
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

MEGENA pipeline as of 10/25/2016

This is a routine MEGENA pipeline description encompassing from data correlation analysis to module plotting, and is based on version 1.3.6 cite the paper below when MEGENA is applied as part of your analysis:

Song W.-M., Zhang B. (2015) Multiscale Embedded Gene Co-expression Network Analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 11(11): e1004574. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004574.

For statistical mechanics aspects involved in MEGENA, please check:

Song W.-M., Di Matteo T.and Aste T., Building Complex Networks with Platonic Solids, Physical Reivew E, 2012 Apr;85(4 Pt 2):046115.

calculate correlation

rm(list = ls()) # rm R working space


# input parameters
n.cores <- 2; # number of cores/threads to call for PCP
doPar <-TRUE; # do we want to parallelize?
method = "pearson" # method for correlation. either pearson or spearman. 
FDR.cutoff = 0.05 # FDR threshold to define significant correlations upon shuffling samples. 
module.pval = 0.05 # module significance p-value. Recommended is 0.05. 
hub.pval = 0.05 # connectivity significance p-value based random tetrahedral networks
cor.perm = 10; # number of permutations for calculating FDRs for all correlation pairs. 
hub.perm = 100; # number of permutations for calculating connectivity significance p-value. 

# annotation to be done on the downstream
id.col = 1
symbol.col= 2

data(Sample_Expression) # load toy example data

ijw <- calculate.correlation(datExpr,doPerm = cor.perm,output.corTable = FALSE,output.permFDR = FALSE)

calculate PFN

In this step, Planar Filtered Network (PFN) is calculated by taking significant correlation pairs, ijw. In the case of utilizing a different similarity measure, one can independently format the results into 3-column data frame with column names c("row","col","weight"), and make sure the weight column ranges within 0 to 1. Using this as an input to calculate.PFN() will work just as fine.

#### register multiple cores if needed: note that set.parallel.backend() is deprecated. 
run.par = doPar & (getDoParWorkers() == 1) 
if (run.par)
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n.cores)
  # check how many workers are there
  cat(paste("number of cores to use:",getDoParWorkers(),"\n",sep = ""))

##### calculate PFN
el <- calculate.PFN(ijw[,1:3],doPar = doPar,num.cores = n.cores,keep.track = FALSE)
g <-,directed = FALSE)

perform clustering

MCA clustering is performed to identify multiscale clustering analysis. "MEGENA.output"" is the core output to be used in the down-stream analyses for summarization and plotting.

##### perform MCA clustering.
MEGENA.output <- do.MEGENA(g,
 mod.pval = module.pval,hub.pval = hub.pval,remove.unsig = TRUE,
 min.size = 10,max.size = vcount(g)/2,
 doPar = doPar,num.cores = n.cores,n.perm = hub.perm,
 save.output = FALSE)

###### unregister cores as these are not needed anymore.
if (getDoParWorkers() > 1)
  env <- foreach:::.foreachGlobals
  rm(list=ls(name=env), pos=env)

summarize results

summary.output <- MEGENA.ModuleSummary(MEGENA.output,
    mod.pvalue = module.pval,hub.pvalue = hub.pval,
    min.size = 10,max.size = vcount(g)/2,
    annot.table = annot.table,id.col = id.col,symbol.col = symbol.col,
    output.sig = TRUE)

if (!is.null(annot.table))
  # update annotation to map to gene symbols
  V(g)$name <- paste(annot.table[[symbol.col]][match(V(g)$name,annot.table[[id.col]])],V(g)$name,sep = "|")
  summary.output <- output[c("mapped.modules","module.table")]
  names(summary.output)[1] <- "modules"


Plot some modules

You can generate refined module network plots:

pnet.obj <- plot_module(output.summary = summary.output,PFN = g,subset.module = "c1_3",
    layout = "kamada.kawai",label.hubs.only = TRUE,
    gene.set = NULL,color.code =  "grey",
    output.plot = FALSE,out.dir = "modulePlot",col.names = c("magenta","green","cyan"),label.scaleFactor = 20,
    hubLabel.col = "black",hubLabel.sizeProp = 1,show.topn.hubs = Inf,show.legend = TRUE)


plot module hierarchy

module.table <- summary.output$module.table
colnames(module.table)[1] <- "id" # first column of module table must be labelled as "id".

hierarchy.obj <- plot_module_hierarchy(module.table = module.table,label.scaleFactor = 0.15,
                                    arrow.size = 0.03,node.label.color = "blue")

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MEGENA documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:07 p.m.