
Defines functions .msiSlices msiSlices

Documented in msiSlices

## msiSlices
##  create intensity matrix for each slice from a list of MassSpectrum/MassPeaks
##  objects
## params:
##  x: list of MassSpectrum/MassPeaks objects
##  center: position(s) of interest (in mass values)
##  tolerance: aggregate data around center +/- tolerance
##  method: aggregate method
##  adjust: set coordinates to 1,1 (if there are empty/missing spectra before)
## returns:
##  an array (dim: x, y, z=slice nr)
msiSlices <- function(x, center, tolerance, method=c("sum", "mean", "median"),
                      adjust=TRUE) {
  x <- suppressWarnings(trim(x, range=range(center) + c(-tolerance, tolerance)))

             coord=coordinates(x, adjust=adjust),
             center=center, tolerance=tolerance, method=method)

.msiSlices <- function(m, coord, center, tolerance,
                       method=c("sum", "mean", "median")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  fun <- switch(method,
                "sum" = rowSums,
                "mean" = rowMeans,
                "median" = function(x, ...).colMedians(t(x), ...))

  n <- unname(apply(coord, MARGIN=2L, FUN=max))

  l <- pmin(findInterval(center - tolerance - .Machine$double.eps,
                         attr(m, "mass")) + 1L, ncol(m))
  r <- findInterval(center + tolerance + .Machine$double.eps, attr(m, "mass"))

  slices <- array(NA_real_, dim=c(x=n[1L], y=n[2L], z=length(center)))

  for (i in seq_along(center)) {
    slices[cbind(coord, i)] <- fun(m[, l[i]:r[i], drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)

  attr(slices, "center") <- center
  attr(slices, "tolerance") <- tolerance
  attr(slices, "method") <- method

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