
Defines functions merge_RLum.Results

Documented in merge_RLum.Results

#' @title Merge function for RLum.Results S4-class objects
#' @description Function merges objects of class [RLum.Results-class]. The slots in the objects
#' are combined depending on the object type, e.g., for [data.frame] and [matrix]
#' rows are appended.
#' @details Elements are appended where possible and attributes are preserved if
#' not of similar name as the default attributes of, e.g., a [data.frame]
#' @note The `originator` is taken from the first element and not reset to `merge_RLum`
#' @param objects [list] (**required**):
#' a list of [RLum.Results-class] objects
#' @section Function version: 0.2.1
#' @keywords internal
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @md
#' @export
merge_RLum.Results <- function(

            ##Some integrity checks

            ##check if input object is a list
            if(!is(objects, "list")){
              stop("[merge_RLum.Results()] 'objects' has to of type 'list'!",
                   call. = FALSE)

              ##check if objects in the list are of type RLum.Results
              temp.originator <- sapply(1:length(objects), function(x){
                if(is(objects[[x]], "RLum.Results") == FALSE){
                  stop("[merge_RLum.Results()] Objects to merge have
                       to be of type 'RLum.Results'!", call. = FALSE)




            ##check if originator is different
              stop("[merge_RLum.Results()] 'RLum.Results' object originator
                   differs!", call. = FALSE)

            ##merge objects depending on the data structure
            for(i in 1:length(objects[[1]]@data)){
              ## shelf list of attributes
              attr_list <- unlist(
                lapply(1:length(objects), function(x) attributes(objects[[x]]@data[[i]])),
                recursive = FALSE)

              ##numeric vector or data.frame or matrix
              if(is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], "data.frame")||
                 is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], "numeric") ||
                 is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], "matrix")){

                ##grep elements and combine them into a list
                temp.list <- lapply(1:length(objects), function(x) objects[[x]]@data[[i]])

                ##check whether the objects can be combined by rbind
                if(length(unique(unlist(lapply(temp.list, FUN = ncol)))) > 1)
                  stop("[merge_RLum.Results()] Objects cannot be combined, number of columns differs.",
                       call. = FALSE)

                ##combine them using rbind or data.table::rbindList (depends on the data type)
                if(is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], "numeric")){
                  objects[[1]]@data[[i]] <- unlist(temp.list)

                }else if(is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], "matrix")){
                  objects[[1]]@data[[i]] <- do.call("rbind", temp.list)

                  objects[[1]]@data[[i]] <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(temp.list))


                ## continue attribute preservation
                ## remove attributes that stem from the object itself
                attr_list[names(attr_list) %in% names(attributes(objects[[1]]@data[[i]]))] <- NULL

                ## just to avoid working the code if not needed
                if(length(attr_list) > 0) {
                  ## merge attributes with similar name
                  attrs <- lapply(unique(names(attr_list)), function(x){
                    tmp <- unlist(attr_list[names(attr_list)%in%x], recursive = FALSE)
                    names(tmp) <- NULL
                  names(attrs) <- unique(names(attr_list))

                  # set attributes ... we try because some attributes
                  for(n in names(attrs))
                    attr(objects[[1]]@data[[i]], n) <- attrs[[n]]

                ##all other elements
                ##grep elements and write them into a list
                objects[[1]]@data[[i]] <- lapply(1:length(objects), function(x) objects[[x]]@data[[i]])

                ##unlist to flatten list if necessary for the elements
                if(is(objects[[1]]@data[[i]][[1]])[1] == "list"){
                  objects[[1]]@data[[i]] <- unlist(objects[[1]]@data[[i]],
                                                       recursive = FALSE)

            }##end loop

            #return by setting a new RLum.Results (for the .uid)
            #the originator is not reset
            objects_merged <- set_RLum(
              class = "RLum.Results",
              originator = objects[[1]]@originator,
              data = objects[[1]]@data,
              info = unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) {
              }), recursive = FALSE),
              .pid = unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) {



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