
Defines functions MEclustnet

Documented in MEclustnet

#' Fitting the mixture of experts latent position cluster model to network data.
#' @description MEclustnet will fit a mixture of experts latent position cluster model to a binary network.
#' @param Y An n x n binary matrix of links between n nodes, with 0 on the diagonal and 1 indicating a link.
#' @param covars An n x p data frame of node specific covariates. Categorical variables should be factors. First column should be a column of 1s, and should always be passed in.
#' @param link.vars A vector of the column numbers of the data frame \code{covars} to be included in link probability model. If none are to be included, this argument should be 1.
#' @param mix.vars A vector of the column numbers of the data frame \code{covars} to be included in mixing proportions model. If none are to be included, argument should be 1.
#' @param G The number of clusters in the model to be fitted.
#' @param d The dimension of the latent space.
#' @param itermax Maximum number of iterations in the MCMC chain.
#' @param uphill Number of iterations for which uphill only steps in the MCMC chain should be run to find \emph{maximum a posteriori} estimates.
#' @param burnin Number of burnin iterations in the MCMC chain.
#' @param thin The degree of thinning to be applied to the MCMC chain.
#' @param rho.input Scaling factor to achieve desirable acceptance rates in Metropolis-Hastings steps.
#' @param verbose Print progress updates to screen? Recommended as the models are slow to run.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @details This function fits the mixture of experts latent position cluster model to a binary network via a Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler. Covariates can influence either the link probabilities between nodes and/or the cluster memberships of nodes.
#' @return An object of class \code{MEclustnet}, which is a list containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{zstore}{An n x d x store.dim array of sampled latent location matrices, where store.dim is the number of post burnin thinned iterations.}
#' \item{betastore}{A store.dim x p matrix of sampled beta vectors, the logistic regression parameters of the link probabilities model.}
#' \item{Kstore}{A store.dim x n matrix of sampled cluster membership vectors.}
#' \item{mustore}{A G x d x store.dim array of sampled cluster mean latent location matrices.}
#' \item{sigma2store}{A store.dim x G matrix of sampled cluster variances.}
#' \item{lambdastore}{An n x G x store.dim array of sampled mixing proportion matrices.}
#' \item{taustore}{A G x s x store.dim array of sampled tau vectors, the logistic regression parameters of the mixing proportions model, where s is the length of tau.}
#' \item{LLstore}{A vector of length store.dim storing the loglikelihood from each stored iteration.}
#' \item{G}{The number of clusters fitted}
#' \item{d}{The dimension of the latent space}
#' \item{countbeta}{Count of accepted beta values}
#' \item{counttau}{Count of accepted tau values}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{MEclustnet}}
#' @references Isobel Claire Gormley and Thomas Brendan Murphy. (2010) A Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model for Social Network Data. Statistical Methodology, 7 (3), pp.385-405.
#' @importFrom latentnet ergmm
#' @importFrom stats dist glm coef
#' @importFrom nnet multinom
#' @importFrom e1071 permutations
#' @importFrom utils flush.console txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @examples #################################################################
#' # An example from the Gormley and Murphy (2010) paper, using the Lazega lawyers friendship network.
#' #################################################################
#' # Number of iterations etc. are set to low values for illustrative purposes.
#' # Longer run times are likely to be required to achieve sufficient mixing.
#' library(latentnet)
#' data(lawyers.adjacency.friends)
#' data(lawyers.covariates)
#' link.vars = c(1)
#' mix.vars = c(1,4,5)
#' \donttest{fit = MEclustnet(lawyers.adjacency.friends, lawyers.covariates,
#' link.vars, mix.vars, G=2, d=2, itermax = 500, burnin = 50, uphill = 1, thin=10)
#' # Plot the trace plot of the mean of dimension 1 for each cluster.
#' matplot(t(fit$mustore[,1,]), type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Parameter")
#' # Compute posterior summaries
#' summ = summaryMEclustnet(fit, lawyers.adjacency.friends)
#' plot(summ$zmean, col=summ$Kmode, xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2", pch=summ$Kmode,
#'      main = "Posterior mean latent location for each node.")
#' # Plot the resulting latent space, with uncertainties
#' plotMEclustnet(fit, lawyers.adjacency.friends, link.vars, mix.vars)}
#' #################################################################
#' # An example analysing a 2016 Twitter network of US politicians.
#' #################################################################
#' # Number of iterations etc. are set to low values for illustrative purposes.
#' # Longer run times are likely to be required to achieve sufficient mixing.
#' library(latentnet)
#' data(us.twitter.adjacency)
#' data(us.twitter.covariates)
#' link.vars = c(1)
#' mix.vars = c(1,5,7,8)
#' \donttest{fit = MEclustnet(us.twitter.adjacency, us.twitter.covariates,
#' link.vars, mix.vars, G=4, d=2, itermax = 500, burnin = 50, uphill = 1, thin=10)
#' # Plot the trace plot of the mean of dimension 1 for each cluster.
#' matplot(t(fit$mustore[,1,]), type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Parameter")
#' # Compute posterior summaries
#' summ = summaryMEclustnet(fit, us.twitter.adjacency)
#' plot(summ$zmean, col=summ$Kmode, xlab="Dimension 1", ylab="Dimension 2", pch=summ$Kmode,
#'      main = "Posterior mean latent location for each node.")
#' # Plot the resulting latent space, with uncertainties
#' plotMEclustnet(fit, us.twitter.adjacency, link.vars, mix.vars)
#' # Examine which politicians are in which clusters...
#' clusters = list()
#' for(g in 1:fit$G)
#' {
#'   clusters[[g]] = us.twitter.covariates[summ$Kmode==g,c("name", "party")]
#' }
#' clusters
#' }
#' @export
MEclustnet <-
function(Y, covars, link.vars = c(1:ncol(covars)), mix.vars = c(1:ncol(covars)), G=2, d=2, itermax = 10000, uphill = 100, burnin = 1000, thin = 10, rho.input = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...)
  n = nrow(Y)
  y = c(Y)
  res = formatting.covars(covars, link.vars, mix.vars, n)
  x.link = res[[1]]; x.mix = res[[2]]
  L = ncol(x.link)-1     # no of covariates in link probs
  r = ncol(x.mix)-1      # no of covariates in mixing proportions
  p = L+1; s = r+1       # dimension of coefficient vectors
  delete = seq(from=1, to=n*n, by=(n+1))
  y = y[-delete]
  n.tilde = length(y)
  x.link  = x.link[(-delete),]

  # Start with latent locations from LPCM
  if(verbose) cat("Obtaining starting values via the ergmm function in the latentnet package....\n")
  latentnet.fit = suppressWarnings(ergmm(as.network(Y) ~ euclidean(d=d, G=G)))
  z =  zMAP = latentnet.fit$mcmc.pmode$Z
  K = latentnet.fit$mcmc.pmode$Z.K
  mu = latentnet.fit$mcmc.pmode$Z.mean
  sigma2 = latentnet.fit$mcmc.pmode$Z.var

  delta = c(-as.matrix(dist(z)))[-delete]
  # Obtain starting values for beta from fitting a glm with binary response y
  fitglm = glm(y~x.link+delta-1,family="binomial")
  beta = matrix(coef(fitglm)[1:p],1,p)

  tau = matrix(0, G, s)
      tau[2:G,]  = coef(multinom(K~cbind(1,x.mix[,2:s])-1, trace=FALSE))/n
      tau[2:G,] = coef(multinom(as.factor(K)~matrix(1, n, 1)-1, trace=FALSE))
  lambda = calclambda(tau, x.mix)
  perms = permutations(G)
  m = rep(0,G)
  m = calcm(m, G, K)                    # Vector of counts in each cluster

  Id = diag(1, d)                # d dimensional identity matrix
  pis = calcpis(beta, x.link, delta, n.tilde)  # Vector of link probabilities

  #### Set up required prior parameters ####
  epsilon<-matrix(latentnet.fit$prior$beta.mean, 1, p)            # Mean of betas MVN prior
  psi<-matrix(latentnet.fit$prior$beta.var*diag(p), p, p)        # Covariance matrix of betas MVN prior
  psi.inv = solve(psi)
  sigma02<-latentnet.fit$prior$Z.var      # Scale parameter of Inv-Chi squared prior for sigma2_g
  alpha<-latentnet.fit$prior$Z.var.df/2    # dof parameter of Inv-Chi squared prior for sigma2_g
  omega2<-latentnet.fit$prior$Z.mean.var     # Variance of MVN prior for mu_g
  Sigmag<-matrix(latentnet.fit$prior$beta.var*diag(s), s, s)       # Covariance matrix of MVN prior for tau_g
  #Sigmag = matrix(2*diag(s), s, s)    # Covariance matrix of MVN prior for tau_g
  Sigmag.inv = solve(Sigmag)
  #gammag = matrix(latentnet.fit$prior$beta.mean, 1, s)             # Mean vector of MVN prior for tau_g
  gammag = matrix(1, 1, s)

  store.dim = (itermax-(burnin+uphill))/thin
  zstore = array(NA, c(n, d, store.dim))             # Each sheet is a sampled value
  betastore = matrix(NA, store.dim, p)                # Each row is a sampled value
  Kstore = matrix(NA, store.dim, n)                   # Each row is a sampled value
  mustore = array(NA, c(G, d, store.dim))             # Each sheet is a sampled value
  sigma2store = matrix(NA, store.dim, G)              # Each row is a sampled value
  lambdastore = array(NA, c(n, G, store.dim))         # Each sheet is a sampled value
  taustore = array(NA, c(G, s, store.dim))            # Each sheet is a smapled value
  LLstore = rep(NA,store.dim)                         # Each value is a computed log-likelihood for current parameters.
  countbeta = countz = counttau = 0                 # Record acceptance rates

  if((sum(link.vars)==1 && sum(mix.vars)==1) == F){
  #### Run Metropolis/Gibbs algorithm ####
    cat("Fitting the mixture of expert latent position cluster model....\n")
    pbar = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = itermax, style = 3)
  for(iter in 1:itermax)
    if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pbar, iter)

    if (iter<=uphill){rho = 0.01}else{rho = rho.input}

    res = updatez(n, z, x.link, delta, beta, y, mu, K, sigma2, Id, pis, iter, uphill, countz, delete, d, n.tilde)
    z = res[[1]]
    delta = res[[2]]
    pis = res[[3]]
    countz = res[[4]]
    if(iter == uphill)     # At end of uphill steps store zMAP estimates
      zMAP = z
      zMAP = sweep(zMAP,2,apply(zMAP,2,mean), "-")     # Reference configuration centred at the origin
      z = zMAP
    # Once have zMAP estimates, perform rotation.
    if(iter > uphill){ z = invariant(z, zMAP)}

    res = updatebeta(beta, p, x.link, delta, y, epsilon, psi, psi.inv, pis, countbeta, rho, n.tilde)
    beta = res[[1]]
    countbeta = res[[2]]
    pis = calcpis(beta, x.link, delta, n.tilde)

    res = updatetau(G, x.mix, lambda, Sigmag, Sigmag.inv, K, gammag, tau, counttau, rho)
    tau = res[[1]]
    lambda = res[[2]]
    counttau = res[[3]]

    mu = updatemu(G, z, K, m, sigma2, omega2, Id, mu, d)
    # Store centred, rotated mu's as muMAP for label switching reference
    if(iter == uphill){ muMAP = mu }

    sigma2 = updatesigma2(G, alpha, m, d, sigma02, z, K, mu, sigma2)
    K = updateK(G, K, z, mu, sigma2, Id, lambda)
    m = calcm(m, G, K)

    if((iter/thin) == round(iter/thin) & iter > (uphill+burnin))               # If it's a thinned iteration
      res = labelswitch(mu, sigma2,lambda, tau, K, G, d, perms, muMAP, iter, uphill, burnin, thin, s, x.mix)
      mu = res[[1]]
      sigma2 = res[[2]]
      lambda = res[[3]]
      tau = res[[4]]
      K = res[[5]]
      m = calcm(m , G, K)

      store.ind = (iter-burnin-uphill)/thin
      zstore[,,store.ind] = z                   # Store thinned,rotated samples
      betastore[store.ind,] = beta
      Kstore[store.ind,] = K
      mustore[,,store.ind] = mu
      sigma2store[store.ind,] = sigma2
      lambdastore[,,store.ind] = lambda
      taustore[,,store.ind] = tau
      LLstore[store.ind] = calcloglikelihood(pis,y)
    } #if iter/thin
    #plot(z, col=K)
  } # iter

  if(verbose)  close(pbar)
  res = list(zstore = zstore, betastore = betastore, Kstore = Kstore, mustore = mustore, sigma2store = sigma2store,lambdastore = lambdastore, taustore = taustore, LLstore = LLstore, G = G, d = d, countbeta = countbeta, counttau = counttau)
  class(res) = 'MEclustnet'
      cat("You have requested to fit the latent position cluster model with no covariates.\n")
      cat("Thus an ergmm object from the latentnet package has been be returned.")

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MEclustnet documentation built on Oct. 10, 2019, 5:04 p.m.