
Defines functions H W_gamma_1 W_1 vec.norm theta2params normfit support starting_theta skewness_test params2theta p_1 d1W_1 bounds_theta beta_names

Documented in beta_names bounds_theta d1W_1 H normfit p_1 params2theta skewness_test starting_theta support theta2params vec.norm W_1 W_gamma_1

#' @title List of deprecated functions
#' @description
#' These functions have been deprecated in v0.5 of \pkg{LambertW} mostly for
#'     sake of following R style guides with respect to naming of
#'     functions. This means that all deprecated functions here have an
#'     analogous function with a similar -- more style consistent -- name. See
#'     also the \code{NEWS} file.
#' As of v0.6.8-1 deprecated functions will throw errors (`stop()`) and print out the suggested
#' new function (name).
#' @name deprecated-functions
#' @param ... arguments passed to deprecated functions.


#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
beta_names <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use get_beta_names() instead of beta_names().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
bounds_theta <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use get_theta_bounds() instead of bounds_theta().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @param z,W.z see \code{\link{deriv_W}}
#' @export
d1W_1 <- function(z, W.z = W(z, branch = -1)) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please usee deriv_W(z, branch = -1) instead of d1W_1(z).")
  deriv_W(z, branch = -1, W.z = W.z)

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
p_1 <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use p_m1() instead of p_1().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
params2theta <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use unflatten_theta() instead of params2theta().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
skewness_test <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use test_symmetry() instead of skewness_test().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
starting_theta <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use get_initial_theta() instead of starting_theta().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
support <- function(...) {
  warnings("DEPRECATED: Please use get_support() instead of support().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
normfit <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use test_normality() (or 'test_norm()') ",
          "instead of normfit().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
theta2params <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: use flatten_theta() instead of theta2params().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
vec.norm <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use lp_norm() instead of vec.norm().")

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
W_1 <- function(z) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use W(z, branch = -1) instead of W_1(z).")
  return(W(z, branch = -1))

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @param gamma see \code{\link{W_gamma}}.
#' @export
W_gamma_1 <- function(z, gamma) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use W_gamma(..., branch = -1) instead of W_gamma_1(...).")
  W_gamma(z, gamma, branch = -1)

#' @rdname deprecated-functions
#' @export
H <- function(...) {
  stop("DEPRECATED: Please use xexp(...) instead of H(...).")

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LambertW documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:30 a.m.