

# Input plasmode data on Blood Thinner use in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs).
# This simulation is based upon data collected at the Lindner Center: Kereiakes et al. (2000).
# outcomes:   surv6mo (binary) or cardcost (continuous)
# treatment:  thin binary

# Define Cluster Hierarchy for UNSUPERVISED, nonparametric analyses...
xvars  <- c("stent","height","female","diabetic","acutemi","ejfract","ves1proc")
system.time( hclobj <- LCcluster(pci15k, xvars) ) # Calculations take ~8 seconds.  
hclobj                                             # defalut clustering method = "ward.D"

# Save Local Control basic parameter settings to an environment that will be updated...
LCe <- LCsetup(hclobj, pci15k, thin, surv6mo)

# Compute and Save LTD distributions for several values of K = number of Clusters...
surv0050 <- ltdagg(50, LCe)
surv0100 <- ltdagg(100, LCe)
surv0200 <- ltdagg(200, LCe)
surv0500 <- ltdagg(500, LCe)	# average cluster size ~31 patients 
plot(surv0500, show="ecdf", LCe)
surv0750 <- ltdagg(750, LCe)
surv1000 <- ltdagg(1000, LCe)	# average cluster size ~16 patients  
plot(surv1000, show="ecdf", LCe) 

# "Sensitivity Analysis" Summary...
# LTD Distribution for 500 Clusters appears to Optimize Variance-Bias Trade-Offs... 

# Save and plot Instrumental Variable LAOs for 2 large values of K = number of Clusters...
iv0500  <- ivadj(surv0500)
iv1K  <- ivadj(surv1000)

# Confirm: Does the Observed LRC distribution for 500 clusters truly differ from
# the Random Permutation NULL distribution assuming x_Covariates are Ignorable?
system.time( conf5H <- confirm(surv0500) )  # Simulation takes ~36 seconds.

# Simulate crude pmax.value for Kolmogorov-Smirnov D-statistic...
system.time( ksd5H <- KSperm(conf5H) )     # Simulation takes ~1.3 minutes.    

# Example: "Most-Like-Me" Visualizations for pci15k Patient No. 11870...
# xvars:       "stent","height","female","diabetic","acutemi","ejfract","ves1proc"
xvec11870 <- c( 0,      162,     1,       1,         0,        57,       1) 	 
mlme11870 <- mlme(LCe, hclobj, surv0500, xvec11870 )
plot(mlme11870, NN = 250) 
# Summary Statistics for 3 values of NN...
mlme.stats(mlme11870, NN = c( 250, 500, 1000 ))

### End of demo(pci15k) ##############################################

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