query-methods: Methods for Function query

Description Methods Author(s) See Also


query an object for a given (or several) position(s).


object = "Interpolation", pos = "integer"

Default method.

object = "MareyMap", pos = "numeric"

Query the local recombination rate as calculated by all the Interpolation defined on the map.

object = "MMSlidingWindow", pos = "numeric"

Query the local recombination rate as calculated by MMSlidingWindow.

object = "MMLoess", pos = "numeric"

Query the local recombination rate as calculated by MMLoess.

object = "MMSpline3", pos = "numeric"

Query the local recombination rate as calculated by MMSpline3.


Aurélie Siberchicot aurelie.siberchicot@univ-lyon1.fr and Clément Rezvoy

See Also


MareyMap documentation built on Dec. 4, 2020, 5:08 p.m.