
Defines functions LPDMRSortInferenceApprox

Documented in LPDMRSortInferenceApprox

#' Identification of profiles, weights, majority threshold, veto and dictator
#' thresholds for LPDMRSort using a genetic algorithm.
#' MRSort is a simplified ElectreTRI method that uses the pessimistic
#' assignment rule, without indifference or preference thresholds attached to
#' criteria. LPDMRSort considers both a binary discordance and a binary
#' concordance conditions including several interactions between them. The
#' identification of the profiles, weights, majority threshold and veto
#' thresholds is done by taking into account assignment examples.
#' @param performanceTable Matrix or data frame containing the performance
#' table.  Each row corresponds to an alternative, and each column to a
#' criterion.  Rows (resp. columns) must be named according to the IDs of the
#' alternatives (resp. criteria).
#' @param assignments Vector containing the assignments (IDs of the categories)
#' of the alternatives to the categories. The elements are named according to
#' the alternatives.
#' @param categoriesRanks Vector containing the ranks of the categories. The
#' elements are named according to the IDs of the categories.
#' @param criteriaMinMax Vector containing the preference direction on each of
#' the criteria. "min" (resp. "max") indicates that the criterion has to be
#' minimized (maximized). The elements are named according to the IDs of the
#' criteria.
#' @param majorityRules A vector containing the different type of majority
#' rules to be considered ("M", "V", "D", "v", "d", "dV", "Dv", "dv").  "M"
#' corresponds to using only the majority rule without vetoes or dictators, "V"
#' considers only the vetoes, "D" only the dictators, "v" is like "V" only that
#' a dictator may invalidate a veto, "d" is like "D" only that a veto may
#' invalidate a dictator, "dV" is like "V" only that if there is no veto we may
#' then consider the dictator, "Dv" is like "D" only that when there is no
#' dictator we may consider the vetoes, while finally "dv" is identical to
#' using both dictator and vetoes only that when both are active they
#' invalidate each other, so the majority rule is considered in that case.
#' @param alternativesIDs Vector containing IDs of alternatives, according to
#' which the data should be filtered.
#' @param criteriaIDs Vector containing IDs of criteria, according to which the
#' data should be filtered.
#' @param timeLimit Allows to fix a time limit of the execution, in seconds
#' (default 60).
#' @param populationSize Allows to change the size of the population used by
#' the genetic algorithm (default 20).
#' @param mutationProb Allows to change the mutation probability used by the
#' genetic algorithm (default 0.1).
#' @return The function returns a list containing: \item{majorityThreshold}{The
#' inferred majority threshold (single numeric value).}
#' \item{criteriaWeights}{The inferred criteria weights (a vector named with
#' the criteria IDs).} \item{majorityRule}{A string corresponding to the
#' inferred majority rule (one of "M", "V", "D", "v", "d", "dV", "Dv", "dv").}
#' \item{profilesPerformances}{The inferred category limits (a matrix with the
#' column names given by the criteria IDs and the rownames given by the upper
#' categories each profile delimits).} \item{vetoPerformances}{The inferred
#' vetoes (a matrix with the column names given by the criteria IDs and the
#' rownames given by the categories to which each profile applies).}
#' \item{dictatorPerformances}{The inferred dictators (a matrix with the column
#' names given by the criteria IDs and the rownames given by the categories to
#' which each profile applies).} \item{fitness}{The classification accuracy of
#' the inferred model (from 0 to 1).}
#' @references Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T. An axiomatic approach to
#' noncompen- satory sorting methods in MCDM, II: more than two categories.
#' European Journal of Operational Research, 178(1): 246--276, 2007.
#' no reference yet for the algorithmic approach; one should become available
#' in 2018
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' performanceTable <- rbind(c(10,10,9),c(10,9,10),c(9,10,10),c(9,9,10),c(9,10,9),c(10,9,9),
#'                           c(10,10,7),c(10,7,10),c(7,10,10),c(9,9,17),c(9,17,9),c(17,9,9),
#'                           c(7,10,17),c(10,17,7),c(17,7,10),c(7,17,10),c(17,10,7),c(10,7,17),
#'                           c(7,9,17),c(9,17,7),c(17,7,9),c(7,17,9),c(17,9,7),c(9,7,17))
#' rownames(performanceTable) <- c("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a8", "a9", "a10", "a11",
#'                                 "a12", "a13", "a14", "a15", "a16", "a17", "a18", "a19", "a20",
#'                                 "a21", "a22", "a23", "a24")
#' colnames(performanceTable) <- c("c1","c2","c3")
#' assignments <-c("P","P","P","F","F","F","F","F","F","P","P","P","P","P","P","P","P","P","F","F",
#'                 "F","F","F","F")
#' names(assignments) <- rownames(performanceTable)
#' categoriesRanks <- c(1,2)
#' names(categoriesRanks) <- c("P","F")
#' criteriaMinMax <- c("max","max","max")
#' names(criteriaMinMax) <- colnames(performanceTable)
#' set.seed(1)
#' x<-LPDMRSortInferenceApprox(performanceTable, criteriaMinMax, categoriesRanks, assignments,
#'                             majorityRules = c("dV","Dv","dv"),
#'                             timeLimit = 180, populationSize = 30,
#'                             alternativesIDs = c("a1","a2","a3","a4","a5","a6","a7"))
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export LPDMRSortInferenceApprox
LPDMRSortInferenceApprox <- function(performanceTable, criteriaMinMax, categoriesRanks, assignments, majorityRules = c("M","V","D","v","d","dV","Dv","dv"), alternativesIDs = NULL, criteriaIDs = NULL, timeLimit = 60, populationSize = 20, mutationProb = 0.1){
  ## check the input data
  if (!(is.matrix(performanceTable) || is.data.frame(performanceTable))) 
    stop("performanceTable should be a matrix or a data frame")
    stop("performanceTable columns should be named")
  if (!(is.vector(assignments)))
    stop("assignments should be a vector")
    stop("assignments should be named")
  if (!(is.vector(criteriaMinMax)))
    stop("criteriaMinMax should be a vector")
  if(!all(sort(colnames(performanceTable)) == sort(names(criteriaMinMax))))
    stop("criteriaMinMax should be named as the columns of performanceTable")
  if (!(is.vector(categoriesRanks)))
    stop("categoriesRanks should be a vector")
    stop("categoriesRanks should be named")
  if(!all(assignments %in% names(categoriesRanks)))
    stop("some of the assignments reference a category which does not exist in categoriesRanks")
  if(!all(sort(categoriesRanks) == 1:length(categoriesRanks)))
    stop("categoriesRanks should contain a permutation of the category indices (from 1 to the number of categories)")
  if (!is.character(majorityRules))
    stop("majorityRules should be a character, a string of characters, or a vector of strings of characters")
  else if (!(all(majorityRules %in% c("M","V","D","v","d","dV","Dv","dv"))))
    stop("majorityRules needs to take values in {'M','V','D','v','d','dV','Dv','dv'}")
  if (!(is.null(timeLimit)))
      stop("timeLimit should be numeric")
    if(timeLimit <= 0)
      stop("timeLimit should be strictly positive")
  if (!(is.null(populationSize)))
      stop("populationSize should be numeric")
    if(populationSize < 10)
      stop("populationSize should be at least 10")
  if (!(is.null(mutationProb)))
      stop("mutationProb should be numeric")
    if(mutationProb < 0 || mutationProb > 1)
      stop("mutationProb should be between 0 and 1")

  if (!(is.null(alternativesIDs) || is.vector(alternativesIDs)))
    stop("alternativesIDs should be a vector")
  if (!(is.null(criteriaIDs) || is.vector(criteriaIDs)))
    stop("criteriaIDs should be a vector")
  ## filter the data according to the given alternatives and criteria
  if (!is.null(alternativesIDs)){
    performanceTable <- performanceTable[alternativesIDs,]
    assignments <- assignments[names(assignments) %in% alternativesIDs]
  if (!is.null(criteriaIDs)){
    performanceTable <- performanceTable[,criteriaIDs]
    criteriaMinMax <- criteriaMinMax[criteriaIDs]
  if (is.null(dim(performanceTable))) 
    stop("less than 2 criteria or 2 alternatives")
  if (length(assignments) == 0) 
    stop("assignments is empty or the provided alternativesIDs have filtered out everything from within")
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  numAlt <- dim(performanceTable)[1]
  numCrit <- dim(performanceTable)[2]
  numCat <- length(categoriesRanks)
  minEvaluations <- apply(performanceTable, 2, min)
  maxEvaluations <- apply(performanceTable, 2, max)
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  getCategory <- function(alternativePerformances, criteriaWeights, majorityThreshold, profilesPerformances, vetoPerformances, dictatorPerformances, majorityRule, criteriaMinMax){
    for (k in (numCat-1):1)
      weightedSum <- 0
      for (crit in names(criteriaMinMax))
        if (criteriaMinMax[crit] == "min")
          if (alternativePerformances[crit] %<=% profilesPerformances[k,crit])
            weightedSum <- weightedSum + criteriaWeights[crit]
          if (alternativePerformances[crit] %>=% profilesPerformances[k,crit])
            weightedSum <- weightedSum + criteriaWeights[crit]
      vetoActive <- FALSE
      if(majorityRule %in% c("V","v","dV","Dv","dv"))
        for (crit in names(criteriaMinMax))
          if (criteriaMinMax[crit] == "min")
            if (alternativePerformances[crit] %>=% vetoPerformances[k,crit])
              vetoActive <- TRUE
            if (alternativePerformances[crit] %<=% vetoPerformances[k,crit])
              vetoActive <- TRUE
      dictatorActive <- FALSE
      if(majorityRule %in% c("D","d","dV","Dv","dv"))
        for (crit in names(criteriaMinMax))
          if (criteriaMinMax[crit] == "min")
            if (alternativePerformances[crit] %<=% dictatorPerformances[k,crit])
              dictatorActive <- TRUE
            if (alternativePerformances[crit] %>=% dictatorPerformances[k,crit])
              dictatorActive <- TRUE
      # stopping condition
      if(majorityRule == 'M')
        if(weightedSum < majorityThreshold)
          return(k + 1)
      else if(majorityRule == 'V')
        if(weightedSum < majorityThreshold || vetoActive)
          return(k + 1)
      else if(majorityRule == 'D')
        if(weightedSum < majorityThreshold && !dictatorActive)
          return(k + 1)
      else if(majorityRule == 'v')
        if(weightedSum < majorityThreshold || (vetoActive && !dictatorActive))
          return(k + 1)
      else if(majorityRule == 'd')
        if(weightedSum < majorityThreshold && (!dictatorActive || vetoActive))
          return(k + 1)
      if(majorityRule == 'dV')
        if((weightedSum < majorityThreshold && !dictatorActive) || vetoActive)
          return(k + 1)
      if(majorityRule == 'Dv')
        if(!dictatorActive && (vetoActive || weightedSum < majorityThreshold))
          return(k + 1)
      if(majorityRule == 'dv')
        if((vetoActive && !dictatorActive) || (weightedSum < majorityThreshold && ((vetoActive && dictatorActive) || (!vetoActive && !dictatorActive))))
          return(k + 1)
    # better than all profiles -> top categ
  InitializePopulation <- function()
    population <- list()
    for(i in 1:populationSize)
      values <- c(0,sort(runif(numCrit-1,0,1)),1)
      weights <- sapply(1:numCrit, function(i) return(values[i+1]-values[i]))
      names(weights) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      majority <- runif(1,0.5,1)
      majorityRule <- sample(majorityRules, 1)
      profiles <- NULL
      for(j in 1:numCrit)
        if(criteriaMinMax[j] == 'max')
          profiles <- cbind(profiles,sort(runif(numCat - 1,minEvaluations[j],maxEvaluations[j]), decreasing = TRUE))
          profiles <- cbind(profiles,sort(runif(numCat - 1,minEvaluations[j],maxEvaluations[j])))
      colnames(profiles) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      vetoes <- NULL
      for(j in 1:numCrit)
        if(criteriaMinMax[j] == 'max')
          vetoes <- cbind(vetoes,rep(minEvaluations[j] - 1, numCat - 1))
          vetoes <- cbind(vetoes,rep(maxEvaluations[j] + 1, numCat - 1))
      rownames(vetoes) <- c()
      colnames(vetoes) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      dictators <- NULL
      for(j in 1:numCrit)
        if(criteriaMinMax[j] == 'max')
          dictators <- cbind(dictators,rep(maxEvaluations[j] + 1, numCat - 1))
          dictators <- cbind(dictators,rep(minEvaluations[j] - 1, numCat - 1))
      rownames(dictators) <- c()
      colnames(dictators) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      population[[length(population)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = majority, criteriaWeights = weights, majorityRule = majorityRule, profilesPerformances = profiles, vetoPerformances = vetoes, dictatorPerformances = dictators)
  Fitness <- function(individual)
    ok <- 0
    for (alternative in names(assignments))
      category <- getCategory(performanceTable[alternative,],individual$criteriaWeights, individual$majorityThreshold, individual$profilesPerformances, individual$vetoPerformances, individual$dictatorPerformances, individual$majorityRule, criteriaMinMax)
      if(category == categoriesRanks[assignments[alternative]])
        ok <- ok + 1
  Reproduce <- function(parents){
    children <- list()
    numPairs <- as.integer(length(parents)/2)
    pairings <- matrix(sample(1:length(parents),numPairs*2),numPairs,2)
    for(i in 1:numPairs)
      parent1 <- parents[[pairings[i,1]]]
      parent2 <- parents[[pairings[i,2]]]
      # crossover bewtween profiles
      criteria <- sample(colnames(performanceTable), numCrit)
      pivot <- runif(1,1,numCrit - 1)
      profiles1 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      profiles2 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      vetoes1 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      vetoes2 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      dictators1 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      dictators2 <- matrix(rep(0,numCrit*(numCat - 1)),numCat - 1,numCrit)
      colnames(profiles1) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      colnames(profiles2) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      colnames(vetoes1) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      colnames(vetoes2) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      colnames(dictators1) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      colnames(dictators2) <- colnames(performanceTable)
      for(k in 1:(numCat - 1))
        for(j in 1:numCrit)
          if(j <= pivot)
            profiles1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$profilesPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            profiles2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$profilesPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            vetoes1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$vetoPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            vetoes2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$vetoPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            dictators1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$dictatorPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            dictators2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$dictatorPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            profiles1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$profilesPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            profiles2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$profilesPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            vetoes1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$vetoPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            vetoes2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$vetoPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            dictators1[k,criteria[j]] <- parent2$dictatorPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
            dictators2[k,criteria[j]] <- parent1$dictatorPerformances[k,criteria[j]]
      # child identical to first parent - will get mutated in the second step
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent1$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent1$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent1$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = parent1$profilesPerformances, vetoPerformances = parent1$vetoPerformances, dictatorPerformances = parent1$dictatorPerformances)
      # child identical to second parent
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent2$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent2$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent2$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = parent2$profilesPerformances, vetoPerformances = parent2$vetoPerformances, dictatorPerformances = parent2$dictatorPerformances)
      # child takes weights and threshold from first parent and profiles from second
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent1$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent1$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent1$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = parent2$profilesPerformances, vetoPerformances = parent2$vetoPerformances, dictatorPerformances = parent2$dictatorPerformances)
      # child takes weights and threshold from second parent and profiles from first
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent2$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent2$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent2$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = parent1$profilesPerformances, vetoPerformances = parent1$vetoPerformances, dictatorPerformances = parent1$dictatorPerformances)
      # child takes weights and threshold from first parent and profiles from first crossover
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent1$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent1$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent1$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = profiles1, vetoPerformances = vetoes1, dictatorPerformances = dictators1)
      # child takes weights and threshold from first parent and profiles from second crossover
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent1$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent1$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent1$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = profiles2, vetoPerformances = vetoes2, dictatorPerformances = dictators2)
      # child takes weights and threshold from second parent and profiles from first crossover
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent2$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent2$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent2$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = profiles1, vetoPerformances = vetoes1, dictatorPerformances = dictators1)
      # child takes weights from second parent and profiles from second crossover
      children[[length(children)+1]] <- list(majorityThreshold = parent2$majorityThreshold, criteriaWeights = parent2$criteriaWeights, majorityRule = parent2$majorityRule, profilesPerformances = profiles2, vetoPerformances = vetoes2, dictatorPerformances = dictators2)
    # mutate children
    numChildren <- length(children)
    for(i in 1:numChildren)
      if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
        # mutate majority rule
        choicesMatrix <- list(c("V","D"),c("M","v","dV"),c("M","d","Dv"),c("V","Dv","dv"),c("D","dV","dv"),c("V","d","dv"),c("D","v","dv"),c("d","v","Dv","dV"))
        names(choicesMatrix) <- c("M","V","D","v","d","dV","Dv","dv")
        oldMajorityRule <- children[[i]]$majorityRule
        choices <- choicesMatrix[[oldMajorityRule]][choicesMatrix[[oldMajorityRule]] %in% majorityRules]
        if(length(choices) != 0)
          children[[i]]$majorityRule <- sample(choices, 1)
      if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
        # mutate majority threshold
        children[[i]]$majorityThreshold <- runif(1,0.5,1)
      for(j1 in 1:(numCrit-1))
        for(j2 in (j1+1):numCrit)
          if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
            # mutate two criteria weights
            criteria <- c(colnames(performanceTable)[j1],colnames(performanceTable)[j2])
            minVal <- 0 - children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[1]]
            maxVal <- children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[2]]
            tradeoff <- runif(1,minVal,maxVal)
            children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[1]] <- children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[1]] + tradeoff
            children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[2]] <- children[[i]]$criteriaWeights[criteria[2]] - tradeoff
      for(k in 1:(numCat - 1))
        for(criterion in colnames(performanceTable))
          if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
            # mutate profile evaluation
            maxVal <- maxEvaluations[criterion]
            minVal <- minEvaluations[criterion]
            if(k < (numCat - 1))
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                minVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k+1,criterion]
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k+1,criterion]
            if(k > 1)
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k-1,criterion]
                minVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k-1,criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
              if(children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k,criterion] %>=% minVal)
                minVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k,criterion] + 0.0000000001
              if(children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k,criterion] %<=% maxVal)
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k,criterion] - 0.0000000001
              if(children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k,criterion] %<=% maxVal)
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k,criterion] - 0.0000000001
              if(children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k,criterion] %>=% minVal)
                minVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k,criterion] + 0.0000000001
            children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] <- runif(1,minVal,maxVal)
      for(k in 1:(numCat - 1))
        for(criterion in colnames(performanceTable))
          if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
            # mutate one veto evaluation
            maxVal <- maxEvaluations[criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'min')
              maxVal <- maxEvaluations[criterion] + 1
            minVal <- minEvaluations[criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
              minVal <- minEvaluations[criterion] - 1
            if(k < (numCat - 1))
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                minVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k+1,criterion]
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k+1,criterion]
            if(k > 1)
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k-1,criterion]
                minVal <- children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k-1,criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
              if(children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] %<=% maxVal)
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] - 0.0000000001
              if(children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] %>=% minVal)
                minVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] + 0.0000000001
            children[[i]]$vetoPerformances[k,criterion] <- runif(1,minVal,maxVal)
      for(k in 1:(numCat - 1))
        for(criterion in colnames(performanceTable))
          if(runif(1,0,1) < mutationProb)
            # mutate one dictator evaluation
            maxVal <- maxEvaluations[criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
              maxVal <- maxEvaluations[criterion] + 1
            minVal <- minEvaluations[criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'min')
              minVal <- minEvaluations[criterion] - 1
            if(k < (numCat - 1))
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                minVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k+1,criterion]
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k+1,criterion]
            if(k > 1)
              if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k-1,criterion]
                minVal <- children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k-1,criterion]
            if(criteriaMinMax[criterion] == 'max')
              if(children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] %>=% minVal)
                minVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] + 0.0000000001
              if(children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] %<=% maxVal)
                maxVal <- children[[i]]$profilesPerformances[k,criterion] - 0.0000000001
            children[[i]]$dictatorPerformances[k,criterion] <- runif(1,minVal,maxVal)
  # -------------------------------------------------------
  startTime <- Sys.time()
  # Initialize population
  population <- InitializePopulation()
  bestIndividual <- list(fitness = 0)
  # Main loop
  ct <- 0
  while(as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, units = 'secs')) < timeLimit)
    # Evaluate population
    evaluations <- unlist(lapply(population, Fitness))
    # Store best individual if better than the overall best
    maxFitness <- max(evaluations)
    if(maxFitness >= bestIndividual$fitness)
      bestIndividual <- population[[match(maxFitness,evaluations)]]
      bestIndividual$fitness <- maxFitness
    # report
    if(as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, units = 'secs')) / 5 > ct)
      ct <- ct + 1
      # print(sprintf("Best fitness so far: %6.2f%%", bestIndividual$fitness * 100))
    # check if we are done
    if(bestIndividual$fitness == 1)
    # Selection - not the first iteration
    if(length(population) > populationSize)
      evaluations <- evaluations^2
      newPopulation <- list()
      newPopulation[[length(newPopulation)+1]] <- bestIndividual
      i <- 1
      while(length(newPopulation) < populationSize)
        if(runif(1,0,1) <= evaluations[i])
          evaluations[i] <- -1
          newPopulation[[length(newPopulation)+1]] <- population[[i]]
        i <- i + 1
        if(i > length(population))
          i <- 1
      population <- newPopulation
    # Reproduction
    population <- Reproduce(population)
  # print(sprintf("Final model fitness: %6.2f%%", bestIndividual$fitness * 100))
  # add dummy profiles
  bestIndividual$profilesPerformances <- rbind(bestIndividual$profilesPerformances,rep(NA,numCrit))
  bestIndividual$vetoPerformances <- rbind(bestIndividual$vetoPerformances,rep(NA,numCrit))
  bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances <- rbind(bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances,rep(NA,numCrit))
  rownames(bestIndividual$profilesPerformances) <- names(sort(categoriesRanks))
  rownames(bestIndividual$vetoPerformances) <- rownames(bestIndividual$profilesPerformances)
  rownames(bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances) <- rownames(bestIndividual$profilesPerformances)
  if(bestIndividual$majorityRule %in% c("V","v","d","dV","Dv","dv"))
    # determine which vetoes are actually used and remove those that are simply an artefact of the linear program
    used <- LPDMRSortIdentifyUsedVetoProfiles(performanceTable, assignments, sort(categoriesRanks), criteriaMinMax, bestIndividual$majorityThreshold, bestIndividual$criteriaWeights, bestIndividual$profilesPerformances, bestIndividual$vetoPerformances, bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances, bestIndividual$majorityRule, alternativesIDs, criteriaIDs)

    for (k in (numCat-1):1)
      cat <- names(categoriesRanks)[categoriesRanks == k]
      for (j in 1:numCrit)
        if (!used[cat,j])
          bestIndividual$vetoPerformances[cat,j] <- NA
  if(bestIndividual$majorityRule %in% c("D","v","d","dV","Dv","dv"))
    # determine which dictators are actually used and remove those that are simply an artefact of the linear program
    used <- LPDMRSortIdentifyUsedDictatorProfiles(performanceTable, assignments, sort(categoriesRanks), criteriaMinMax, bestIndividual$majorityThreshold, bestIndividual$criteriaWeights, bestIndividual$profilesPerformances, bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances, bestIndividual$vetoPerformances, bestIndividual$majorityRule, alternativesIDs, criteriaIDs)
    for (k in (numCat-1):1)
      cat <- names(categoriesRanks)[categoriesRanks == k]
      for (j in 1:numCrit)
        if (!used[cat,j])
          bestIndividual$dictatorPerformances[cat,j] <- NA

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MCDA documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:10 p.m.