
### Test 6: test of http download and mosaicing of MODIS tiles               ####
#   This test downloads four MCD LAI products (MCD15A2H) from http and mosaics
#   them and crop to the output extent (Minorca island).
#   After reprojection in geographic coordinates, output files are exported
#   as GeoTiff (scaling output values) and vrt time series are created.

message("MODIStsp Test 6: http download on \"combined\" datasets and mosaicing of MODIS tiles") #nolint
  "Tests on MODIStsp", {
    skip_if(!"HDF4" %in% sf::st_drivers("raster")$name)
    MODIStsp(test = 6)
    out_files_dat <- list.files(
      file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/LAI_8Days_500m_v61"),
      pattern = "\\.tif$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
    file_sizes_dat <- file.info(out_files_dat)$size
    # expect_equal(file_sizes_dat, c(1663, 1636))
    means <- unlist(
             FUN = function(x) {
               mean(suppressWarnings(raster::getValues(raster::raster(x))), na.rm = T)
    expect_equal(means, c(145.8004, 145.7715), tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
    r <- raster::raster(out_files_dat[1])
    expect_equal(raster::res(r), c(0.01, 0.01), tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
    # re-run with same parameterization. Since Reprocess = "No", the
    # auto-skipping of already processed dates kicks-in in this case, leading
    # the process to be very quick (Only MODIStso_vrt_create needs to run. )
    message("MODIStsp Test 6: No Reprocessing works as expected")
    t1 <- Sys.time()
    MODIStsp(test = 6)
    tt <- Sys.time() - t1
    expect_true(tt < 5)

    # re-run with same parameterization but nodata_chage to true to see
    # that nodata_change is ok when scale_val is true and multiple nodata
    message("MODIStsp Test 6: multiple nodata and nodata_change")
    MODIStsp(test = "06a")
    means <- unlist(
             FUN = function(x) {
               mean(raster::getValues(suppressWarnings(raster::raster(x))), na.rm = T)
    expect_equal(means, c(1.315164, 1.247541), tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)

Try the MODIStsp package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

MODIStsp documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:11 p.m.