
succ_ia_betabinom_one<- function (N, n, x, null.value = 0, alternative = "greater", 
    test = "z", correct = TRUE, succ.crit = "trial", 
    Z.crit.final = 1.96, alpha.final = 0.025, clin.succ.threshold = NULL, 
    a = 1, b = 1) 
    par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
    if (N < 2 | n < 1 | x < 0 | N - n < 1 | n < x) 
        stop("Please correct the values of N, n, x.\n")
    if (succ.crit == "clinical" & is.null(clin.succ.threshold)) 
        stop("For clinical success, clin.succ.threshold must be specified.\n")
    if (succ.crit == "trial" & is.null(Z.crit.final) & 
        stop("For trial success, Z.crit.final or alpha.final must be specified.\n")
    # Z1.crit = ifelse(!is.na(Z.crit.final), Z.crit.final, abs(qnorm(alpha.final)))  #-- removed on 07 Mar 2022
    alpha = ifelse(!is.na(alpha.final), alpha.final, 1 - pnorm(Z.crit.final))    #-- updated on 07 Mar 2022
    BetaBinom <- Vectorize(function(y, N, n, x, a, b) {
        log.val <- lchoose(N - n, y) + lbeta(a + x + y, b + N - 
            x - y) - lbeta(a + x, b + n - x)
    y = c(0:(N - n))
    y.predprob <- BetaBinom(y, N, n, x, a, b)
    pval <- NULL
    if (succ.crit == "trial" & test == "exact") {   #--- updated on 07-Mar-2022 ('binom' by 'exact')
        for (y.i in 0:(N - n)) pval <- c(pval, binom.test(x = x + 
            y.i, n = N, p = null.value, alternative = alternative)$p.value)
        pval <- cbind(y, y.predprob, pval)
       # print(pval)  #--- just for checking
        pval <- subset(pval, pval[, 3] < alpha)
    else if (succ.crit == "trial" & test == "z") {
        for (y.i in 0:(N - n)) pval <- c(pval, prop.test(x = x + 
            y.i, n = N, p = null.value, alternative = alternative, 
            correct = correct)$p.value)
        pval <- cbind(y, y.predprob, pval)
	 # print(pval)  #--- just for checking
        pval <- subset(pval, pval[, 3] < alpha)
    else if (succ.crit == "clinical") {
        for (y.i in 0:(N - n)) pval <- c(pval, (x + y.i)/N)
        pval <- cbind(y, y.predprob, pval)
	  #print(pval)  #--- just for checking
        pval <- subset(pval, pval[, 3] >= clin.succ.threshold)
    ppos <- sum((pval[, 2]))
    alt.sign <- ifelse(alternative == "greater", ">", 
    parm <- bquote(pi)
    parm.nam = "proportion"
    line1 <- bquote("Test of hypothesis." ~ H[0] ~ ":" ~ 
        .(parm) == .(null.value) ~ "vs." ~ H[1] ~ ":" ~ 
        .(parm) ~ .(alt.sign) ~ .(null.value))
    test.nam <- ifelse(test == "exact", "Exact binomial", 
    line1.1 <- paste0("   (Statistical test: ", test.nam, 
        " test)")
    ia.prop <- round(x/n, digits = 3)
    line2 <- paste0("Interim results: Estimated proportion = ", 
    prior.dist <- paste0("Beta(", a, ",", b, ")")
    line3 <- bquote("Prior distribution: " ~ pi %~% ~.(prior.dist))
    succ.nam <- ifelse(succ.crit == "trial", paste0("trial success (i.e., achieving statistical significance at 1-sided ", 
        round(alpha, digits = 4), " level)"),                #-- updated on 07 Mar 2022
        paste0("clinical success (i.e., achieving threshold of ", 
            clin.succ.threshold, ")"))
    line4 <- bquote("Evaluating for " ~ .(succ.nam))
    cat("Incoroprating prior information to the interim data, the predictive probability of success is", 
        round(ppos, digits = 3), "\n")
    par(mar = par()$mar + c(3, 0, 3, 0), xpd = TRUE)
    ymax = max(y.predprob)
    ymin = min(y.predprob)
    xmax = max(y)
    xmin = min(y)
    plot(y, y.predprob, type = "o", lwd = 1, col = 1, xlab = "value", 
        ylab = "Density")
    text(xmin, ymax + 0.6 * (ymax - ymin), bquote(.(line1) ~ 
        .(line1.1)), cex = 0.8, adj = c(0, 0))
    text(xmin, ymax + 0.5 * (ymax - ymin), bquote(.(line2) ~ 
        ""), cex = 0.8, adj = c(0, 0))
    text(xmin, ymax + 0.4 * (ymax - ymin), line3, cex = 0.8, 
        adj = c(0, 0))
    text(xmin, ymax + 0.3 * (ymax - ymin), line4, cex = 0.8, 
        adj = c(0, 0))
    text(xmin, ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), "Predictive distribution of number of post-interim response", 
        cex = 0.9, adj = c(0, 0))

    round(ppos, digits = 3)   #-- added on 07 Mar 2022

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