Man pages for LogicOpt
Truth Table Logic Optimizer

logicoptTruth Table Logic Optimization
LogicOpt.packageLogicOpt: A Package for Logic Optimization of Truth Tables...
l.partybans.0Logicopt truth table created from "partybans.csv" dataset
l.partybans.1Logicopt truth table created from "partybans.csv" dataset
l.represent.0Logicopt truth table created from "represent.csv" dataset
l.represent.1Logicopt truth table created from "represent.csv" dataset
l.robot1Truth table from a Genetic Programming Use Case
l.smallEspresso truth table with 4 inputs and 3 outputs
num_input_valuesFind size of input values
print_multi_ttPrint logicopt() results
print_primes_ttPrint the Primes from logicopt(mode="primes")
QCAtt2LOttCreate logicopt tt from QCA tt
tt2eqnEquations from a Truth Table
LogicOpt documentation built on May 30, 2017, 5:08 a.m.