# file MASS/R/logtrans.R
# copyright (C) 1994-9 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
logtrans <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("logtrans")
function(object, ..., alpha = seq(0.5, 6, by = 0.25) - min(y),
plotit = TRUE, interp = (plotit && (m <
100)), xlab = "alpha", ylab = "log Likelihood")
if(is.null(object$y) || is.null(object$qr))
stop(gettextf("%s does not have both 'qr' and 'y' components",
sQuote(deparse(substitute(object)))), domain = NA)
y <- object$y
n <- length(y)
if(any(y + min(alpha) <= 0))
stop("Response variable must be positive after additions")
xqr <- object$qr
xl <- loglik <- as.vector(alpha)
m <- length(xl)
for(i in 1L:m) {
rs <- qr.resid(xqr, yt <- log(y + alpha[i]))
loglik[i] <- - n/2 * log(sum(rs^2)) - sum(yt)
if(interp) {
sp <- spline(alpha, loglik, n = 100)
xl <- sp$x
loglik <- sp$y
m <- length(xl)
if(plotit) {
mx <- (1L:m)[loglik == max(loglik)][1L]
Lmax <- loglik[mx]
lim <- Lmax - qchisq(19/20, 1)/2
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
plot(xl, loglik, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type
= "l", ylim = range(loglik, lim))
plims <- par("usr")
abline(h = lim, lty = 3)
y0 <- plims[3L]
scal <- (1/10 * (plims[4L] - y0))/par("pin")[2L]
scx <- (1/10 * (plims[2L] - plims[1L]))/par("pin")[1L]
text(xl[1L] + scx, lim + scal, " 95%")
la <- xl[mx]
if(mx > 1 && mx < m)
segments(la, y0, la, Lmax, lty = 3)
ind <- range((1L:m)[loglik > lim])
if(loglik[1L] < lim) {
i <- ind[1L]
x <- xl[i - 1] + ((lim - loglik[i - 1]) *
(xl[i] - xl[i - 1]))/(loglik[i] - loglik[i - 1])
segments(x, y0, x, lim, lty = 3)
if(loglik[m] < lim) {
i <- ind[2L] + 1
x <- xl[i - 1] + ((lim - loglik[i - 1]) *
(xl[i] - xl[i - 1]))/(loglik[i] - loglik[i - 1])
segments(x, y0, x, lim, lty = 3)
invisible(list(x = xl, y = loglik))
logtrans.formula <-
function(object, data, ...)
object <- if(missing(data)) aov(object,y = TRUE, qr = TRUE)
else aov(object, data = data, y = TRUE, qr = TRUE)
logtrans.lm <- function(object, ...)
if(is.null(object$y) || is.null(object$qr))
object <- update(object, y = TRUE, qr = TRUE)
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