Defines functions MLML

Documented in MLML

#' MLE (maximum likelihood estimates) of 5-mC and 5-hmC levels.
#' @param U.matrix Converted cytosines (T counts or U channel) from standard BS-conversion (True 5-C).
#' @param T.matrix Unconverted cytosines (C counts or M channel) from standard BS-conversion (reflecting 5-mC+5-hmC).
#' @param G.matrix Converted cytosines (T counts or U channel) from TAB-conversion (reflecting 5-C + 5-mC).
#' @param H.matrix Unconverted cytosines (C counts or M channel) from TAB-conversion(reflecting True 5-hmC).
#' @param L.matrix Converted cytosines (T counts or U channel) from oxBS-conversion (reflecting 5-C + 5-hmC).
#' @param M.matrix Unconverted cytosines (C counts or M channel) from oxBS-conversion (reflecting True 5-mC).
#' @param iterative logical. If iterative=TRUE EM-algorithm is used. For the combination of
#'  two methods, iterative=FALSE returns the exact constrained MLE using the
#'  pool-adjacent-violators algorithm (PAVA). When all three methods are combined,
#'  iterative=FALSE returns the constrained MLE using Lagrange multiplier.
#' @param tol convergence tolerance; considered only if iterative=TRUE
#' @details The function returns MLE estimates (binomial model assumed).
#'  The function assumes that the order of the rows and columns in the input matrices
#'  are consistent. In addition, all the input matrices must have the same dimension.
#'  Usually, rows represent CpG loci and columns are the samples.
#' @return The returned value is a list with the following components.
#' @return \item{mC}{maximum likelihood estimate for the proportion of methylation.}
#' @return \item{hmC}{maximum likelihood estimate for the proportion of hydroxymethylation.}
#' @return \item{C}{maximum likelihood estimate for the proportion of unmethylation.}
#' @return \item{methods}{the conversion methods used to produce the MLE}
#' @examples
#' # load the example datasets from BS, oxBS and TAB methods
#' data(C_BS_sim)
#' data(C_OxBS_sim)
#' data(T_BS_sim)
#' data(T_OxBS_sim)
#' data(C_TAB_sim)
#' data(T_TAB_sim)
#' # obtain MLE via EM-algorithm for BS+oxBS:
#' results_em <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim,iterative=TRUE)
#' # obtain constrained exact MLE for BS+oxBS:
#' results_exact <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim)
#' # obtain MLE via EM-algorithm for BS+TAB:
#' results_em <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim,iterative=TRUE)
#' # obtain constrained exact MLE for BS+TAB:
#' results_exact <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim)
#' # obtain MLE via EM-algorithm for oxBS+TAB:
#' results_em <- MLML(L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim,iterative=TRUE)
#' # obtain constrained exact MLE for oxBS+TAB:
#' results_exact <- MLML(L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim)
#' # obtain MLE via EM-algorithm for BS+oxBS+TAB:
#' results_em <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim,iterative=TRUE)
#' #' # obtain MLE via Lagrange multiplier for BS+oxBS+TAB:
#' results_exact <- MLML(T.matrix = C_BS_sim , U.matrix = T_BS_sim,
#' L.matrix = T_OxBS_sim, M.matrix = C_OxBS_sim,
#' G.matrix = T_TAB_sim, H.matrix = C_TAB_sim)
#' # Example of datasets with zero counts and missing values:
#' C_BS_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' C_OxBS_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' C_TAB_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' T_BS_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' T_OxBS_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' T_TAB_sim[1,1] <- 0
#' C_BS_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' C_OxBS_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' C_TAB_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' T_BS_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' T_OxBS_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' T_TAB_sim[2,2] <- NA
#' @author
#' Samara Kiihl samara@ime.unicamp.br;
#' Maria Jose Garrido;
#' Arce Domingo-Relloso;
#' Jose Bermudez;
#' Maria Tellez-Plaza.
#' @references
#'   Kiihl SF, Martinez-Garrido MJ, Domingo-Relloso A, Bermudez J, Tellez-Plaza M. MLML2R: an
#'   R package for maximum likelihood estimation of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation
#'   proportions. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2019;18(1).
#'   doi:10.1515/sagmb-2018-0031.
#'   Qu J, Zhou M, Song Q, Hong EE, Smith AD. MLML: consistent simultaneous estimates of
#'   DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation. Bioinformatics. 2013;29(20):2645-2646.
#'   doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btt459.
#'   Ayer M, Brunk HD, Ewing GM, Reid WT, Silverman E. An Empirical Distribution Function
#'   for Sampling with Incomplete Information. Ann. Math. Statist. 1955, 26(4), 641-647.
#'   doi:10.1214/aoms/1177728423.
#'   Zongli Xu, Jack A. Taylor, Yuet-Kin Leung, Shuk-Mei Ho, Liang Niu;
#'   oxBS-MLE: an efficient method to estimate 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine
#'   in paired bisulfite and oxidative bisulfite treated DNA,
#'   Bioinformatics, 2016;32(23):3667-3669.

MLML <- function(U.matrix       = NULL,
                  T.matrix       = NULL,
                  G.matrix       = NULL,
                  H.matrix       = NULL,
                  L.matrix       = NULL,
                  M.matrix       = NULL,
                  iterative = FALSE,
  g <- if (is.null(G.matrix)) {
  } else {
  h <- if (is.null(H.matrix)) {
  } else {
  l <- if (is.null(L.matrix)) {
  } else {
  m <- if (is.null(M.matrix)) {
  } else {
  u <- if (is.null(U.matrix)) {
  } else {
  t <- if (is.null(T.matrix)) {
  } else {

  four <-function(x1,x2,x3,x4){
    return(identical(x1,x2) & identical(x1,x3) & identical(x1,x4))

  six <-function(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6){
    return(identical(x1,x2) & identical(x1,x3) & identical(x1,x4) &
             identical(x1,x5) & identical(x1,x6))

  pme <- 0.3
  phe <- 0.5
  diff <- 1

  pm <- matrix()
  ph <- matrix()

  if (!is.null(G.matrix) &
      !is.null(H.matrix) &
      !is.null(L.matrix) & !is.null(M.matrix) &
      !is.null(T.matrix) & !is.null(U.matrix)) {
    ######### 3 methods

    if (!six(rownames(L.matrix),rownames(M.matrix),rownames(T.matrix),
    {stop("Row names are inconsistent")}
    else {
      if (!iterative)
        pm0 <- pm <- m/(m+l)
        ph0 <- ph <- h/(h+g)
        pc0 <- pc <- u/(u+t)
        ss <- pm0+ph0+pc0+1e-08
        pm0 <- pm <- ifelse( (m == 0 | h == 0 | u == 0 | g==0 | l==0 | t==0)  & (m/(m+l) + h/(h+g) + u/(u+t)) >= 1, pm0/ss , pm0)
        ph0 <- ph <- ifelse( (m == 0 | h == 0 | u == 0 | g==0 | l==0 | t==0)  & (m/(m+l) + h/(h+g) + u/(u+t)) >= 1, ph0/ss , ph0)
        pc0 <- pc <- ifelse( (m == 0 | h == 0 | u == 0 | g==0 | l==0 | t==0)  & (m/(m+l) + h/(h+g) + u/(u+t)) >= 1, pc0/ss , pc0)

        Vm <- pm*(1-pm)/(m+l)
        Vh <- ph*(1-ph)/(h+g)
        Vc <- pc*(1-pc)/(u+t)
        lam <- (1-pm0-ph0-pc0)/(Vm+Vh+Vc+1e-08)
        pm <- pm0 + lam*Vm
        ph <- ph0 + lam*Vh
        pc <- pc0 + lam*Vc
        Vm <- pm*(1-pm)/(m+l)
        Vh <- ph*(1-ph)/(h+g)
        Vc <- pc*(1-pc)/(u+t)
        lam <- (1-pm0-ph0-pc0)/(Vm+Vh+Vc+1e-08)
        pme <- pm0 + lam*Vm
        phe <- ph0 + lam*Vh
      } else {

        while (diff > tol) {
          pme_ant <- pme
          phe_ant <- phe
          k <- t * (pme / (pme + phe + 1e-08))
          j <- g * (pme / (1 - phe + 1e-08))
          pme <- (m + j + k) / (m + l + h + g + u + t)
          phe <- ((h - k + t) / (h + g + t + u - j - k)) * (1 - pme)
          diff_pme <- abs(max(pme - pme_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff_phe <- abs(max(phe - phe_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff <- abs(max(diff_pme, diff_phe,na.rm=TRUE))

    methods <-
      c("TAB-conversion +  oxBS-conversion + standard BS-conversion")

  } else if (is.null(G.matrix) || is.null(H.matrix)) {
    ##### oxBS-seq + BS-seq

    if (!four(rownames(L.matrix),rownames(M.matrix),rownames(T.matrix),
              rownames(U.matrix))){stop("Row names are inconsistent")}
    else {

      if (!iterative)
        pme = ifelse(t / (t + u) >= m / (m + l) , m / (m + l) ,
                     (m + t) / (m + l + u + t))
        phe = ifelse(t / (t + u) >= m / (m + l), t / (t + u) - m / (m + l) , 0)
      } else {
        while (diff > tol) {
          pme_ant <- pme
          phe_ant <- phe
          k <- t * (pme / (pme + phe + 1e-08))
          pme <- (m + k) / (m + l + u + t)
          phe <- ((-k + t) / (t + u - k)) * (1 - pme)
          diff_pme <- abs(max(pme - pme_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff_phe <- abs(max(phe - phe_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff <- abs(max(diff_pme, diff_phe,na.rm=TRUE))



    methods <- c("oxBS-conversion + standard BS-conversion")

  } else if (is.null(M.matrix) || is.null(L.matrix)) {
    ##### TAB-seq + BS-seq

    if (!four(rownames(G.matrix),rownames(H.matrix),rownames(T.matrix),
              rownames(U.matrix))){stop("Row names are inconsistent")}
    else {

      if (!iterative)
        pme = ifelse(t / (t + u) >= h / (g + h) , t / (t + u) - h / (g + h) , 0)
        phe = ifelse(t / (t + u) >= h / (g + h) , h / (g + h),
                     (h + t) / (g + h + t + u))
      } else {
        while (diff > tol) {
          pme_ant <- pme
          phe_ant <- phe
          k <- t * (pme / (pme + phe + 1e-08))
          j <- g * (pme / (1 - phe + 1e-08))

          pme <- (j + k) / (g + h + t + u)
          phe <- ((h - k + t) / (g + h + t + u - k - j)) * (1 - pme)
          diff_pme <- abs(max(pme - pme_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff_phe <- abs(max(phe - phe_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff <- abs(max(diff_pme, diff_phe,na.rm=TRUE))
    methods <- c("TAB-conversion + standard BS-conversion")

  } else {
    ##### TAB-seq + Ox-seq

    if (!four(rownames(G.matrix),rownames(H.matrix),rownames(M.matrix),
              rownames(L.matrix))){stop("Row names are inconsistent")}
    else {

      if (!iterative)
        pme = ifelse(m/(m+l)<=g/(h+g),m/(m+l),(g+m)/(g+h+m+l))
        phe = ifelse(m/(m+l)<=g/(h+g),h/(h+g),(h+l)/(g+h+m+l))
      } else {
        while (diff > tol) {
          pme_ant <- pme
          phe_ant <- phe
          j <- g * (pme / (1 - phe + 1e-08))

          pme <- (j + m) / (g + h + m + l)
          phe <- ((h) / (h + g - j)) * (1 - pme)
          diff_pme <- abs(max(pme - pme_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff_phe <- abs(max(phe - phe_ant,na.rm=TRUE))
          diff <- abs(max(diff_pme, diff_phe,na.rm=TRUE))
    methods <- c("TAB-conversion +  oxBS-conversion")


  pm <- pme
  ph <- phe

  pm[is.nan(pm)] <- NA
  ph[is.nan(ph)] <- NA

  pu <- (1 - pm - ph)

  proportions <- list()
  proportions$mC <- pm
  proportions$hmC <- ph
  proportions$C <- pu
  proportions$methods <- methods


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MLML2R documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:41 a.m.