
mdp_check_square_stochastic <- function(X) {

error_msg <- ''

s1 <- dim(X)[1]
s2 <- dim(X)[2]

if (s1 != s2) {
	error_msg <- 'MDP Toolbox ERROR: Matrix must be square'
} else if ( max(abs(rowSums(X) - rep(1,s2))) > 10^(-12) ) {
	error_msg <- 'MDP Toolbox ERROR: Row sums of the matrix must be 1'
} else if (length(which(X < 0)) > 0) {
	error_msg <- 'MDP Toolbox ERROR: Probabilities must be non-negative'



# Note the difference between Matlab and R: rowSums(Z) in R is sum(Z,2) in Matlab

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MDPtoolbox documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:10 p.m.