checking that the heritability is valid
  if (validate_proportion(h2)) invisible()
  # Checking that tol is valid
  if (!is.numeric(tol) && !is.integer(tol)) stop("The tolerance must be numeric!")
  if (tol <= 0) stop("The tolerance must be strictly positive!")
  # Checking that out is either a character vector or a numeric vector
  if (is.numeric(out)) {
    out <- intersect(out, c(1,2))
  } else if (is.character(out)) {
    out <- c("genetic", "full")[rowSums(sapply(out, grepl, x = c("genetic", "full"))) > 0]
    out[out == "genetic"] <- 1
    out[out == "full"] <- 2
    out <- as.numeric(out)
  } else {
    stop("out must be a numeric or character vector!")
  # Checking whether out is empty
  if (length(out) == 0) {
    warning("out is not of the required format! \n The function will return the estimated genetic liability!")
    out <- c(1)
  # Sorting out
  out <- sort(out)
  # Validating input specific variables -------------------------------------
  if ( !is.null(.tbl) ) { #### .tbl input ####
    # Turning .tbl into a tibble
    # if it is not of class tbl
    if (!is.null(.tbl) && !tibble::is_tibble(.tbl))  .tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.tbl)
    # role (as string) must be supplied
    if (is.null(role)) stop("role must be specified.")
    # if role is supplied, convert to string
    if (!is.null(role)) role <- as.character(role)
    # Checking that .tbl has three columns named pid, fam_id and role
    if (!(pid %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", pid," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    if (!(fam_id %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", fam_id," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    if (!(role %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", role," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    # In addition, we check that two columns named lower and upper are present
    if (any(!c("lower","upper") %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop("The tibble .tbl must include two columns named 'lower' and 'upper'!")
    # If the tibble consists of more than the required columns,
    # we select only the relevant ones.
    .tbl <- select(.tbl,
    # Finally, we also check whether all lower thresholds are
    # smaller than or equal to the upper thresholds
    if (any(pull(.tbl, lower) > pull(.tbl, upper))) {
      warning("Some lower thresholds are larger than the corresponding upper thresholds! \n
  The lower and upper thresholds will be swapped...")
      swapping_indx <- which(pull(.tbl, lower) > pull(.tbl, upper))
      .tbl$lower[swapping_indx] <- .tbl$lower[swapping_indx] + .tbl$upper[swapping_indx]
      .tbl$upper[swapping_indx] <- .tbl$lower[swapping_indx] - .tbl$upper[swapping_indx]
      .tbl$lower[swapping_indx] <- .tbl$lower[swapping_indx] - .tbl$upper[swapping_indx]
    # Extracting the (unique) family identifiers
    fam_list <- unique(pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(fam_id)))
  } else if ( !is.null(family_graphs) ) { #### Graph input ####
    #check if family_graphs is present, and if the pid column is present.
    if ( !(pid %in% colnames(family_graphs)) ) {
      stop(paste0("The column ", pid," does not exist in the tibble family_graphs."))
    # checking if the family graph column present.
    if ( !(family_graphs_col %in% colnames(family_graphs)) ) {
      stop(paste0("The column ", family_graphs_col," does not exist in the tibble family_graphs."))
    # extract attributes from graph
    graph_attrs = get.vertex.attribute((family_graphs %>% pull(!!as.symbol(family_graphs_col)))[[1]])
    if ( !(any(c("lower", "upper") %in% names(graph_attrs))) ) {
      stop("lower and upper are not present as attributes in family_graph.")
    # Extracting the (unique) family identifiers
    fam_list <- unique(pull(family_graphs, !!as.symbol(pid)))
  } else ( stop("no valid input used.") )
  # how many workers are we using?
  message(paste0("The number of workers is ", future::nbrOfWorkers(), "\n"))
  # actual liability estimates happen below
  gibbs_res <- future.apply::future_lapply(X = 1:length(fam_list), FUN = function(i){
    # current family id (proband id for graphs)
    cur_fam_id = fam_list[i]
    ##### Ultimately, we get cov and temp_tbl from both of the cases below ##### 
    if ( !is.null(family_graphs) ) { # family_graph based covariance construction
      # extract current (local) family graph
      cur_fam_graph = family_graphs[[family_graphs_col]][[i]]
      # construct covariance and extract threshold information from graph.
      cov_obj = graph_based_covariance_construction(pid = pid,
                                                    cur_proband_id = cur_fam_id,
                                                    cur_family_graph = cur_fam_graph,
                                                    h2 = h2)
      # cov and temp_tbl are ordered during construction
      # threshold information
      temp_tbl = cov_obj$temp_tbl
      # check whether covariance matrix is positive definite
      # correct if needed.
      cov_PD = correct_positive_definite_simplified(covmat = cov_obj$covmat)
      cov = cov_PD$covmat
    } else { # role based covariance construction
      # extract all with current family ID.
      temp_tbl = filter(.tbl, !!as.symbol(fam_id) == cur_fam_id)
      # Extract the personal numbers and roles for all family members
      pids  <- pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(pid))
      roles <- pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role))
      # Constructing the covariance matrix.
      cov_obj <- construct_covmat(fam_vec = roles, n_fam = NULL, add_ind = TRUE, h2 = h2)
      # check for whether covariance matrix is positive definite
      # correct if needed.
      cov_PD = correct_positive_definite_simplified(covmat = cov_obj)
      cov = cov_PD$covmat
      # adding missing roles (of either g or o)
      temp_tbl = add_missing_roles_for_proband(temp_tbl = temp_tbl,
                                               role = role,
                                               cur_roles = roles,
                                               cur_fam_id = cur_fam_id,
                                               pid = pid,
                                               fam_id = fam_id)
      # Now that we have extracted all the relevant information, we
      # only need to order the observations before we can run
      # Gibbs sampler, as g and o need to be the first two observations.
      first_indx <- match(c("g","o"), pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role)))
      other_indx <- setdiff(1:length(pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role))), first_indx)
      temp_tbl <- temp_tbl[c(first_indx, other_indx),]
    # Setting the variables needed for Gibbs sampler
    fixed <- (pull(temp_tbl,upper) - pull(temp_tbl,lower)) < 1e-04
    std_err <- rep(Inf, length(out))
    names(std_err) <- c("genetic", "full")[out]
    n_gibbs <- 1
    # Running Gibbs sampler
    while(any(std_err > tol)){
      if(n_gibbs == 1){
        est_liabs <- rtmvnorm.gibbs(n_sim = 1e+05, covmat = cov, lower = pull(temp_tbl, lower), upper = pull(temp_tbl, upper),
                                    fixed = fixed, out = out, burn_in = 1000) %>%
          `colnames<-`(c("genetic", "full")[out]) %>%
        est_liabs <- rtmvnorm.gibbs(n_sim = 1e+05, covmat = cov, lower = pull(temp_tbl, lower), upper = pull(temp_tbl, upper),
                                    fixed = fixed, out = out, burn_in = 1000) %>%
          `colnames<-`(c("genetic", "full")[out]) %>%
          tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      # Computing the standard error
      std_err <- batchmeans::bmmat(est_liabs)[,2]
      # Adding one to the counter
      n_gibbs <- n_gibbs + 1
    # If all standard errors are below the tolerance,
    # the estimated liabilities as well as the corresponding
    # standard error can be returned
    res <- tibble::as_tibble(batchmeans::bmmat(est_liabs), rownames = "out") %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = c(est,se)) %>%
      mutate(., name = paste0(out, "_", name), .keep = "unused") %>%
    # formatting and returning result
    tibble(!!as.symbol(fam_id) := cur_fam_id,
           !!as.symbol(pid) := cur_fam_id,
           genetic_est = res[[1]],
           genetic_se  = res[[2]])
  }, future.seed = TRUE) %>%
    do.call("bind_rows", .)

#' Estimating the genetic or full liability for multiple phenotypes
#' \code{estimate_liability_multi} estimates the genetic component of the full
#' liability and/or the full liability for a number of individuals based
#' on their family history for a variable number of phenotypes.
#' This function can be used to estimate either the genetic component of the 
#' full liability, the full liability or both for a variable number of traits.
#' @param .tbl A matrix, list or data frame that can be converted into a tibble.
#' Must have at least seven columns that hold the family identifier, the personal 
#' identifier, the role and the lower and upper thresholds for all phenotypes
#' of interest. Note that the role must be one of the following abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param family_graphs A tibble with columns pid and family_graph_col. 
#' See prepare_graph for construction of the graphs. The family graphs Defaults to NULL.
#' @param genetic_corrmat A numeric matrix holding the genetic correlations between the desired 
#' phenotypes. All diagonal entries must be equal to one, while all off-diagonal entries 
#' must be between -1 and 1. In addition, the matrix must be symmetric.
#' @param full_corrmat A numeric matrix holding the full correlations between the desired 
#' phenotypes. All diagonal entries must be equal to one, while all off-diagonal entries 
#' must be between -1 and 1. In addition, the matrix must be symmetric.
#' @param h2_vec A numeric vector representing the liability-scale heritabilities
#' for all phenotypes. All entries in h2_vec must be non-negative and at most 1.
#' @param phen_names A character vector holding the phenotype names. These names
#' will be used to create the row and column names for the covariance matrix.
#' If it is not specified, the names will default to phenotype1, phenotype2, etc.
#' Defaults to NULL.
#' @param  pid A string holding the name of the column in \code{family} and 
#' \code{threshs} that hold the personal identifier(s). Defaults to "PID".
#' @param fam_id A string holding the name of the column in \code{family} that
#' holds the family identifier. Defaults to "fam_ID".
#' @param role A string holding the name of the column in \code{.tbl} that
#' holds the role.Each role must be chosen from the following list of abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to "role".
#' @param family_graphs_col Name of column with family graphs in family_graphs. Defaults to "fam_graph".
#' @param out A character or numeric vector indicating whether the genetic component
#' of the full liability, the full liability or both should be returned. If \code{out = c(1)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic")}, the genetic liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("full")}, the full liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(1,2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic", "full")}, both components are estimated and returned. 
#' Defaults to \code{c(1)}.
#' @param tol A number that is used as the convergence criterion for the Gibbs sampler.
#' Equals the standard error of the mean. That is, a tolerance of 0.2 means that the 
#' standard error of the mean is below 0.2. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @return If \code{family} and \code{threshs} are two matrices, lists or data frames 
#' that can be converted into tibbles, if \code{family} has two columns named like 
#' the strings represented in \code{pid} and \code{fam_id}, if \code{threshs} has a 
#' column named like the string given in \code{pid} as well as a column named \code{"lower"} 
#' and a column named \code{"upper"} and if the liability-scale heritabilities in \code{h2_vec}, 
#' \code{genetic_corrmat}, \code{full_corrmat}, \code{out} and \code{tol} are of the 
#' required form, then the function returns a tibble with at least six columns (depending 
#' on the length of out).
#' The first two columns correspond to the columns \code{fam_id} and \code{pid} present in 
#' the tibble \code{family}. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1)} or \code{c("genetic")}, the third and fourth columns 
#' hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the 
#' first phenotype, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} equals \code{c(2)} or \code{c("full")}, the third and fourth columns hold 
#' the estimated full liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the first 
#' phenotype, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1,2)} or \code{c("genetic","full")}, the third and 
#' fourth columns hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the corresponding standard 
#' error for the first phenotype, respectively, while the fifth and sixth columns hold the 
#' estimated full liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the first 
#' phenotype, respectively.
#' The remaining columns hold the estimated genetic liabilities and/or the estimated full 
#' liabilities as well as the corresponding standard errors for the remaining phenotypes.
#' @examples
#' genetic_corrmat <- matrix(0.4, 3, 3)
#' diag(genetic_corrmat) <- 1
#' full_corrmat <- matrix(0.6, 3, 3)
#' diag(full_corrmat) <- 1
#' #
#' sims <- simulate_under_LTM(fam_vec = c("m","f"), n_fam = NULL, add_ind = TRUE, 
#' genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, full_corrmat = full_corrmat, h2 = rep(.5,3), 
#' n_sim = 1, pop_prev = rep(.1,3))
#' estimate_liability_multi(.tbl = sims$thresholds, h2_vec = rep(.5,3), 
#' genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, full_corrmat = full_corrmat,
#' pid = "indiv_ID", fam_id = "fam_ID", role = "role", out = c(1), 
#' phen_names = paste0("phenotype", 1:3), tol = 0.01)
#' @seealso \code{\link[future.apply]{future_apply}}, \code{\link{estimate_liability_single}},
#' \code{\link{estimate_liability}}
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull bind_rows bind_cols select row_number rename arrange left_join slice tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tidyselect starts_with
#' @importFrom igraph get.vertex.attribute
#' @export
estimate_liability_multi <- function(.tbl = NULL,
                                     family_graphs = NULL,
                                     phen_names = NULL, 
                                     pid = "PID",
                                     fam_id = "fam_ID",
                                     role = "role",
                                     family_graphs_col = "fam_graph",
                                     out = c(1),
                                     tol = 0.01){
  # validating input-agnostic variables --------------------------------------
  # Turning pid, fam_id into strings
  pid <- as.character(pid)
  fam_id <- as.character(fam_id)
  # Checking that the heritability is valid
  if (validate_proportion(h2_vec)) invisible()
  # Checking that all correlations are valid
  if (validate_correlation_matrix(genetic_corrmat)) invisible()
  if (validate_correlation_matrix(full_corrmat)) invisible()
  # Checking that tol is valid
  if (!is.numeric(tol) && !is.integer(tol)) stop("The tolerance must be numeric!")
  if (tol <= 0) stop("The tolerance must be strictly positive!")
  # Checking that out is either a character vector or a numeric vector
  if (is.numeric(out)) {
    out <- intersect(out, c(1,2))
  } else if (is.character(out)) {
    out <- c("genetic", "full")[rowSums(sapply(out, grepl, x = c("genetic", "full"))) > 0]
    out[out == "genetic"] <- 1
    out[out == "full"] <- 2
    out <- as.numeric(out)
  } else {
    stop("out must be a numeric or character vector!")
  # Checking whether out is empty
  if (length(out) == 0) {
    warning("out is not of the required format! \n The function will return the estimated genetic liability!")
    out <- c(1)
  # Sorting out
  out <- sort(out)
  # Now we can extract the number of phenotypes
  n_pheno <- length(h2_vec)
  # Validating input specific variables -------------------------------------
  if ( !is.null(.tbl) ) {  #### .tbl input ####
    # Turning .tbl into a tibble
    # if it is not of class tbl
    if (!tibble::is_tibble(.tbl)) .tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.tbl)
    # Turning role into string
    role <- as.character(role)
    # Checking that .tbl has three columns named pid_col, fam_id and role
    if (!(pid %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", pid," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    if (!(fam_id %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", fam_id," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    if (!(role %in% colnames(.tbl))) stop(paste0("The column ", role," does not exist in the tibble .tbl..."))
    # In addition, we check that the two columns lower and upper are present
    if (any(!c("lower","upper") %in% gsub("_.*", "", colnames(.tbl), ignore.case = TRUE))) stop("The tibble .tbl must include columns named 'lower' and 'upper'!")
    # If the tibble consists of more than the required columns,
    # we select only the relevant ones.
    .tbl <- select(.tbl, !!as.symbol(fam_id), !!as.symbol(pid), !!as.symbol(role), tidyselect::starts_with("lower"), tidyselect::starts_with("upper"))
    # checking if the correct number of columns is present
    if (ncol(.tbl) != (2*n_pheno + 3)) stop("Something is wrong with the number of phenotypes... \n
The number of pairs of lower and upper thresholds is not equal to the number of phenotypes specified in h2_vec...\n
Does all columns have the required names?")
    # We check whether all lower thresholds are
    # smaller than or equal to the upper thresholds
    for (pheno in phen_names) {
      if (any(pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno))) > pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno))))) {
        warning("Some lower thresholds are larger than the corresponding upper thresholds! \n
The lower and upper thresholds will be swapped...")
        swapping_indx <- which(pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno))) > pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno))))
        .tbl <- mutate(.tbl, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)) := ifelse(row_number() %in% swapping_indx, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)) + !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno)), !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)))) %>%
          mutate(., !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno)) := ifelse(row_number() %in% swapping_indx, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)) - !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno)), !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno)))) %>%
          mutate(., !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)) := ifelse(row_number() %in% swapping_indx, !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno)) - !!as.symbol(paste0("upper_", pheno)), !!as.symbol(paste0("lower_", pheno))))
    #  Extracting the (unique) family identifiers
    fam_list <- unique(pull(.tbl, !!as.symbol(fam_id)))
  } else if ( !is.null(family_graphs) ) { #### Graph input ####
    #check if family_graphs is present, and if the pid column is present.
    if ( !(pid %in% colnames(family_graphs)) ) {
      stop(paste0("The column ", pid," does not exist in the tibble family_graphs."))
    # checking if the family graph column present.
    if ( !(family_graphs_col %in% colnames(family_graphs)) ) {
      stop(paste0("The column ", family_graphs_col," does not exist in the tibble family_graphs."))
    # extract graph attributes
    graph_attrs = get.vertex.attribute((family_graphs %>% pull(!!as.symbol(family_graphs_col)))[[1]])
    # check if the upper and lower thresholds are present for each provided phenotype name in phen_names.
    if ( !(any(paste(rep(c("lower", "upper"), length(phen_names)), rep(phen_names, each = 2), sep = "_") %in% names(graph_attrs))) ) {
      stop("not all lower and upper columns are present as attributes in family_graph for a multi trait analysis.")
    # Extracting the (unique) family identifiers
    fam_list <- unique(pull(family_graphs, !!as.symbol(pid)))
  } else ( stop("no valid input used.") )
  # how many workers are we using?
  message(paste0("The number of workers is ", future::nbrOfWorkers(), "\n"))
  # actual liability estimates happen below
  gibbs_res <- future.apply::future_lapply(X = 1:length(fam_list), FUN = function(i){
    # current family id (proband id for graphs)
    cur_fam_id = fam_list[i]
    ##### Ultimately, we get cov and temp_tbl from both of the cases below ##### 
    if ( !is.null(.tbl) ) {
      # Extracting the thresholds for all family members,
      # including the thresholds for o and/or g,
      # and all phenotypes
      temp_tbl = filter(.tbl, !!as.symbol(fam_id) == cur_fam_id)
      # Extract the personal IDs and roles for all family members
      pids  <- pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(pid))
      roles <- pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role))
      # Constructing the covariance matrix.
      cov <- construct_covmat(fam_vec = roles, n_fam = NULL, add_ind = TRUE,
                              genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, full_corrmat = full_corrmat,
                              h2 = h2_vec, phen_names = phen_names)
      # Sometimes the constructed matrix was not positive definite, leading to computational
      # issues in the gibbs sampler. This check ensures the matrix will be PD.
      cov_PD = correct_positive_definite_simplified(covmat = cov)
      cov = cov_PD$covmat
      # If the thresholds for o and/or g are missing, they will
      # be set to -Inf (lower threshold) and Inf (upper
      # threshold)
      temp_tbl = add_missing_roles_for_proband(
        temp_tbl = temp_tbl,
        role = role,
        cur_roles = roles,
        cur_fam_id = cur_fam_id,
        pid = pid,
        fam_id = fam_id,
        phen_names = phen_names
      # Ordering temp_tbl to match the order in cov.
      first_indx <- match(c("g","o"), pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role)))
      other_indx <- setdiff(1:length(pull(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role))), first_indx)
      temp_tbl <- mutate(temp_tbl, !!as.symbol(role) := factor(!!as.symbol(role), levels = pull(temp_tbl,!!as.symbol(role))[c(first_indx, other_indx)])) %>%
        arrange(., !!as.symbol(role))
      # Now, we need to lengthen the data
      # extract lower thresholds
      fam_threshs <- select(temp_tbl, -c(starts_with("upper"))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = starts_with("lower"), names_to = "phenotype", values_to = "lower") %>%
        mutate(., phenotype = gsub("lower_","",phenotype))
      # extract upper thresholds
      fam_threshs <- select(temp_tbl, -c(starts_with("lower"))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = starts_with("upper"), names_to = "phenotype", values_to = "upper") %>%
        mutate(., phenotype = gsub("upper_","",phenotype)) %>%
        # join upper and left thresholds
        left_join(fam_threshs,., by = stats::setNames(c(fam_id,pid,role,"phenotype"), c(fam_id,pid,role,"phenotype"))) %>%
        mutate(., phenotype = factor(phenotype, levels = phen_names)) %>%
        # order the tibble, such that it matches the covariance matrix
        arrange(., phenotype, !!as.symbol(role))
    } else if ( !is.null(family_graphs) ) {
      # extracting current (local) family graph
      cur_fam_graph = family_graphs[[family_graphs_col]][[i]]
      # construct covariance and extract threshold information from graph.
      cov_obj = graph_based_covariance_construction_multi(fam_id = fam_id,
                                                          pid = pid,
                                                          cur_proband_id = cur_fam_id,
                                                          cur_family_graph = cur_fam_graph,
                                                          h2_vec = h2_vec,
                                                          genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat,
                                                          phen_names = phen_names)
      # cov and temp_tbl are ordered during construction, but lengthening messes 
      # with the ordering of temp_tbl.
      # threshold information
      temp_tbl = cov_obj$temp_tbl
      newOrder = cov_obj$newOrder
      cov_PD = correct_positive_definite_simplified(covmat = cov_obj$cov)
      cov = cov_PD$covmat
      #correction_itr = cov_PD$nitr
      # Now, we need to lengthen the data
      # extract lower thresholds
      fam_threshs <- select(temp_tbl, -c(starts_with("upper"))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = starts_with("lower"), names_to = "phenotype", values_to = "lower") %>%
        mutate(., phenotype = gsub("lower_","",phenotype))
      # extract upper thresholds
      fam_threshs <- select(temp_tbl, -c(starts_with("lower"))) %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = starts_with("upper"), names_to = "phenotype", values_to = "upper") %>%
        mutate(., phenotype = gsub("upper_","",phenotype)) %>%
        # join upper and left thresholds
        left_join(fam_threshs,., by = stats::setNames(c(fam_id,pid,"phenotype"), c(fam_id,pid,"phenotype"))) %>%
        # mutate(., phenotype = factor(phenotype, levels = phen_names)) %>%
        # order the tibble, such that it matches the covariance matrix
        slice(match(newOrder, paste0(!!as.symbol(pid), "_", phenotype)))
    } else { stop("How did you even get here?") }
    # Setting the variables needed for Gibbs sampler
    lower = pull(fam_threshs,lower)
    upper = pull(fam_threshs,upper)
    fixed <- (upper - lower) < 1e-04
    std_err <- matrix(Inf, ncol =  length(out), nrow = n_pheno)
    colnames(std_err) <- c("genetic", "full")[out]
    n_gibbs <- 1
    # And change the variable out, as we need to extract the
    # genetic and/or full liability for each phenotype.
    # And as all thresholds in fam_threshs are ordered according
    # to the phenotype and the role, we need to extract every
    # (number of individuals)'th entry starting from the entries
    # specified in out.
    updated_out <- sort(sapply(out, function(k) k + nrow(temp_tbl)*(0:(n_pheno - 1))))
    # Running Gibbs sampler
    while (any(std_err > tol)) {
      if (n_gibbs == 1) {
        est_liabs <- rtmvnorm.gibbs(n_sim = 1e+05, covmat = cov, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                                    fixed = fixed, out = updated_out, burn_in = 1000) %>%
          `colnames<-`(paste0(rep(c("genetic", "full")[out], n_pheno),"_", rep(phen_names, each = length(out)))) %>%
      } else {
        est_liabs <- rtmvnorm.gibbs(n_sim = 1e+05, covmat = cov, lower = pull(fam_threshs, lower), upper = pull(fam_threshs, upper),
                                    fixed = fixed, out = updated_out, burn_in = 1000) %>%
          `colnames<-`(paste0(rep(c("genetic", "full")[out], n_pheno),"_", rep(phen_names, each = length(out)))) %>%
          tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      # Computing the standard error
      std_err[1:n_pheno,1:length(out)] <- matrix(batchmeans::bmmat(est_liabs)[,2], ncol =  length(out), nrow = n_pheno, byrow = TRUE)
      # Adding one to the counter
      n_gibbs <- n_gibbs + 1
    # If all standard errors are below the tolerance,
    # the estimated liabilities as well as the corresponding
    # standard error can be returned
    res <- tibble::as_tibble(batchmeans::bmmat(est_liabs), rownames = "out") %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(., cols = c(est,se)) %>%
      mutate(., name = paste0(out, "_", name), .keep = "unused") %>%
    # formatting and returning result
    tibble(!!as.symbol(fam_id) := cur_fam_id,
           !!as.symbol(pid) := cur_fam_id,
           !!!stats::setNames(res, names(res)))
  }, future.seed = TRUE) %>%

#' Estimating the genetic or full liability for a variable number of
#' phenotypes
#' \code{estimate_liability} estimates the genetic component of the full
#' liability and/or the full liability for a number of individuals based
#' on their family history for one or more phenotypes.  It is a wrapper around 
#' \code{\link{estimate_liability_single}} and \code{\link{estimate_liability_multi}}.
#' This function can be used to estimate either the genetic component of the 
#' full liability, the full liability or both for a variable number of traits.
#' @param .tbl A matrix, list or data frame that can be converted into a tibble.
#' Must have at least five columns that hold the family identifier, the personal 
#' identifier, the role and the lower and upper thresholds for all phenotypes
#' of interest. Note that the role must be one of the following abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param family_graphs A tibble with columns pid and family_graph_col. 
#' See prepare_graph for construction of the graphs. The family graphs Defaults to NULL.
#' @param h2 Either a number representing the heritability on liability scale for a 
#' single phenotype, or a numeric vector representing the liability-scale heritabilities
#' for all phenotypes. All entries in h2 must be non-negative and at most 1.
#' @param  pid A string holding the name of the column in \code{family} and 
#' \code{threshs} that hold the personal identifier(s). Defaults to \code{"PID"}.
#' @param fam_id A string holding the name of the column in \code{family} that
#' holds the family identifier. Defaults to \code{"fam_ID"}.
#' @param role A string holding the name of the column in \code{.tbl} that
#' holds the role.Each role must be chosen from the following list of abbreviations 
#' - \code{g} (Genetic component of full liability)
#' - \code{o} (Full liability)
#' - \code{m} (Mother)
#' - \code{f} (Father)
#' - \code{c[0-9]*.[0-9]*} (Children)
#' - \code{mgm} (Maternal grandmother)
#' - \code{mgf} (Maternal grandfather)
#' - \code{pgm} (Paternal grandmother)
#' - \code{pgf} (Paternal grandfather)
#' - \code{s[0-9]*} (Full siblings)
#' - \code{mhs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - maternal side)
#' - \code{phs[0-9]*} (Half-siblings - paternal side)
#' - \code{mau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - maternal side)
#' - \code{pau[0-9]*} (Aunts/Uncles - paternal side).
#' Defaults to "role".
#' @param family_graphs_col Name of column with family graphs in family_graphs. Defaults to "fam_graph".
#' @param out A character or numeric vector indicating whether the genetic component
#' of the full liability, the full liability or both should be returned. If \code{out = c(1)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic")}, the genetic liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("full")}, the full liability is estimated and returned. If \code{out = c(1,2)} or 
#' \code{out = c("genetic", "full")}, both components are estimated and returned. 
#' Defaults to \code{c(1)}.
#' @param tol A number that is used as the convergence criterion for the Gibbs sampler.
#' Equals the standard error of the mean. That is, a tolerance of 0.2 means that the 
#' standard error of the mean is below 0.2. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @param genetic_corrmat Either \code{NULL} (if \code{h2} is a number) or a numeric 
#' matrix (if \code{h2} is a vector of length > 1) holding the genetic correlations 
#' between the desired phenotypes. All diagonal entries must be equal to one, while 
#' all off-diagonal entries must be between -1 and 1. In addition, the matrix must 
#' be symmetric. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param full_corrmat Either \code{NULL} (if \code{h2} is a number) or a numeric 
#' matrix (if \code{h2} is a vector of length > 1) holding the full correlations 
#' between the desired phenotypes. All diagonal entries must be equal to one, while 
#' all off-diagonal entries must be between -1 and 1. In addition, the matrix must 
#' be symmetric. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param phen_names Either \code{NULL} or a character vector holding the phenotype 
#' names. These names will be used to create the row and column names for the 
#' covariance matrix. If it is not specified, the names will default to 
#' phenotype1, phenotype2, etc. Defaults to NULL.
#' @return If \code{family} and \code{threshs} are two matrices, lists or 
#' data frames that can be converted into tibbles, if \code{family} has two 
#' columns named like the strings represented in \code{pid} and \code{fam_id}, if 
#' \code{threshs} has a column named like the string given in \code{pid} as 
#' well as a column named "lower" and a column named "upper" and if the 
#' liability-scale heritability \code{h2} is a number (\code{length(h2)=1}), 
#' and \code{out}, \code{tol} and 
#' \code{always_add} are of the required form, then the function returns a 
#' tibble with either four or six columns (depending on the length of out).
#' The first two columns correspond to the columns \code{fam_id} and \code{pid} '
#' present in \code{family}. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1)} or \code{c("genetic")}, the third 
#' and fourth column hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the 
#' corresponding standard error, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} equals \code{c(2)} or \code{c("full")}, the third and 
#' fourth column hold the estimated full liability as well as the 
#' corresponding standard error, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1,2)} or \code{c("genetic","full")},
#' the third and fourth column hold the estimated genetic liability as 
#' well as the corresponding standard error, respectively, while the fifth and
#' sixth column hold the estimated full liability as well as the corresponding 
#' standard error, respectively.
#' If \code{h2} is a numeric vector of length greater than 1 and if 
#' \code{genetic_corrmat}, \code{full_corrmat}, \code{out} and \code{tol} are of the 
#' required form, then the function returns a tibble with at least six columns (depending 
#' on the length of out).
#' The first two columns correspond to the columns \code{fam_id} and \code{pid} present in 
#' the tibble \code{family}. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1)} or \code{c("genetic")}, the third and fourth columns 
#' hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the 
#' first phenotype, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} equals \code{c(2)} or \code{c("full")}, the third and fourth columns hold 
#' the estimated full liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the first 
#' phenotype, respectively. 
#' If \code{out} is equal to \code{c(1,2)} or \code{c("genetic","full")}, the third and 
#' fourth columns hold the estimated genetic liability as well as the corresponding standard 
#' error for the first phenotype, respectively, while the fifth and sixth columns hold the 
#' estimated full liability as well as the corresponding standard error for the first 
#' phenotype, respectively.
#' The remaining columns hold the estimated genetic liabilities and/or the estimated full 
#' liabilities as well as the corresponding standard errors for the remaining phenotypes.
#' @examples
#' genetic_corrmat <- matrix(0.4, 3, 3)
#' diag(genetic_corrmat) <- 1
#' full_corrmat <- matrix(0.6, 3, 3)
#' diag(full_corrmat) <- 1
#' #
#' sims <- simulate_under_LTM(fam_vec = c("m","f"), n_fam = NULL, add_ind = TRUE, 
#' genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, full_corrmat = full_corrmat, h2 = rep(.5,3), 
#' n_sim = 1, pop_prev = rep(.1,3))
#' estimate_liability(.tbl = sims$thresholds, h2 = rep(.5,3), 
#' genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, full_corrmat = full_corrmat,
#' pid = "indiv_ID", fam_id = "fam_ID", role = "role", out = c(1), 
#' phen_names = paste0("phenotype", 1:3), tol = 0.01)
#' @seealso \code{\link[future.apply]{future_apply}}, \code{\link{estimate_liability_single}},
#' \code{\link{estimate_liability_multi}}
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% pull bind_rows bind_cols select row_number rename
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @export
estimate_liability <- function(.tbl = NULL,
                               family_graphs = NULL,
                               h2 = 0.5, 
                               pid = "PID", 
                               fam_id = "fam_ID", 
                               role = "role",
                               family_graphs_col = "fam_graph",
                               out = c(1), 
                               tol = 0.01,
                               genetic_corrmat = NULL, 
                               full_corrmat = NULL, 
                               phen_names = NULL){
  if (length(h2) == 1) {
    return(estimate_liability_single(.tbl = .tbl, 
                                     family_graphs = family_graphs,
                                     h2 = h2, 
                                     pid = pid, 
                                     fam_id = fam_id, 
                                     role = role,
                                     family_graphs_col = family_graphs_col,
                                     out = out, 
                                     tol = tol))

  } else {
    return(estimate_liability_multi(.tbl = .tbl, 
                                    family_graphs = family_graphs,
                                    h2_vec = h2, 
                                    genetic_corrmat = genetic_corrmat, 
                                    full_corrmat = full_corrmat,
                                    phen_names = phen_names, 
                                    pid = pid,
                                    fam_id = fam_id,
                                    role = role,
                                    family_graphs_col = family_graphs_col,
                                    out = out, 
                                    tol = tol))

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