
test_that("test conversion from single grain data to multiple grain data", {

  ## load example dataset
  data(ExampleData.BINfileData, envir = environment())
  test_file_MG <- test_file_SG <- CWOSL.SAR.Data
  test_file_SG@METADATA$GRAIN <- 1

  ## test pass through for pure multiple grain data
  expect_s4_class(convert_SG2MG(test_file_MG), "Risoe.BINfileData")

  ## test with pseudo single grain data
  expect_s4_class(convert_SG2MG(test_file_SG), "Risoe.BINfileData")

  ## test write option
  ## create environment
  dir <- tempdir()
  tmp <- paste0(dir, "/test.bin")
  write_file_test <- write_R2BIN(
  read_BIN2R(file = "https://github.com/R-Lum/Luminescence/raw/master/tests/testdata/BINfile_V4.bin"),

  expect_s4_class(convert_SG2MG(tmp, write_file = TRUE, txtProgressBar = FALSE), "Risoe.BINfileData")

  ##clear temp folder otherwise we have a problem with the CRAN check
  file.remove(list.files(dir,pattern = ".bin", full.names = TRUE))


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.