Man pages for LatticeKrig
Multi-Resolution Kriging Based on Markov Random Fields

directionCosinesUtility functions for spherical coordinate and projections.
gridList-classClass '"gridList"'. A description of a regular and...
IcosohedronGridIcosahedral multi-resolution grids
KrigingExampleDataSynthetic data for kriging examples
LatticeKrigUser-friendly spatial prediction and inference using a...
LKDiagCreate a matrix with given entries on the given diagonals
LKDistFind all pairwise distances within a maximum distance.
LKGeometryTailoring the LatticeKrig model to a specific geometry.
LKinfoCheckCheck the LKinfo object
LKRectangleSummary of the LKRectangle geometry for a standard two...
LKrigSpatial prediction and inference using a compactly supported...
LKrig.basisFunctions for generating a multi-resolution, compactly...
LKrigDefaultFixedFunctionCreates fixed part of spatial model.
LKrigDistance-methodsDistance function methods for 'LKrigDistance' in Package...
LKrigInternalInternal functions for LatticeKrig package.
LKrigLatticeCentersMethods to report the locations or scales associated with the...
LKrigMiscellaneousMiscellaneous internal functions for LatticeKrig package.
LKrig.MLESimple function to search over covariance parameters for...
LKrigNormalizeBasisMethods and functions to support normalizing to marginal...
LKrigSARMethod that creates the spatial autoregressive (SAR) matrix.
LKrigSetupCreate or update the LatticeKrig model object (LKinfo) for...
LKrigSetupAlphaCreates the alpha parameter list in LatticeKrig covariance.
LKrigSetupAwghtMethod to create a.wght component from the 'LKinfo' object.
LKrigSetupLatticeCreates the lattice information for a specific geometry.
LKrig.simFunctions for simulating a multi resolution process following...
nonstationaryModelsSpecifying non-stationary models
PeriodicGeometryGeometries to represent 2-d and 3-d spherical data.
Radial.BasisTwo dimensional radial and tensor basis functions based on a...
registerdFORTRANInternal FORTRAN routines for working with grids and finding...
setDefaultsLKinfoMethod for including default information in the LKinfo...
VignetteExamplesData examples for the LatticeKrig Vignette
LatticeKrig documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 5:07 p.m.